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Naturally; the guard doubled his own grip on the gun; which was exactly what The Shadow wanted。 Dipping; he drove his knee against the sentry's; and as the man caved; The Shadow used the gun for leverage; rolling the surprised soldier right across his shoulders to a headlong landing on the tiled paving of the patio。
There was a thud; but no clatter; for The Shadow was the one who retained the rifle; the sentry losing his own hold under the twist that acpanied the rapid…rolling somersault。
Another guard was ing through the patio; blinking a flashlight toward the shrubs along the walk。 So The Shadow hoisted his stunned prisoner and carried him away; rifle and all; under the fringe of the balcony。
Reaching an isolated marble bench; The Shadow mounted it and shouldered his human burden over the balcony rail。 Poking the rifle through the uprights; The Shadow finished by climbing over the rail itself。
MEANWHILE; the glow from the flashlight had stopped back at the steps。 The Shadow heard orders in Spanish; slurred with the local dialect。 The inspector was evidently an officer e to organize the new guards。 Finding the steps unwatched; he simply supposed that they had been overlooked; so he was summoning another soldier to patrol the weak spot。
Binding and gagging the man who had forcibly gone off duty; The Shadow tried a door leading in from the balcony。 It was locked and bolted on the other side; so he tackled a window; instead。 The window had a heavy grating; clamped on the inside; but The Shadow's fingers; probing through; worked delicate wonders with those clamps。 The grating came loose。
All was silent in the mansion。 Occasional lamps; soft in their glow; revealed deserted rooms furnished in exquisite Spanish style。 There were short hallways; abbreviated flights of steps; that gave the house the semblance of catabs; though the atmosphere itself was pleasant。
Below a curving flight of stairs The Shadow saw a stronger light; that indicated a habitable portion of the ancient domicile。 He glided down the curving stairs and came to a square hall; not more than ten feet on a side。
The light was from the ceiling; and the hallway; with tiled floor and walls; was something of a patio in miniature。 Opposite the stairway was a curtained doorway; through which more light came。 On either side were similar curtains; denoting darkened rooms。
Considering the solitude upstairs; those side rooms would also seem deserted。 The Shadow's logical course was across the hallway; to the door at the other end。 He started there。
It was then that the lulling atmosphere produced a warning。 The place was too quiet; too unguarded; to be safe。 The thought flashed to The Shadow's brain a split…second before the trouble came。 Before he could get his hand to a gun; the curtains at each side of the hallway parted simultaneously。
From each direction sprang an attacker。 Wearing no uniforms; their drab attire gave them the look of spies; or servants; both dark…faced; and so alike that they might have been twins。 But The Shadow had no time for such parisons; except in relation to the weapons that the pair carried。 Each dark attacker was brandishing a machete。
Both deadly blades were slashing for The Shadow。 Had he remained rooted; his doom would have been sure。 At best; he was only able to wheel toward the man on the right; meeting him a moment earlier than the other; but the quick twist was a lifesaver。
The first machete sliced above The Shadow; carving nothing more than a portion of his cloak sleeve。 Before the second man could lengthen his lunge to bury the knife blade in The Shadow's back; the cloaked fighter had gripped the first attacker and was wheeling him about。
With a side step toward the stairs; the second man tried to make a cross…stab at The Shadow; but the spin was too swift。 Using the first attacker as a human bludgeon; The Shadow flung him upon his panion。
As both reeled toward the stairs; The Shadow followed up his brief advantage with whippet speed。 He grabbed the first knife hand that came his way and sprawled its owner to the stairs; where a jutting step met the back of the man's head。 Then; lunging from the steps themselves; The Shadow gained an added impetus that flattened the other who was swinging in to meet him。
They landed heavily; the machete specialist beneath。 As the machete clattered the tiles; The Shadow sprang from atop his half…stunned foe and moved toward the curtains at the far end of the hall。
He needed a vantage point from which to hold off his recuperating enemies; who were jolted; but not out of the fight。 His spring; however; stopped before he reached the curtains。
They had parted; and The Shadow was confronted with a leveled revolver; held in the slender but determined hand of a dark…eyed Spanish girl; whose blazing gaze told him that another step would bring action from her trigger finger。
HALTED; his gloved hands lifting slowly; The Shadow laughed softly but grimly。 That touch of strange mirth was induced by the sounds behind him; for he knew that within a dozen seconds the machete experts would be on their feet again; the knives in their hands。
They'd follow the usual rule; those fellows; of striking first and inquiring afterward。
The girl's eyes told that she felt no mercy toward an unannounced intruder。 Small wonder; therefore; that The Shadow laughed。 Unless his wits could prove quicker than a gun trigger; or the strokes of deadly knives; this would be the last time he would ever phrase his famous mirth。
Often; The Shadow's tone had sounded as a knell to dying men of crime。
This time; seemingly; it was the preface to his own death。
FRIENDS of The Shadow!
Such; by rights; should be the dwellers in this mansion; instead; they were proving the deadliest of foes。 Only a Spanish girl's rigid adherence to custom was prolonging The Shadow's slim opportunity to live。
The senorita preferred that the servants should give death to the cloaked intruder; since it was their appointed task。 Her stern gaze assured The Shadow that no ten…second argument could save him。
Perhaps the girl expected a voluble plea in Spanish; she was certainly steeled to ignore it。 Nevertheless; The Shadow spoke。
His words were in English。 That made no difference。 A plea in any language would be useless。 However; The Shadow did not plead。
〃Good evening; Senorita Peridor;〃 he said。 〃I mistook your servants for Castenago's men。 I bring a message from a certain friend。〃
The Shadow took just ten seconds for that speech; and his emphasis upon the word 〃friend〃 carried just the needed touch。 The widening of the girl's eyes; the slight parting of her lips; told that her gun hand had relaxed。
Already; the servants were beginning a new lunge; there wasn't time for time girl to call to them; even had she chosen。 It was The Shadow who supplied the needed action。
He jabbed his left hand for the girl's gun; caught it; hand and all; finishing with a twist as he lurched her through the curtains。 The revolver clattered away and The Shadow's speeding grip slid to the senorita's wrist; whirling her full about。
The Shadow had her safety in mind; along with his own; for in turning her as a human shield; he carried her beyond the reach of the driving machetes。
The servants tried to flank The Shadow…too late; for he was through the doorway; where they couldn't reach him except by tearing the girl from his grasp。 They never went through with such a plan; for by then; their attack was fully balked。 The Shadow's right hand had pulled a gun from beneath his cloak。
He hadn't actually drawn the automatic; he'd done something even swifter。
The holstered gun was pointed toward the hallway at the time of his grab; and he wheeled his body away from it。
Practically where it was; the 。45 was pointing across the shoulder of the dark…eyed senorita; whose efforts to break from The Shadow's grasp were nudging the weapon from left to right; so that it confronted each of the servants in successive turn!
〃From a certain friend;〃 repeated The Shad