邓小 平时代-第121部分
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'18…40'Meeting with Vice President Mondale; August 27; 1979; Memcon; Summary of
the Vice President's Meeting with People's Republic of China Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping;
8/27/79; vertical file; China; Jimmy Carter Library; Atlanta。
'18…41'SWDXP…2; p。 92…93。
'18…42'他在许多场合都说过同样的话。例如在 1980 年 1 月 16 日一次中央干部工作会议上,见《邓
小平军事文集》,第 3 卷,页 165。
'18…43'Huang Hua; Huang Hua Memoirs (Beijing: Foreign Language Press; 2008); p。
'18…44'沈志华编:《中苏关系史纲(1917…1991)》(北京:新华出版社,2007),页 406…407。
'18…45'Robert S。 Ross; Negotiating Cooperation: The United States and China;
1969…1989 (Stanford; Calif。: Stanford University Press; 1995); p。172。
'18…46'沈志华编:《中苏关系史纲(1917…1991)》,页 408。
'18…47'沈志华编:《中苏关系史纲(1917…1991)》,页 408…411。
'18…48'SWDXP…2; p; 224…226; January 16; 1980。
'18…49'SWDXP…2; p。 270; March 12; 1980。
'18…50'张星星:〈中国军队大裁军与新时期经济建设〉,《当代中国史研究》,2006 年第 1 期,
页 21…28。另参见 Huang; Huang Hua Memoirs; p。 291。
关系苏联必须离开阿富汗并从中苏边境撤军,越南也必须离开柬埔寨。这些条件直到 1980 年代末才成熟。
见 Qichen Qian; Ten Episodes in China's Diplomacy; foreword by Ezra Vogel (New York:
HarperCollins; 2005); pp。 1…31。
关系苏联必须离开阿富汗并从中苏边境撤军,越南也必须离开柬埔寨。这些条件直到 1980 年代末才成熟。
见 Qichen Qian; Ten Episodes in China's Diplomacy; foreword by Ezra Vogel (New York:
HarperCollins; 2005); pp。 13…14。
'18…53'Memcon; Summary of the Vice President's Meeting with People's Republic of
China Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping; 8/27/79; vertical file; China; Jimmy Carter Library。
'18…54'Memcon; Secretary of Defense Harold Brown to the President; 1/8/80; National
Security Archive; Brzezinski Material; Far East; Brown (Harold) Trip file; box 69; Jimmy Carter
'18…55'Memcon; Secretary of Defense Harold Brown to the President; 1/8/80; National
Security Archive; Brzezinski Material; Far East; Brown (Harold) Trip file; box 69; Jimmy Carter
'18…56'Memcon; Meeting between Secretary of Defense and Vice Premier Geng Biao;
5/29/80; National Security Archive; Brzezinski Material; Far East; Geng Biao Visit file; box 70;
Jimmy Carter Library; Memcon; Meeting between Secretary of Defense Dr。 Harold Brown and
Vice Premier of the People's Republic of China; Geng Biao; 5/27/80; National Security Archive;
Brzezinski Material; Far East; Geng Biao Visit file; box 70; Jimmy Carter Library; Memo;
Brzezinski to Carter; Summary of Dr。 Brzezinski's Conversation with Vice Premier Geng Biao
of the People's Republic of China; 5/29/80; National Security Archive; Brzezinski Material; Far
East; Geng Biao Visit file; box 70; Jimmy Carter Library。
'18…57'《邓小平军事文集》,第 3 卷,页 154…155、168…174。
'18…58'Joffe; The Chinese Army after Mao; pp。 58…59。
'18…59'Joffe; The Chinese Army after Mao; pp。 60…61。
'18…60'Information Office; State Council; 2008 nian Zhongguo guofang (Chinese
National Defense in 2008) (Beijing: January 2009); appendix 5;
at gov。cn/jrzg/2009…01/20/content_1210075。htm; accessed April 9; 2011。
'18…61'William H。 Overholt; The Rise of China: How Economic Reform Is Creating a New
Superpower (New York: W。 W。 Norton; 1993); pp。 340…344。
'18…62'Robert J。 Skebo; Gregory K。 S。 Man; and George H。 Stevens; 〃Chinese Military
Capabilities: Problems and Prospects;〃 in U。S。 Congress; Joint Economic Committee; China's
Economic Dilemmas in the 1990s: The Problems of Reforms; Modernization and
Interdependence (Washington; D。C。: Government Printing Office; 1991 and Armonk; N。Y。: M。
E。 Sharpe; 1992); p。 665。
'18…63'Cheng Li and Scott Harold; 〃China's New Military Elite;〃 China Security 3; no。 4
(Autumn 2007): 79。 对政治接班的一般论述见 Michael D。 Swaine; The Military and Political
