九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > 加勒比海之谜(英文版) >



小说: 加勒比海之谜(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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 the people I have just mentioned。〃

〃Oh!〃 said Miss Prescott。 Her voice held meaning。

〃Yes。 Now I wonder〃 Miss Marple allowed her eyes to travel gently round the beach to where Lucky lay sunning her back。 〃Very beautifully tanned; isn't she;〃 remarked Miss Marple。 〃And her hair。 Most attractive。 Practically the same colour as Molly Kendal's; isn't it?〃

〃The only difference;〃 said Miss Prescott; 〃is that Molly's is natural and Lucky's es out of a bottle!〃

〃Really; Joan;〃 the Canon protested; unexpectedly awake again。 〃Don't you think that is rather an uncharitable thing to say?〃

〃It's not uncharitable;〃 said Miss Prescott; acidly。 〃Merely accurate。〃

〃It looks very nice to me。〃 said the Canon。

〃Of course。 That's why she does it。 But I assure you; my dear Jeremy; it wouldn't deceive any woman for a moment。 Would it?〃 She appealed to Miss Marple。

〃Well; I'm afraid〃 said Miss Marple; 〃of course I haven't the experience that you havebut I'm afraidyes I should say definitely not natural。 The appearance at the roots every fifth or sixth day〃 She looked at Miss Prescott and they both nodded ale assurance。

The Canon appeared to be dropping off again。

〃Major Palgrave told me a really extraordinary story; murmured Miss Marple; 〃about a little deaf sometimes。 He appeared to be saying or hinting〃 she paused。

〃I know what you mean。 There was a great deal of talk at the time〃

〃You mean at the time that〃

〃When the first Mrs。 Dyson died。 Her death was quite unexpected。 In fact; everybody thought she was a malade imaginairea hypochondriac。 So when she had this attack and died so unexpectedly; well of course; people did talk。〃

〃There wasn't any trouble at the time?〃

〃The doctor an and he hadn't had much experience。 He was what I call one of those antibioticsforall men。 You know; the kind that doesn't bother to look at the patient much; or worry what's the matter with him。 They just give them some kind of pill out of a bottle and if they don't get better; then they try a different pill。 Yes; I believe he was puzzled; but it seemed she had had gastric trouble before。 At least her husband said so; and there seemed no reason for believing anything was wrong。〃

〃But you yourself think〃

〃Well; I always try to keep an open mind; but one does wonder; you know。 And what with various things people said〃

〃Joan!〃 The Canon sat up。 He looked belligerent。 〃I don't likeI really don't like to hear this kind of illnatured gossip being repeated。 We've always set our faces against that kind of thing。 See no evil; hear no evil; speak no eviland what is more; think no evil! That should be the motto of every Christian man and woman。〃

The two women sat in silence。 They were rebuked; and in deference to their training they deferred to the criticism of a man。 But inwardly they were frustrated; irritated and quite unrepentant。 Miss Prescott threw a frank glance of irritation towards her brother。 Miss Marple took out her knitting and looked at it。 Fortunately for them; chance was on their side。

〃Mon pкre!〃 said a small shrill voice。 It was one of the French children who had been playing at the water's edge。 She had e up unnoticed; and was standing by Canon Prescott's chair。

〃Mon pкre!〃 she fluted。

〃Eh? Yes; my dear? Oui; qu'estce qu'il ya; ma petite!〃

The child explained。 There had been a dispute about who should have the water wings next and also other matters of seaside etiquette。 Canon Prescott was extremely fond of children; especially small girls。 He was always delighted to be summoned to act as arbiter in their disputes。 He rose willingly now and acpanied the child to the water's edge。 Miss Marple and Miss Prescott breathed deep sighs and turned avidly towards each other。

〃Jeremy; of course rightly; is very against illnatured gossip;〃 said Miss Prescott; 〃but one cannot really ignore what people are saying。 And there was; as I say; a great deal of talk at the time。〃

