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hey had to die…their deaths are meant to be a diversion; to buy time and to grab headlines and the attention of world leaders while Hermit Limited pulls off its coup without international interference。〃
Pitts eyes narrowed。 〃That doesn't explain away the sadistic cruelty。〃
〃No; it doesn't;〃 Lillie admitted。 〃However; in Kelly's eyes the end justifies the means。 A disappearance at sea was probably fed into the puter's banks but undoubtedly rejected in favor of a sounder plan。〃
〃Like producing the bodies at an opportune time。〃
〃In a sense; yes;〃 Lillie said slowly。 〃World focus on a disappearance at sea would have faded in a week or ten days…the search would have obviously been called off since no one could live long floating in the frigid North Atlantic。〃
〃Of course;〃 Pitt nodded。 〃The vanishing act of the Lax was an ideal example。〃
〃Exactly。 Kelly and his rich friends need all the time they can buy to bee entrenched in whatever country it is they intend to take over。 The longer our State Department is diverted by the loss of high…ranking diplomats; the harder it will be when they get around to PUtting the screws on Hermit Limited's operations。〃
〃This way; Kelly can have the advantage of an extended search。〃 Pitts voice was quiet but positive。 〃And when hope begins to grow dim; he can arrange for an Icelander to stumble accidentally on the crash site and the bodies。 And Kelly can reap the advantage of an extra two weeks while the world mourns and government leaders are concentrating on speeches at the funeral processions。〃
〃Every alternative was neatly considered。 We were all supposedly on a flight to Rondheim's northern estate for a day of salmon fishing。 His group; the Hermit Limited bunch; were going to e on the next flight。 At least; that's the story that will be handed out。〃
〃What's to stop someone from accidentally discovering us at any moment?〃 Tidi asked; gently dabbing a trickle of blood from Pitts swollen mouth。
〃It's fairly obvious;〃 Pitt said; thoughtfully surveying the immediate surroundings。 〃We can't be Seen unless that someone is standing practically on top of us。
Add to that the fact we're probably in the most uninhabited area of Iceland; and the odds of being found begin to stretch to infinity。〃
〃Now you can clearly see the picture;〃 Lillie said。
〃The helicopter had to be placed in the narrow confines of the ravine and then destroyed because it could not have been purposely crashed with any degree of accuracy…a perfect undetectable location。 A search plane directly overhead could have no more than a second to spot the debris; a million…to…one chance at best。 The next step was to scatter our bodies around the area。
Then; after two or three weeks of deposition; the most a petent coroner could determine is that some of us died from injuries sustained from the phony crash and the rest from exposure and shock。〃
〃Am I the only one who can walk?〃 Pitt asked harshly。 His broken ribs ached like a thousand sores; but the hopeful stares; the miserable bit of optimism in the eyes of the men who knew death was only a few hours away; forced him to ignore the pain。
〃A few can walk;〃 Lillie answered。 〃But with broken arms; they'll never make it to the top of the ravine。
〃Then I guess I'm elected。〃
〃You're elected。〃 Lillie smiled faintly。 〃If it's any consolation; you have the satisfaction of knowing Rondheim is up against a tougher man than his puters projected。〃
The encouragement in Lillie's eyes became the extra impetus Pitt needed。 He rose unsteadily to his feet and looked down at the figure lying stiffly on the ground。
〃Where did Rondheim bust you?〃
〃Both shoulders and…I'm guessing…my pelvis。〃
Lillie's tone was as calm as if he were describing the fractured surface of the moon。
〃Kind of makes you wish you were back in St。 Louis running the brewery; doesn't it?〃
〃Not really。 Dear old Dad never had much confidence in his only son。 If I 。 。 。 if I'm not alive and kicking when you e back; tell him…〃