Succession in China: Leadership; Institutions; Beliefs (Santa Monica; Calif。: Rand; 1992)。 对
野战军人事背景重要性的介绍,一本早期的全面研究是 William W。 Whitson; with Chen…hsia Huang;
The Chinese High Command: A History of Communist Military Politics; 1927…71 (New York:
Praeger; 1973)。
'18…64'Cheng Li and Lynn White; 〃The Army in the Succession to Deng Xiaoping:
Familiar Fealties and Technocratic Trends;〃 Asian Survey 33; no。 8 (August 1993): 772。
'18…65'Morton H。 Halperin; China and the Bomb (New York: Praeger; 1965)。
'18…66'Evan A。 Feigenbaum; China's Techno…Warriors: National Security and Strategic
Competition from the Nuclear Age to the Information Age (Stanford; Calif。: Stanford
University Press; 2003)。
'18…67'但是邓小平在 1975 年必须解决负责导弹和航天工业的七机部的派系斗争,见 Ibid。;另见
程中原、夏杏珍:《历史转折的前奏》,页 87…112。
'18…68'Feigenbaum; China's Techno…Warriors。 对中国在边境地区的行动的论述见 Fravel;
Strong Borders; Secure Nation。
'18…69'M。 Taylor Fravel; Active Defense: Exploring the Evolution of China's Military
Strategy (Princeton; N。J。: Princeton University Press; forthcoming)。
'18…70'Ellis Joffe; 〃People's War under Modern Conditions: A Doctrine for Modern War;〃
The China Quarterly; no。 112 (December 1987): 555…571; Harlan W。 Jencks; 〃People's War
under Modern Conditions: Wishful Thinking; National Suicide or Effective Deterrent?〃 The
China Quarterly; no。 98 (June 1984): 305…319; Paul H。 B。 Godwin; 〃Mao Zedong Revisited:
Deterrence and Defense in the 1980s;〃 in Godwin; ed。; The Chinese Defense Establishment:
Continuity and Change in the 1980s; pp。 21…40。 另参见 U。S。 Department of State; Bureau of
Intelligence and Research; 〃Chinese Military Reforms: Social and Political Implications;〃
Confidential Intelligence Report 1205…AR; December 6; 1985; available in DNSA。
'18…71'Joffe; The Chinese Army after Mao; pp。 85…86; Godwin; 〃Mao Zedong
'18…72'Joffe; 〃People's War under Modern Conditions;〃 pp。 568…569; John Wilson Lewis
and Litai Xue; China's Strategic Seapower: The Politics of Force Modernization in the Nuclear
Age (Stanford; Calif。: Stanford University Press; 1994); Alexander C。 Huang; 〃The PLA Navy
at War; 1949…1999: From Coastal Defense to Distant Operations;〃 in Ryan; Finkelstein; and
McDevitt; Chinese Warfighting; pp。 241…269。
'18…73'《邓小平军事文集》,第 3 卷,1979 年 7 月 29 日,页 161。
'18…74'Joffe; 〃People's War under Modern Conditions;〃 p。 565。
'18…75'发展核潜艇和潜基弹道导弹计划的具体内容见 Lewis and Xue; China's Strategic
'18…76'SWDXP…2; p。 284。
'18…77'Skebo; Man; and Stevens; 〃Chinese Military Capabilities: Problems and
Prospects;〃 pp。 663…675。
'18…78'SWDXP…2; pp。 269…275。
'18…79'SWDXP…2; pp。 269…275。
'18…80'《邓小平军事文集》,第 3 卷,1980 年 10 月 15 日,页 179。
'18…81'SWDXP…2; p。 284。
'18…82'张星星:〈中国军队大裁军与新时期经济建设〉,页 7。
'18…83'Richard Baum; Burying Mao: Chinese Politics in the Age of Deng Xiaoping
(Princeton; N。J。: Princeton University Press; 1994); pp。 121…124。
'18…84'SWDXP…3; p。 104…105; November 1; 1984; 《邓小平年谱(1975…1997)》,1984
年 11 月 1 日,页 1011…1012。
'18…85'SWDXP…2; p。 271; March 12; 1980。
'18…86'SWDXP…2; p。 271; March 12; 1980。 对 1980 年代军队教育的一般介绍见 William R。
Heaton; 〃Pro…fessional Military Education in the People's Republic of China;〃 in Godwin; The
Chinese Defense Establishment; pp。 121…137; Dennis J。 Blasko; Philip T。 Klapakis; and John
F。 Corbett; Jr。; 〃Training Tomorrow's PLA: A Mixed Bag of Tricks;〃 The China Quarterly; no。
146 (June 1996): 488…524。
'18…87'《邓小平军事文集》,第 3 卷,页 130。
'18…88'Lewis and Xue; China's Strategic Seapower; p。 100。
'18…89'Mulvenon; Soldiers of Fortune; pp。 91…104。
'18…90'John Frankenstein and Bates Gill; 〃Current and Future Challenges Facing
Chinese Defence Industries;〃 The China Quarterly;