九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > 加勒比海之谜(英文版) >



小说: 加勒比海之谜(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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ow; it's very easy to put about a story。 Very easy。 I've seen a lot of it in my time。〃

〃I bet you have;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel。

〃It only needs a murmur here and there;〃 said Miss Marple。 〃You don't say it of your own knowledge you just say that Mrs。 B。 told you that Colonel C。 told her。 It's always at second hand or third hand or fourth hand and it's very difficult to find out who was the original whisperer。 Oh yes; it can be done。 And the people you say it to go on and repeat it to others as if they know it of their own knowledge。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Miss Marple; 〃I think somebody's been quite clever。〃

〃This girl saw something; or knew something and tried blackmail; I suppose;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel。

〃She mayn't have thought of it as blackmail;〃 said Miss Marple。 〃In these large hotels; there are often things the maids know that some people would rather not have repeated。 And so they hand out a larger tip or a little present of money。 The girl possibly didn't realise at first the importance of what she knew。〃

〃Still; she got a knife in her back all right;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel brutally。

〃Yes。 Evidently someone couldn't afford to let her talk。〃

〃Well? Let's hear what you think about it all。〃

Miss Marple looked at him thoughtfully。

〃Why should you think I know any more than you do; Mr。 Rafiel?〃

〃Probably you don't;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel; 〃but I'm interested to hear your ideas about what you do know。〃

〃But why?〃

〃There's not very much to do out here;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel; 〃except make money。〃

Miss Marple looked slightly surprised。

〃Make money? Out here?〃

〃You can send out half a dozen cables in code every day if you like;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel。 〃That's how I amuse myself。〃

〃Takeover bids?〃 Miss Marple asked doubtfully; in the tone of one who speaks a foreign language。

〃That kind of thing;〃 agreed Mr。 Rafiel。 〃Pitting your wits against other people's wits。 The trouble is it doesn't occupy enough time; so I've got interested in this business。 It's aroused my curiosity。 Palgrave spent a good deal of his time talking to you。 Nobody else would be bothered with him; I expect。 What did he say?〃

〃He told me a good many stories;〃 said Miss Marple。

〃I know he did。 Damn boring; most of them。 And you hadn't only got to hear them once。 If you got anywhere within range you heard them three or four times over。〃

〃I know;〃 said Miss Marple。 〃I'm afraid that does happen when gentlemen get older。〃

Mr。 Rafiel looked at her very sharply。

〃I don't tell stories;〃 he said。 〃Go on。 It started with one of Palgrave's stories; did it?〃

〃He said he knew a murderer;〃 said Miss Marple。 〃There's nothing really special about that;〃 she added in her gentle voice; 〃because I suppose it happens to nearly everybody。〃

〃I don't follow you;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel。

〃I don't mean specifically;〃 said Miss Marple。 〃but surely; Mr。 Rafiel; if you cast over in your mind your recollections of various events in your life; hasn't there nearly always been an occasion when somebody has made some careless reference such as 'Oh yes I knew the SoandSo quite wellhe died very suddenly and they always say his wife did him in; but I daresay that's just gossip'。 You've heard people say something like that; haven't you?〃

'Well; I suppose soyes; something of the kind。 But not well; not seriously。〃

〃Exactly;〃 said Miss Marple; 〃but Major Palgrave was a very serious man。 I think he enjoyed telling this story。 He said he had a snapshot of the murderer。 He was going to show it to me butactuallyhe didn't。〃


〃Because he saw something;〃 said Miss Marple。 〃Saw someone; I suspect。 His face got very red and he shoved back the snapshot into his wallet and began talking on another subject。〃

〃Who did he see?〃

〃I've thought about that a good deal;〃 said Miss Marple。 〃I was sitting outside my bungalow; and he was sitting nearly opposite me andwhatever he saw; he saw over my right shoulder。〃

〃Someone ing along the path then from behind you on the right; the path from the creek and the car park。〃


