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few hundred feet before it stopped pletely。
Austin clenched his fists in anger察helpless to prevent the cowardly attack on the innocent tugboat。 He asked Slade to call the tug on his walkie´talkie。 After several attempts察the sailor gave up。 察 It's no use察─he said。 ;Damn察why'd they attack those guys拭
;They know the tug was our only propulsion。;
Although the boats were out of sight at the edge of darkness察Austin could hear their idling motors。 Then he saw the gun flashes察followed by what sounded like a hundred woodpeckers attacking the ship。 Slade tried to lean over the bulwark to check out the noise。 Austin pulled him down on the deck。
;Jeez察those idiots are shooting at us ─Slade yelled。 ;Don't they know this is a national treasure拭
;We'll be fine察─Austin said。 ;Old lronsides stopped cannonballs。 A little automatic gunfire isn't going to sink her。;
;I'm not worried about that。 I don't want my crew hurt。;
Austin had been listening with one ear to the gunfire。 ;They've stopped shooting。 Tell your men to keep their heads down and wait for orders。; Austin realized Slade was in mand。 ;I'm sorry。 Those are suggestions。 This is your mand。;
;Thanks察─Slade said。 ;Your suggestions are well taken。 Don't worry察I won't fall apart。 I was a Marine before they gave me this duty。 I'm only here because I hurt my knee in an accident。;
Austin studied the young man's face and saw no fear察only determination。
;Okay察here's my take on that strafing run。 They wanted to drive off the tug so we'd be dead in the water。 They know they can't sink us。 My guess is that they'll try to board us。;
Slade tucked his chin in。 ;That's unacceptable。 No enemy has ever e aboard the Constitution except for prisoners of war。 You can be certain it's not going to happen on my watch。; He glanced around the spar deck。 ;There's only one problem。 The ship originally carried more than four hundred men。 We're a little shorthanded。;
;We'll have to make do。 Can we get the old girl moving拭
;We were about to hoist sail when we stopped to pick you and your friend up。 The best we can get out of it is a couple of knots。 lronsides is no speedboat。;
;The main thing is that we establish even a little control of the situation。 It will keep them guessing。 Speed's not important。 What about weapons拭Any on board拭
Slade laughed and pointed to the cannon lined up on both sides of the deck。 ;You're talking about a fighting ship。 Take your pick察thirty´two´pounder Carronades on this deck and twenty´four´pounder long guns below。 Plus a couple of Bow Chasers。 More than fifty cannon total。 Unfortunately察we're not allowed to carry gunpowder。;
;I was thinking about something more practical。;
;We've got boarding pikes and axes and cutlasses。 There are belaying pins everywhere。 They make fine blackjacks。;
Austin told the young officer to do what he could。 Slade gathered his men around察introduced Austin and told the crew that the people who shot up the ship might try boarding it。 He ordered every light on the ship doused and told some of the crew to get aloft。 They scrambled up the rigging and onto the yards察where they loosed the topsails。 The inner jib was set and the ship began to move察on her own察at a speed of about one knot。
The sail crew dropped down to the deck and hauled up the main topsail yard。 The 3500´square´foot mainsail filled with the breeze察and the mast began to squeak。 The ship crept along at the speed of a fast snail。 Then the outer jib was set察followed by the fore topsail。 The ship tripled its speed。 The movement would pose no problem for anyone trying to board察but it gave the crew a modicum of control。 In the meantime察weapons were being stacked on the deck。
Slade picked up a cutlass and felt the sharp edge of the blade。 ;Warfare was a personal thing back then察wasn't it拭
;Unless you know how to use that thing察this might be more practical察─Austin said察hefting a boarding pike察basically a long wooden shaft with a sharp metal spearhead on one end。
The crew split up into two parties察one for each side察and nervously kept watch。 A party was dispatched to the fighting platform halfway up the main mast where Marines and sharpshooters used to rain death down on attackers。 Austin paced restlessly back and forth察a belaying pin in his hand。
They didn't have to wait long。 The first sign of the renewed attack was the loud rapping against the ship's side。 The attackers were trying to soften them up with automatic gunfire。 The bullets chipped the black and white paint察but hardly put a dent in the two´foot´ thick oak hull。 The doughty old ship plowed through the water察brushing off the bullets as if they were a swarm of pesky mosquitoes。 Like the Barbary pirates and the British navy察the attackers learned Old lronsides was no pushover。
The attackers saw that their bullets were having no effect and stopped firing察instead switching on their spotlights察revving their motors and closing on their slow´moving target。 Austin heard the boats thump against the hull。 He had figured that the attackers would try to climb up the standing rigging that ran from the masts down the side of the ship like rope ladders察and when he saw a hand grab onto the bottom ledge of a gun port察Austin brought the belaying pin down on the attacker's knuckles。
There was a shriek of pain。 The hand let go察and the attacker fell into the harbor with a loud splash。 A face appeared on the other side of the gun port。 Austin set aside the belaying pin and picked up a boarding pike。 He tucked the spearhead under the man's chin。 Austin was practically invisible on the darkened deck。 The attacker felt the sharp point tickling his Adam's apple and froze察afraid to move。
Austin pushed the pike forward slightly察and the face disappeared。 This time there was a loud thud察as the attacker fell into a boat。 Seeing his gun port clear for the time being察Austin strode down the line of cannon。 The ship's crewmen were using their boarding pikes with similar effect。 Working in pairs察some of them tossed cannonballs over the side。 Judging by the yells and crunching sounds察they were finding their mark。
Slade came running up察still wearing his cocked hat。 ;Not one of those jerks has set foot on deck。; His sweaty face beamed with pride。
;Guess they're getting the point察─Austin said。 A face appeared over the bulwark behind Slade。 Before Austin could warn Slade察the attacker had hooked a leg over the side and was bringing his assault rifle to bear。
Austin threw the boarding pike like a Masai warrior taking on a lion。 The pike struck the attacker in the chest察and he let out a cry of surprise and toppled back察his weapon firing uselessly in the air。
Austin grabbed a cutlass and leaped onto the nearest cannon察intending to cut the rigging to prevent it from being used as a ladder。 As he brought the sword back察he heard someone yell
The shout came from the fighting platform。 The assault had moved around to the other side of the ship。
Two of Razov's men had climbed onto the bulwark and were unslinging their weapons察preparing to spray the defenders concentrated on the deck。
Acting on pure instinct察Austin slashed the line nearest to him察grabbed onto the loose end like Tarzan swinging through the trees and launched himself across the deck察his legs extended in front of him。 The attackers looked up and saw a dark Batman´like apparition flying their way。 They tried to get their guns around察but Austin's feet struck them with the full force of his weight察and they pitched over backward。 Austin reached the end of his arc and swung back察then dropped onto the deck amid loud cheers from the astounded crew。
;Wow ─Slade said。 ;Where did you learn that trick拭
;Watching old Errol Flynn movies in my misspent youth。 Is everybody okay拭
;Couple of cuts and bruises察but Old lronsides's deck has not been violated。;
Austin grinned and clamped the sailor on the shoulder察then looked around。
;What's that拭
;Boat motors察─Slade said。 They ran to the side of the ship and peered over。 They could see three wakes。 A cheer