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小说: 托福阅读1000词 字数: 每页4000字

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2。 The study of the combination of plant species that inhabit a particular area has became a scientific discipline。 对生活在特定地区的植物种类集合的研究已经成为一门科学学科。
3。 The archaeological evidence indicates that Native Americans first inhabited this area。 考古学的证据显示,美洲的土著最初在这个区域居住。
inhabitant[in'h?bit?nt]n。 居民,住户;栖息的动物
例句 The original inhabitants of Australia have grown the interest in the rock art over the last two centuries。 澳大利亚原始居民对岩洞艺术的兴趣已有两个世纪之久了。
inhospitable[?inhɑ:'spit?bl]a。 荒凉的;不好客的;不适居留的
例句 1。 Spartina also can pose serious problems; for example turning mudflats into marshes that are inhospitable to many native fish and birds。 米草属植物也能引起严重的问题,比如使泥滩转变成不适合多数当地鱼类和鸟类居住的湿地。
2。 The hypothesis has gained increasing support in recent years because the remains of large land animals have been found in southeastern Alaska dating between 10;000 and 12;500 years ago and this is the period in which most scientists formerly believed the area to be inhospitable for humans。 这个假设在近年得到越来越多的支持,因为距今10000至12500年的体积较大的陆生动物遗骸在阿拉斯加东南部被发现,而大部分科学家以前曾认为这一时期此地是不适宜人类居住的。
要点 inhospitable在阅读文章里常用来描述环境、气候等不适宜居住。例如:This area is inhospitable for humans and animals。
inspire[in'spai?r]v。 鼓舞,激励;给…以灵感
例句 1。 The success of these geologists inspired others to focus on the rock and fossil records found in different parts of the world。 这些地质学家的成功鼓舞了其他人专注于研究在世界各地找到的岩石和化石记录。
2。 Perhaps the paintings were inspired by the need to increase the supply of animals as food。 或许这些画作的灵感来源是对作为食物的动物的需求增加。
3。 Thomas Edison's design of the Kinetoscope inspired the invention of large screen projection。 托马斯·爱迪生设计的电影放映机启发了大屏幕投影仪的发明。
同义 stimulate(v。 鼓舞,激励)
要点 inspire除了可以表示“创作灵感的激发”以外,如例句所示,在托福阅读考试中,还可以表示“推动…的发展”的含义。
interpret[in't?:rprit]v。 解释,说明;理解
例句 1。 Children may not be able to interpret exaggerated claims made by advertisers; not to say the disclaimers used to offset claims。 儿童也许没法解读广告商们的夸张言论,更不用说那些用于推卸责任的免责声明。
2。 The age of the earliest Aboriginal rock art has been established but how to interpret the rock art images is still debated。 早期原始岩石艺术的时代已经确立,然而对于如何解读岩石艺术还存在争议。
3。 Sociologists regard primary groups as links between individuals and the larger society because they transmit; mediate; and interpret a society's cultural patterns。 社会学家将初级群体看做个人与大社会之间的联系,因为初级群体可以传播、调解并解释社会的文化形式。
interval['int?rvl]n。 间隔时间;间距;幕间(或工间)休息
搭配 at intervals 不时;相隔一定距离
例句 1。 If many species become extinct within a geologically short interval of time; it is called mass extinctions。 如果在较短的地质间隔时期之内有大量物种灭绝,这种现象称作大灭绝。
2。 When the elements were ordered by increasing atomic mass; it was found that successive elements belonged to different chemical groups and that the order of the groups in this sequence was fixed and repeated itself at regular intervals。 当化学元素被按照原子质量递增排列时,我们发现连续的化学元素属于不同的主族,这种顺序在一个组中是固定的,并且会定期重复出现。
3。 What we know is that as we include longer time intervals; the record shows increasing evidence of small changes in climate between different regions。 我们知道当时间间隔越长的时候,记录会显示更多的证据证明发生在不同地区的微小气候变化。
irrigate['irigeit]v。 灌溉;冲洗伤口
例句 1。 It is projected that the remaining water can support only 35 to 40 percent of the irrigated acreage by the year 2030。 按计划,到2030年,这些剩余的水只能支持35%~40%的灌溉亩数。
2。 Unfortunately; the cost of water obtained through these schemes would increase pumping costs and make the cost of irrigated agricultural products uncompetitive on the national and international markets。 不幸的是,通过这些方案获得水资源的成本会使抽水的成本加大,使得灌溉农产品在国内和国际市场上都不具竞争力。
