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小说: grrm.thehedgeknight 字数: 每页4000字

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anyway by his unruly mane of red…gold hair。 〃Ser Arlan served your lord father when he and Lord Caron burned the Vulture King out of the Red Mountains; ser;〃 he said from one knee。 〃I was only a boy then; but I squired for him。 Ser Arlan of Pennytree。〃
 Ser Manfred scowled。 〃No。 I know him not。 Nor you; boy。〃
 Dunk showed him the old man's shield。 〃This was his sigil; the winged chalice。〃
 〃My lord father took eight hundred knights and near four thousand foot into the mountains。 I cannot be expected to remember every one of them; nor what shields they carried。 It may be that you were with us; but 。 。 。〃 Ser Manfred shrugged。
 Dunk was struck speechless for an instant。 The old man took a wound in your father's service; how can you have forgotten him? 〃They will not allow me to challenge unless some knight or lord will vouch for me。
 〃And what is that to me?〃 said Ser Manfred。 〃I have given you enough of my time; ser。〃
 If he went back to the castle without Ser Manfred; he was lost。 Dunk eyed the purple lightning embroided across the black wool of Ser Manfred's surcoat and said; 〃I remember your father telling the camp how your house got its sigil。 One stormy night; as the first of your line bore a message across the Dornish Marches; an arrow killed his horse beneath him and spilled him on the ground。 Two Dornishmen came out of the darkness in ring mail and crested helms。 His sword had broken beneath him when he fell。 When he saw that; he thought he was doomed。 But as the Dornishmen closed to cut him down; lightning cracked from the sky。 It was a bright burning purple; and it split; striking the Dornishmen in their steel and killing them both where they stood。 The message gave the Storm King victory over the Dornish; and in thanks he raised the messenger to lordship。 He was the first Lord Dondarrion; so he took for his arms a forked purple lightning bolt; on a black field powdered with stars。〃
 If Dunk thought the tale would impress Ser Manfred; he could not have been more wrong。 〃Every pot boy and groom who has ever served my father hears that story soon or late。 Knowing it does not make you a knight。 Begone with you; ser。〃
 It was with a leaden heart that Dunk returned to Ashford Castle; wondering what he might say so that Plummer would grant him the right of challenge。 The steward was not in his turret chamber; however。 A guard told him he might be found in the Great Hall。 〃Shall I wait here?〃 Dunk asked。 〃How long will he be?〃
 〃How should I know? Do what you please。〃
 The Great Hall was not so great; as halls went; but Ashford was a small castle。 Dunk entered through a side door; and spied the steward at once。 He was standing with Lord Ashford and a dozen other men at the top of the hall。 He walked toward them; beneath a wall hung with wool tapestries of fruits and flowers。
 〃… more concerned if they were your sons; I'll wager;〃 an angry man was saying as Dunk approached。 His straight hair and square…cut beard were so fair they seemed white in the dimness of the hall; but as he got closer he saw that they were in truth a pale silvery color touched with gold。
 〃Daeron has done this before;〃 another replied。 Plummer was standing so as to block Dunk's view of the speaker。 〃You should never have manded him to enter the lists。 He belongs on a tourney field no more than Aerys does; or Rhaegel。〃
 〃By which you mean he'd sooner ride a whore than a horse;〃 the first man said。 Thickly built and powerful; the prince … he was surely a prince … wore a leather brigandine covered with silver studs beneath a heavy black cloak trimmed with ermine。 Pox scars marked his cheeks; only partly concealed by his silvery beard。 〃I do not need to be reminded of my son's failings; brother。 He has only eighteen years。 He can change。 He will change; gods be damned; or I swear I'll see him dead。〃
 〃Don't be an utter fool。 Daeron is what he is; but he is still your blood and mine。 I have no doubt Ser Roland will turn him up; and Aegon with him。〃
 〃When the tourney is over; perhaps。〃
