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;That's great察but I don't understand察─Paul said察furrowing his brow。 ;The Russians were holding them prisoner拭
;It's more plicated than that察from what I gather。 The captain and pilot are still missing察along with the sub itself。 Kurt wanted us all to be at the crew's debriefing。;
;Finding these guys is quite a coup for NUMA and the admiral察─Paul observed。
;Unfortunately察we can't claim credit for the rescue。 I'm not sure how it will be announced察since no one has ever told the public of the hijacking。 The top brass has been keeping the sub's hijacking a secret。;
;Hard to keep a secret in Washington察─Paul said。 ;The story is bound to get out。;
;I agree。 We've notified the navy that we found the sub's crew察but we've deliberately been short on details。 We won't be able to get away with that strategy forever。 Which is why this brainstorming session with the crew is so important。 We've got to get to the bottom of this。 Why don't we help ourselves to more coffee while you fill me in on your encounter with Ataman拭
Gamay volunteered to refill their coffee mugs。 ;I'll let Paul do the play´by´play and I'll add the color察─she said。
Gunn listened to their story without interrupting。 From experience察they knew that Gunn would absorb every detail察his analytical skills were legendary。 He had been the first in his class at the U。S。 Naval Academy察had formerly held the rank of mander and before he became second´in´mand to Sandecker察had overseen logistics and oceanographic projects for NUMA。
Gunn peppered them with questions after they finished their tale。 He was particularly interested in Boris察the ;mad monk察─and in Yuri's ment about the absence of the big drilling ships。 Ataman's violent reaction was simple to explain。 Razov had something to hide and didn't like people snooping around。 But Boris and the missing drilling ships didn't fit into any equation he could formulate。 He sat back in his seat察adjusted the horn´rimmed glasses on his hawkish nose and tented his fingers察much as Sherlock Holmes would have looked察absorbed by a puzzle。 All he needed to plete the picture was a pipe and a deerstalker's cap。
The pilot's voice broke Gunn's concentration。 ;We're ing up on the Argo察folks。 If you look off to the right察you'll see the ship。;
The Argo had switched on every light in greeting and looked look like a giant floating Christmas tree against the inky darkness of the sea。 The helicopter hovered over the ship and slowly descended onto the large察blinking X that marked the landing pad。 The touchdown was nearly perfect察marked by a slight thump of the wheels on the deck。 The rotors spun to a stop察and the copilot came back to open the door。 The passengers thanked the crew for a smooth flight and descended the boarding steps察eyes blinking against the brilliant floodlights that turned the night into day。
Austin's broad shoulders and pale hair were easy to spot among the crowd that had gathered to greet the arrivals。 He strode over察shook hands with Gunn and put his arms around the Trouts。
;Hope you had time for your martinis察─Austin said。
Gamay smiled and pecked his cheek。 ;We squeezed in two drinks apiece察thank you。;
;Sorry to drag you out here so soon after your Novorossiysk trip。; He guided them to the mess hall and brought them three tinkling glasses of fresh´squeezed lemonade。 ;Joe's baby´sitting the crew in the conference room。 We're meeting with them in fifteen minutes to hear their story。 The crew is anxious to get home察and I've asked them to give us an hour while the chopper fuels up。;
Gunn puckered his lips in amusement as Austin filled them in on the crew's rescue。 ;I don't mean to demean the dangers you described察Kurt察but it sounds like a Pink Panther movie察with all those people running around。;
;I was thinking more of the Keystone Kops察─Austin said。 ;Someday I'll look back and chuckle over the whole crazy episode。; He brushed his head lightly with his fingers。 ;But if my hair could have gotten any whiter察it would have。;
;I'm intrigued by this Russian you call Ivan察─Gunn said。 ;How do you know him拭
;Our paths crossed when I was working for the CIA。;
;Is he a friend or foe拭
;I'd call him a friend for the moment。 I suspect that he'll do pretty much what he thinks is in the best interests of Russia。 He is devious and shrewd ´ and he didn't survive all those purges in Russian intelligence by being a choirboy。;
;That's quite a resume。 Despite his checkered background察you think we should trust him拭
;For now。 And for one very good reason。;
;What's that拭─Gunn said。 ;He's all we've got。;
TH E SOGGY BUNCH Captain Kemal had rescued from the sea and transferred to the Argo was gone。 In their place was a happy band of submariners who could laugh about their ordeal察which was what they were doing when Austin and the others arrived at the conference room。
After boarding the Argo察the NR´1 crew had been checked out by the ship's medical technician察filled with extraordinary meals from the galley and given the loan of NUMA work coveralls。 Except for scratches and bruises察the men in the conference room showed few visible effects from their ordeal。 Sitting at the metal table that occupied center place were Captain Atwood察Ensign Kreisman and Joe Zavala。 Joe smiled broadly when he saw his NUMA colleagues e through the door。 He rose and went over to shake hands with Gunn and Trout。 Ever the ladies' man察he gave Gamay a kiss on the cheek。
After a quick round of introductions察Austin announced察to claps and whistles察 In a few hours you'll be back in Istanbul察where a jet is waiting to fly you home。 Your relatives have been notified that you're safe。; More applause。 ;You must be anxious to be on your way察but I've got a favor to ask。 We've only heard parts of your remarkable story。 While the chopper is fueling up for the return trip察I'm hoping you can tell us what happened from start to finish。;
Ensign Kreisman stood and said察 It's the least we can do。 I'm sure I speak for the crew when I say thanks to you and Joe for getting us out of that place in one piece。;
;Remind us to bring a Bradley fighting vehicle the next time察─Austin said。 He waited for the laughter to die down。 ;If you don't mind察Ensign察I'll play Perry Mason。 I think it will go faster that way。;
;No problem察sir。;
;Good。 Why don't you start from the beginning拭
Kreisman took a position in front of a wall chart that showed the eastern Aegean。 ;Our mission was to dive on underwater archaeological sites off the Turkish coast。 Here。; He tapped the map。 ;In addition to our regular crew under the mand of Captain Logan察we carried a guest scientist who called himself Dr。 Josef Pulaski察supposedly from MIT。;
Gunn raised his hand。 ;Point of information。 After we learned the sub was hijacked察we went over the roster and found Pulaski's name。 When we checked with MIT察they said they'd never heard of him。;
;Too bad we didn't check before he came on board察─the ensign said察with a shake of his head。 ;In any event察the mission was an unqualified success。 We retrieved some artifacts with our manipulator capacity。 We were preparing to surface察when Pulaski pulled a gun。 Most of the crew was aft of the control room and didn't see it happen。 The captain in´ formed us over the inter。 He ordered us to stay put 。or Pulaski would shoot us。 The sub went up a few hundred feet and hovered。;
;For how long拭─Austin said。
;About twenty´five minutes。 Then a huge shadow appeared in the monitors。 It looked like a whale or shark ing up under the sub察and then there was a horrendous clang。 The sub shook so hard察anyone who wasn't holding on was thrown to the floor。 Next we heard a scraping and clawing察as if big metal beetles were crawling around on the outside of the hull。 Divers。 We could see them on the monitors。 One clown even waved at the camera Next thing we knew察the divers were gone and we were flying through the ocean。;
Where were the captain and pilot and the other scientist during all of this拭─Austin asked。
;In the control room。;
;Did the captain say anything more拭