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;How did you know about the crown without the list拭
;I've seen this and other photos of it。 It's made in two parts察representing the east and west empires。 The double´headed eagle was the crest of the Romanovs。 The orb the eagle surmounts is a symbol of earthly power。;
;It must be worth a fortune。;
;The crown's value can't be measured in dollars or rubles。 This crown and the other treasure came from the sweat and toil of the Russian serfs察who saw the tsar as god´like。 The tsar was the richest man in the world。 He had revenue from the crown lands察a million square miles察including gold and silver mines察and owned incredible riches。 Our sovereigns had an almost barbaric taste for the glitter of gold and gems。 Tsar is Russian for 'Caesar。' Emirs and shahs laid gifts of incredible value at his feet。;
;The family in the photo doesn't look as if it's enjoying all that wealth。;
;They knew the crown was more of a curse than a blessing。 It was reserved for the frail head of the young boy察Alexander察although it's doubtful he would have lived long enough to take his father's place。 He had hemophilia察un´ controllable bleeding察you know拭A real problem among European royalty ´ all those intermarriages。 Anyway察other relatives would have stepped in to claim the throne。;
;Any idea who built this shrine拭
;I thought it might be Razov at first。 I could see him sitting here察imagining that he will someday bee the ruler of Russia。 But the decadent trappings of the apartment in the main plex puzzle me。 Razov is almost ascetic in his convictions。 The monk察on the other hand察is said to be debauched。 It's odd how much he resembles Rasputin in his depraved lifestyle。 My guess is that Boris spent more time here than Razov。 Razov would like to bring back the past。 In his madness察Boris lives it。;
;That's quite a role reversal。;
;Perhaps察but one thing is certain此They both must be stopped察─Petrov said察his eyes boring into Austin's。 ;And you must help me。;
Austin was still skeptical。 ;I'll think about it察Ivan。 Right now I need some fresh air。;
Petrov gripped Austin by the arm。 ;Maybe your own countryman can persuade you。 You remember the words of the great American patriot´philosopher Thomas Paine。 He said he was not defending a few acres of ground察but a cause。;
Austin knew the dossier Petrov had on him would have mentioned the volumes of philosophy that lined his bookshelves。
;What is your cause察Ivan拭
;Perhaps it's the same as yours。;
;Don't take this the wrong way察but I can't see you waving the flag for motherhood察apple pie and the American way。;
;I did my share of waving the hammer and sickle as a Young Pioneer marching in the May Day parades。 There are deeper issues here。 Don't let our past get in the way。 Judge me by the present察so that both our countries will have a future。;
Austin saw a slight softening in Petrov's rock´hard eyes。 Maybe the man was human after all。 ;Guess we're stuck with each other察whether we like it or not。;
;Then you'll work with me拭
;I can't speak for NUMA察but I'll do what I can察─Austin said察extending his hand。 ;C'mon察partner察I've got something else that will interest you。; He led the way down through the labyrinth to the submarine pen。 Petrov recognized the sub immediately。
;It's an India class察─he said。 ;It was designed to carry submersibles for use by special´operations forces。;
;Any idea how it got here拭
;There's a booming market in the world for Soviet armaments。;
;This isn't exactly a box of AK´47s。;
;My country has always done things on a grand scale。 For the right price察you could probably buy a battleship。 As you know察the Soviet Union launched dozens of huge subs during the Cold War。 Many have been mothballed or other´ wise demissioned。 But given the sad state of our armed forces察anything is possible。 This could be an important lead。 I can't imagine anyone making a purchase this big without somebody knowing about it。 I'll run a discreet check。 Tell me about these men from your NR´1 submarine。 What did they have to say拭
;I talked to one of them。 The sub was hijacked by someone posing as a scientist察transported on the back of that submarine and made to work salvaging cargo from an old freighter。 The fact that they're still holding the captain and pilot indicates that they have more work planned for the NR´l。; Austin rapped the stone floor with his heel。 ;Maybe you can look into the ownership of this place。;
;I already have。 The property is still owned by the Russian government。 About two years ago察it was leased to a private corporation。 They said they wanted to establish a fish´processing plant here。;
;From what I've seen察the leaseholder was more interested in what was under the ground than on top of it。 Any leads on the corporation拭
;Yes。 We got a break there。 It was a straw for Ataman。;
Austin nodded。 ;Why does that not surprise me拭I should get back above。 Joe will wonder what happened to us。;
They followed the network of corridors and stairs that took them back to the surface。 It was a relief to break out into the sunshine and fresh air。 To Austin's surprise察the soccer field was clear of carnage。
Petrov sensed the question on Austin's lips。 ;Before we went below察I ordered my men to drag the dead into the woods and bury them。;
;That was considerate of you。;
;There was nothing considerate about it。 I wanted nothing left that could be seen from the air。; They walked across the field toward the downed helicopter。 ;I've taken care of the dead察─he said察glancing toward the helicopter。 ;I will leave it up to you to deal with the living。;
IT WAS A wonder that the chopper had been able to land as softly as it had。 The Cossacks had shot high察and the upper cockpit and engine housing were riddled with bullet holes。 Kaela sat on the ground nearby with her legs crossed察writing in a shorthand notebook。 Austin put on his most winning smile。 Kaela felt his shadow and looked up。
;Small world察─he said察with his best show of tooth enamel。
Kaela skewered Austin with a hard stare。 Undaunted察Austin plunked onto the ground beside her。 ;Nice of you to go to all this trouble just so we'd have the opportunity to reschedule our dinner date。;
;You're the one who didn't show up back there in Istanbul。;
;True。 Which is why I'm glad I have the chance to apologize and see if can make it up to you over cocktails。;
She raised an eyebrow。 ;Apologize for standing me up or for stealing Captain Kemal拭
Kaela was no pushover for the Austin charm offensive。 This was going to be more plicated than he thought。
;Okay。 Let's deal with this in tiny steps。 First察I apologize for missing the dinner date。 I was unexpectedly tied up and couldn't make it。 As for Captain Kemal察you'll have to admit you made a mistake by not holding him with some sort of retainer while you went off to Paris。;
;Please spare me the lecture。 I never thought you would steal him after you warned me to stay away from this place because it was too dangerous and an infringement of Russian territory。;
;You'll have to admit I was right about the danger察─he said察glancing at the wreckage of the helicopter。
Kaela took a deep breath and slowly let it out。 ;I'll grant you the obvious。 But I'll bet nobody gave you or your NUMA friend an invitation to drop by for tea。;
;That's correct察but it doesn't make it right。;
;You sound like my mother察─she said with mock disgust。 ;Your apology for missing dinner is accepted。 Luckily察my producers bankrolled enough money to lease a helicopter察so I wouldn't have hired Captain Kemal anyhow。 You still owe me察though。;
Austin noticed the twinkle in the amber eyes and realized she had been setting him up察using his guilt as leverage。
;You're playing me like a fish察aren't you拭
Kaela threw her head back and laughed。 ;I'm certainly trying to。 You deserve to be jerked around after trying to put me off with that phony shark smile and the 'small world' routine。 Real smooth character Next thing you'd be asking me what my astrological sign was。 Well察it's Capricorn察in case you're interested。;
;I didn't mean