 〃Aerion is here。 He is a better lance than Daeron in any case; if it is the tourney that concerns you。〃 Dunk could see the speaker now。 He was seated in the high seat; a sheaf of parchments in one hand; Lord Ashford hovering at his shoulder。 Even seated; he looked to be a head taller than the other; to judge from the long straight legs stretched out before him。 His short…cropped hair was dark and peppered with grey; his strong jaw clean…shaven。 His nose looked as though it had been broken more than once。 Though he was dressed very plainly; in green doublet; brown mantle; and scuffed boots; there was a weight to him; a sense of power and certainty。
 It came to Dunk that he had walked in on something that he ought never have heard。 I had best go and e back later; when they are done; he decided。 But it was already too late。 The prince with the silvery beard suddenly took note of him。 〃Who are you; and what do you mean by bursting in on us?〃 he demanded harshly。
 〃He is the knight that our good steward was expecting;〃 the seated man said; smiling at Dunk in a way that suggested he had been aware of him all the time。 〃You and I are the intruders here; brother。 e closer; ser。〃
 Dunk edged forward; uncertain what was expected of him。 He looked at Plummer; but got no help there。 The pinch…faced steward who had been so forceful yesterday now stood silent; studying the stones of the floor。 〃My lords;〃 he said; 〃I asked Ser Manfred Dondarrion to vouch for me so I might enter the lists; but he refuses。 He says he knows me not。 Ser Arlan served him; though; I swear it。 I have his sword and shield; I …〃
 〃A shield and a sword do not make a knight;〃 declared Lord Ashford; a big bald man with a round red face。 〃Plummer has spoken to me of you。 Even if we accept that these arms belonged to this Ser Arlan of Pennytree; it may well be that you found him dead and stole them。 Unless you have some better proof of what you say; some writing or …〃
 〃I remember Ser Arlan of Pennytree;〃 the man in the high seat said quietly。 〃He never won a tourney that I know; but he never shamed himself either。 At King's Landing sixteen years ago; he overthrew Lord Stokeworth and the Bastard of Harrenhal in the melee; and many years before at Lannisport he unhorsed the Grey Lion himself。 The lion was not so grey then; to be sure。〃
 〃He told me about that; many a time;〃 said Dunk。
 The tall man studied him。 〃Then you will remember the Grey Lion's true name; I have no doubt。〃
 For a moment there was nothing in Dunk's head at all。 A thousand times the old man had told that tale; a thousand times; the lion; the lion; his name; his name; his name。。。 He was near despair when suddenly; it came。 〃Ser Damon Lannister!〃 he shouted。 〃The Grey Lion! He's Lord of Casterly Rock now。〃
 〃So he is;〃 said the tall man pleasantly; 〃and he enters the lists on the morrow。〃 He rattled the sheaf of papers in his hand。
 〃How can you possibly remember some insignificant hedge knight who chanced to unhorse Damon Lannister sixteen years ago?〃 said the prince with the silver beard; frowning。
 〃I make it a practice to learn all I can of my foes。〃
 〃Why would you deign to joust with a hedge knight?〃
 〃It was nine years past; at Storm's End。 Lord Baratheon held a hastilude to celebrate the birth of a grandson。 The lots made Ser Arlan my opponent in the first tilt。 We broke four lances before I finally unhorsed him。
 〃Seven;〃 insisted Dunk; 〃and that was against the Prince of Dragonstone!〃 No sooner were the words out than he wanted them back。 Dunk the lunk; thick as a castle wall; he could hear the old man chiding。
 〃So it was。〃 The prince with the broken nose smiled gently。 〃Tales grow in the telling; I know。 Do not think ill of your old master; but it was four lances only; I fear。〃
 Dunk was grateful that the hall was dim; he knew his ears were red。 〃My lord。〃 No; that's wrong too。 〃Your Grace。〃 He fell to his knees and lowered his head。 〃As you say; four; I meant no 。 。 。 I never 。 。 。 The old man; Ser Arlan; he used to say I was thick as a castle wall and slow as an aurochs。〃
 〃And strong as an aurochs; by the look of you;〃 said Baelor Breakspear。 〃No harm was done; ser。 Rise。〃

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