〃Was anyone ing along the path?〃

〃Mr。 and Mrs。 Dyson and Colonel and Mrs。 Hillingdon。〃

〃Anybody else?〃

〃Not that I can find out。 Of course; your bungalow would also be in his line of vision。。。〃

〃Ah。 Then we includeshall we sayEsther Walters and my chap; Jackson。 Is that right? Either of them; I suppose; might have e out of the bungalow and gone back inside again without your seeing them。〃

〃They might have;〃 said Miss Marple; 〃I didn't turn my head at once。〃

〃The Dysons; the Hillingdons; Esther; Jackson。 One of them's a murderer。 Or of course; myself;〃 he added; obviously as an afterthought。

Miss Marple smiled faintly。

〃And he spoke of the murderer as a man?〃


〃Right。 That cuts out Evelyn Hillingdon; Lucky and Esther Walters。 So your murderer; allowing that all this farfetched nonsense is true; your murderer is Dyson; Hillingdon or my smoothtongued Jackson。〃

〃Or yourself;〃 said Miss Marple。

Mr。 Rafiel ignored this last point。

〃Don't say things to irritate me;〃 he said。 〃I'll tell you the first thing that strikes me; and which you don't seem to have thought of。 If it's one of those three; why the devil didn't old Palgrave recognise him before? Dash it all; they've all been sitting round looking at each other for the last two weeks。 That doesn't seem to make sense。〃

〃I think it could;〃 said Miss Marple。

〃Well; tell me how。〃

〃You see; in Major Palgrave's story he hadn't seen this man himself at any time。 It was a story told to him by a doctor。 The doctor gave him the snapshot as a curiosity。 Major Palgrave may have looked at the snapshot fairly closely at the time but after that he'd just stuck it away in his wallet and kept it as a souvenir。 Occasionally; perhaps; he'd take it out and show it to someone he was telling the story to。 And another thing; Mr。 Rafiel; we don't know how long ago this happened。 He didn't give me any indication of that when he was telling the story。 I mean this may have been a story he's been telling to people for years。 Five years。 Ten years。 Longer still perhaps。 Some of his tiger stories go back about twenty years。〃

〃They would!〃 said Mr。 Rafiel。

〃So I don't suppose for a moment that Major Palgrave would recognise the face in the snapshot if he came across the man casually。 What I think happened; what I'm almost sure must have happened; is that as he told his story he fumbled for the snapshot; took it out; looked down at it studying the face and then looked up to see the same face; or one with a strong resemblance ing towards him from a distance of about ten or twelve feet away。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel consideringly; 〃Yes; that's possible。〃

〃He was taken aback;〃 said Miss Marple; 〃and he shoved it back in his wallet and began to talk loudly about something else。〃

〃He couldn't have been sure;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel; shrewdly。

〃No;〃 said Miss Marple; 〃he couldn't have been sure。 But of course afterwards he would have studied the snapshot very carefully and would have looked at the man and tried to make up his mind whether it was just a likeness or whether it could actually be the same person。〃

Mr。 Rafiel reflected a moment or two; then he shook his head。 〃There's something wrong here。 The motive's inadequate。 Absolutely inadequate。 He was speaking to you loudly; was he?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Miss Marple; 〃quite loudly。 He always did。〃

〃True enough。 Yes; he did shout。 So whoever was approaching would hear what he said?〃

〃I should imagine you could hear it for quite a good radius round。〃

Mr。 Rafiel shook his head again。 He said; 〃It's fantastic; too fantastic。 Anybody would laugh at such a story。 Here's an old booby telling a story about another story somebody told him; and showing a snapshot; and all of it centring round a murder which had taken place years ago! Or at any rate; a year or two。 How on earth can that worry the man in question。 No evidence; just a bit of hearsay; a story at third hand。 He could even admit a likeness; he could say: 'Yes; I do look rather like that fellow; don't I! Ha; ha!' Nobody's going to take old Palgrave's identification seriously。 Don't tell me so; because I won't believe it。 No; the chap; if it was the chap; had nothing t

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