〃Read him the riot act yourself。 Besides; my heart wouldn't be in it。〃 Pitt had to fight to keep his voice from faltering。 'I never liked Lillie beer anyway。〃
He turned away and knelt over Tidi。
〃Where did they hurt you; dearheart?〃
〃My ankles are a little off center。〃 She smiled gamely。 〃Nothing serious。 I'm just lucky; I guess。〃
〃I'm sorry;〃 Pitt said。 〃You wouldn't be lying here if it wasn't for my bungling。〃
She took his hand and squeezed it。 〃It's more exciting than taking dictation and typing the admiral's letters。〃
Pitt bent over and lifted her in his arms and carried her tenderly a few feet and laid her beside Lillie。
〃Here's your big chance; you little gold digger。 A real live millionaire。 And for the next few hours he's a captive audience。 Mr。 Jerome P。 Lillie; may I present Miss Tidi Royal; the darling of the National Underwater Marine Agency。 May you both live happily ever after。〃
Pitt kissed her lightly on the forehead; stumbled awkwardly once more to his feet and walked unsteadily over the water…soaked ground to the old man he knew simply as Sam。 He thought of the distinguished manner; the warm; piercing eyes he had seen in the trophy room as he stared down and saw the legs; twisted outwards like the crooked branches of an oak tree; the blue eyes dulled by pain; and he forced himself to smile a confident; hopeful smile。
〃Hang in there; Sam。〃 Pitt leaned over and gently grasped the old man's shoulder。 〃I'll be back with the prettiest nurse in Iceland before; lunchtime。〃
Sam's lips gave the barest hint of a grin。 〃To a man my age; a cigar would prove much more practical。〃
〃A cigar it is。〃
Pitt leaned over and shook Sam's hand。 The blue eyes suddenly came to life and the old man raised up; griPPing Pitts outstretched hand with an intensity that Pitt didn't think was possible; and the lines of the tired; drawn face lightened into determined hardness。
〃He must be stopped; Major Pitt。〃 The voice was low; almost an insistent whisper。 〃James must not be allowed to go through with this terrible thing。 His purpose glories in goodness; but the people he has surrounded himself with; glory only in greed and power。〃
Pitt only nodded without speaking。
〃I forgive James for what he has done。〃 Sam was talking; almost rambling to himself。 〃Tell him his brother forgives…〃
〃My God!〃 Pitts shock showed in his face。
〃You're brothers?〃
〃Yes; James is my younger brother。 I remained in the background these many years; handling the financial details and problems that plague a giant multinational corporation。 James; a master at wheeling and dealing; enjoyed the center of attraction。 Until now; we were a pretty successful bination。〃 Sam Kelly bowed his head in a barely perceptible sign of farewell。
〃God bring you luck。〃 And then a smile slowly stretched across his face。 〃Don't forget my cigar。〃
〃You can count on it;〃 Pitt murmured。 He turned away; his mind swirling with conflicting images and emotions; then slowly clearing and settling on one permanent irresistible purpose that held his mental processes in a viselike grip。 The driving force; the hatred that had been smoldering within him since Rondheim lashed out with the first crippling blow; now exploded into an intense burning flame that consumed his mind to the expulsion of all else; but then his thoughts were pulled back to reality by the low voice of the Russian diplomat; Tamareztov。
〃The heart of a good munist goes with you; Major Pitt。〃
Pitt barely paused to reply。 〃I'm honored。 It's not often a munist has to rely on a capitalist to save his life。〃
〃It is not an easy pill to swallow。〃
Pitt stopped and looked down at Tamareztov in slow speculation; noting the arms lying limply on the ground; the unnatural angle of the left leg。 Then his face softened。
〃If you promise not to hold any party indoctrination lectures while I'm gone; I'll bring you back a bottle of vodka。〃; Tamareztov stared back at Pitt curiously。 〃A display of Yankee humor; Major? But I think you really mean what you say about the vodka。〃
A grin touched the corners of Pitts lips。 〃Don't misread my intentions。 Since I'm alrea