派生 irrigation(n。 灌溉)
laden['leidn]a。 载满货的;充满的;有精神负担的
例句 1。 Heavily laden wagons were widely used in the industrial regions。 在一些工业地区,重型装载火车的使用十分广泛。
2。 The water was always laden with pebbles; gravel; and sand; known as glacial outwash; that was deposited as the flow slowed down。 海水经常充满了鹅卵石、碎石和沙子,随着涨潮退去而沉积下来,这些都称做冰水沉积。
同义 filled(a。 满的)
lane[lein]n。 小路;行车道;航线
例句 It was a close…knit community that was consisted of rectangular; one…storey mud…brick houses; and narrow lanes; which was finally abandoned about 5000 B。C。 这是一个密集型的社区,由矩形的泥砖平房以及狭窄的道路构成,但它最终在公元前5000年的时候被遗弃了。
同义 表示道路的词还有:path 路径;channel 通道;highway 公路;bypass 旁道。
moisture['m?is??r]n。 潮湿,湿气
例句 1。 The fungi absorb moisture and mineral salts from the rocks; and then pass these on in waste products that nourish algae。 菌类从岩石中吸收湿气和矿物盐,并把这些物质通过废物传递,而这些废物可以为海藻提供营养。
2。 The presence or absence of moisture is determined by the special qualities and conditions of the urban surface。 湿度的高低由城市地表的特性和状况决定。
3。 This moisture is supplied by the passage of an airstream over a water surface。 一阵气流经过水面,带来了湿气。
同义 humidity(n。 潮湿)
navigable['n?vig?bl]a。 可通航的;可驾驶的
例句 1。 Before 1815; the only ways to connect to the western farmers who did not live on navigable waterways were dirt roads and mountain trails。 在1815年之前,当西方的农民还没有可通航的水道时,只能通过泥土路和山路与他们联系。
2。 Europe's maritime tradition had developed in the context of easily navigable seas such as the Mediterranean; the Baltic; and the North Sea — not of vast oceans。 欧洲的海事传统是在可以轻松通航的海洋这一背景下发展起来的,比如地中海、波罗的海以及北海,而不是大片的海域。
navigate['n?vigeit]v。 航行,横渡;导航
例句 1。 He wanted to see whether the Sun affects the birds' ability to navigate toward the box with food。 他想知道太阳能否影响鸟类找到装满食物的盒子的能力。
2。 If a homing pigeon navigates with its Sun compass; its bio…clock must be set by cues provided by the daylight and the darkness cycle。 如果信鸽利用自己的太阳罗盘来导航,那么它的生物钟一定是根据白昼黑夜的交替提供的信号而设定的。
3。 There is evidence indicating that birds navigate by a wide variety of environmental cues。 有证据表明,鸟儿是通过各种环境信号来导航的。
派生 navigation(n。 航行)
navigator['n?vigeit?r]n。 领航员;导航仪
例句 An American anthropologist said that the sweet potatoes might just have been brought back by the Polynesian navigators who could have reached the west coast of South America。 一位美国人类学家表示,甘薯有可能是由波利尼西亚的领航员带回来的,他们可能曾经到达过美国南部的西海岸。
network['netw?:rk]n。 网络;网状物;广播网,电视网
搭配 transportation network 交通网络;interconnected network 互联网
例句 Among the tribe; personal relationships and a careful weighing of character have always been crucial in a mercantile economy; where one's word is one's bond and where informal ties of trust cement together an international trade network。 在部落中,人与人之间的关系以及对个性的仔细权衡对于商品经济来说至关重要,在这样的经济体中,每个人所说的话就是契约,而且非正式的信任纽带巩固了这一国际贸易网络。
要点 network通常指抽象概念中的网络,比如:trade network“商业网”,transportation network“交通网络”等。
overcome[?ouv?r'k?m]v。 战胜,克服;压倒
例句 1。 Critics pointed out that it would be impossible to overcome the technical difficulties of making earlier sound films。 评论家指出很难克服早期有声电影制作的技术难题。
2。 An invention had to be made before the limitations of stone could be overcome and alternative architectural forms could be created。 新的发明必须要在石头的限制被克服并创造出替代的建筑形式之前出现。
3。 If the pores are large; the water in them will exist as drops and are too heavy for surface tension; but if the pores are small enough; the water in them w

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