〃Yes?〃 Miss Marple's tone urged her forward。

〃This young woman; you see。 Miss Greatorex I think her name was thenI can't remember nowwas a kind of cousin and she looked after Mrs。 Dyson。 Gave her all her medicines and things like that。〃 There was a short; meaningful pause。 〃And of course there had; I understand〃Miss Prescott's voice was lowered〃been goingson between Mr。 Dyson and Miss Greatorex。 A lot of people had noticed them。 I mean things like that are quickly observed in a place like this。 Then there was some curious story about some stuff that Edward Hillingdon got for her at a chemist。〃

〃Oh; Edward Hillingdon came into it?〃

〃Oh yes; he was very much attracted。 People noticed it。 And LuckyMiss Greatorexplayed them off against each other。 Gregory Dyson and Edward Hillingdon。 One has to face it; she has always been an attractive woman。〃

〃Though not as young as she was;〃 Miss Marple replied。

〃Exactly。 But she was always very well turned out and made up。 Of course not so flamboyant when she was just the poor relation。 She always seemed very devoted to the invalid。 But; well; you see how it was。〃

〃What was this story about the chemist? How did that get known?〃

〃Well; it wasn't in Jamestown; I think it was when they were in Martinique。 The French; I believe; are more lax than we are in the matter of drugs。 This chemist talked to someone; and the story got around。 You know how these things happen。〃

Miss Marple did。 None better。

〃He said something about Colonel Hillingdon asking for something and not seeming to know what it was he was asking for。 Consulting a piece of paper; you know; on which it was written down。 Anyway; as I say; there was talk。〃

〃But I don't see quite why Colonel Hillingdon〃 Miss Marple frowned in perplexity。

〃I suppose he was just being used as a cat'spaw。 Anyway; Gregory Dyson married again in an almost indecently short time。 Barely a month later; I understand。〃

They looked at each other。

〃But there was no real suspicion?〃 Miss Marple asked。

〃Oh no; it was justwell; talk。 Of course there may have been absolutely nothing in it。〃

〃Major Palgrave thought there was。〃

〃Did he say so to you?〃

〃I wasn't really listening very closely;〃 confessed Miss Marple。 〃I just wondered iferwell; if he'd said the same things to you?〃

〃He did point her out to me one day;〃 said Miss Prescott。

〃Really? He actually pointed her out?〃

〃Yes。 As a matter of fact; I thought at first it was Mrs。 Hillingdon he was pointing out。 He wheezed and chuckled a bit and said 'Look at that woman over there。 In my opinion that's a woman who's done murder and got away with it。' I was very shocked; of course。 I said; 'Surely you're joking; Major Palgrave;' and he said; 'Yes; yes; dear lady; let's call it joking。' The Dysons and the Hillingdons were sitting at a table quite near to us; and I was afraid they'd overhear。 He chuckled and said 'Wouldn't care to go to a drink party and have a certain person mix me a cocktail。 Too much like supper with the Bias。'〃

〃How very interesting;〃 said Miss Marple。

〃Did he mention aa photograph?〃

〃I don't remember。。。 Was it some newspaper cutting?〃

Miss Marple; about to speak; shut her lips。 The sun was momentarily obscured by a shadow。 Evelyn Hillingdon paused beside them。

〃Good morning;〃 she said。

〃I was wondering where you were;〃 said Miss Prescott; looking up brightly。

〃I've been to Jamestown; shopping。〃

〃Oh; I see。〃

Miss Prescott looked round vaguely and Evelyn Hillingdon said: 〃Oh; I didn't take Edward with me。 Men hate shopping。〃

〃Did you find anything of interest?〃

〃It wasn't that sort of shopping。 I just had to go to the chemist。〃 With a smile and a slight nod she went on down the beach。

〃Such nice people; the Hillingdons;〃 said Miss Prescott; 〃though she's not really very easy to know; is she? I mean; she's always very pleasant and all that; but one never seems to get to know her any better。〃

Miss Marple agreed thoughtfully。

〃One never knows what she is thinking;〃 said Miss Prescott。

〃Perhaps that is just as well;〃 said Miss Marple。

〃I beg your pardon?〃

〃Oh nothing really; only that I've always had the feeling that perhaps her thoughts might be rather disconcerting。〃

〃Oh;〃 said Miss Prescott; looking puzzle

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