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小说: amccaffrey.theskiesofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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; and deserved to know。
  On her part; Tai was grateful that he could spread on more salve。 The salty water had stung the cheek cut and the scrapes; although it had been good for the bruises。 The solicitude of the dolphins had been another balm。 When dolphins went to the aid of humans in the sea; they didn't stop to consider the consequences: they acted。 Everyone else had lectured her on how foolish she had been to burst in on the vandals。 She didn't bother to justify her actions。 Of course; she hadn't had any reason to suspect what she'd found: men swinging hammers and crowbars with such fervent expressions of enjoyment on their faces that at first she'd thought they'd gone mad。 She had wrestled a bar from one man's grasp; her interference confusing him enough to loosen his grip。 She poked him hard in the groin and then; once he'd dropped to his knees; she started swinging the bar indiscriminately around her。 She'd been so furious that she really hadn't thought of the danger to herself。 The very idea of someone destroying healer remedies…some of which might be needed before the night was over…had given her a strength; and an agility; she hadn't known she had。 But what would have happened to her if that vandal had managed to plete the swing of his hammer? She flinched; remembering how close it had e。
  〃Didn't mean to be so heavy…handed;〃 F'lessan said in quick apology。 〃I'm nearly finished。〃
  〃Not your touch; F'lessan;〃 she replied。 〃It's the thought that there are still Abominators; causing willful damage for some perverted reason。 You'd think that a healer hall would be the last place to be attacked! For any reason!〃
  He screwed on the cap of the numbweed jar with an angry twist; and then stared out across the sea; turning his head northeast; in the general direction of the islands where the first Abominators had been exiled after the abduction of Master Robinton。
  〃There's no chance; is there;〃 she asked; following his gaze and dreading the answer; 〃that they've been rescued and are responsible for these new attacks?〃
  F'lessan shook his head; rolling up the sleeves of his rumpled Gather shirt。 The sun wasn't up very high yet; but even here by the sea; the air was getting warm with the new day。
  〃I suspect riders will investigate。 Do you know if T'gellan learned anything?〃
  Tai shook her head; her lips twitching in amusement。 〃Green riders are the last to hear。 Besides; Persellan sent me to my weyr。 I went; but I couldn't get fortable。〃
  〃Hmmm。 That's understandable; considering the number of bruises I just tended。 Have you fellis to take?〃 He had returned her numbweed jar and now fumbled in his pouch。
  〃Yes; I do;〃 she replied and rose to her feet。 〃I help Persellan; you know。 I've all I need。〃 She grinned。 〃Except my arms don't bend to reach the awkward spots。 Thanks。 I think I will be able to rest now。〃
  She cocked her head at him in mild reprimand。 〃You're the one who needs to rest; bronze rider。 Thank you for your concern。〃 She extended her hand toward Golanth。 〃Zaranth will take me back。〃
  And I will take you; F'lessan; Golanth said; rising to all four feet; to Honshu。
  For a confused moment; F'lessan looked after Tai's towel…draped body striding across the white sands to her dragon and saw her begin to dress。
  It will make sense when you've had some sleep; Golanth remarked as rider and dragon watched the green make a graceful spring into the air; neatly down…winging to gain altitude and quickly reaching a gliding height on a sea thermal。 Zaranth's a good size for a green。 You're sweating。 It'll  be cooler; and much nicer; in Honshu right now。
  F'lessan rolled down his sleeves; shrugged into his riding gear; and jumped to his dragon's back。
  〃Then let's get there; please; Golly。〃
  They were already airborne when a horrible thought crossed F'lessan's mind。 What if yet another gang of Abominators had broken into Honshu during one of his absences and smashed some of the brittle artifacts?
  You are silly…tired; Golanth said with exasperation。 It takes days to walk there。 Not even a runner trace to guide a stranger。
  〃Runners!〃 F'lessan exclaimed。 〃The Runners should be asked if they've seen any suspicious groups out on their tracks!〃
  Someone else will remember to do that。 We're going to Honshu。 With that; Golanth took them between。
  The Benden and Fort Weyrleaders; along with Lord Jaxom and Lady Sharra of Ruatha Hold; joined Lord Groghe; his sons; MasterHarper Sebell; and Master Healer Crivellan at a late private meeting in the small dining room。 Not as lavishly decorated for Turnover as the Main Hall and located on the inside rank of the Hold's main reception area; the warm; fortably sized room was partly wood…paneled; and hung with a mixture of tastefully arranged portraits and landscapes of varying styles and periods。
  Since the possibility that the Abominators exiled in 2539 had somehow escaped their remote island occurred to others during the afternoon; N'ton had gone with one of Sebell's most discreet men to make certain that those men and women were all present and accounted for。 The island was one of many in the long eastern archipelago; its precise location known only to N'ton; even the most diligent search by other dissidents would have been unlikely to find the inhabited one。
  〃At the time I wasn't all that certain everyone involved in the shameful business of abducting Master Robinton was apprehended;〃 Groghe said brusquely after N'ton delivered his report。
  〃Those involved in the original attacks on Aivas and the Crafthalls were sentenced to labor in the mines;〃 Jaxom said; his expression as bleak as Groghe's。 〃Do we know if they are still in custody?〃
  〃Most are registered as dead;〃 Sebell replied。 〃Of the two remaining; one escaped when that meteorite tore through the minehold。 A search was initiated; of course; but it's believed he must have died。 The terrain there is difficult to traverse…little vegetation; not much of it edible。 He was deaf and not considered very bright。 I don't think we have to worry about that one。〃 He dismissed the problem with a wave of his hand。
  〃Then let's deal with today's atrocities;〃 Lessa said; restlessly trying to find a fortable position; her slender body taut with indignation at the scope of the destruction。 Impatient as ever; she wanted answers before she could go back to Benden with an easy mind。 She and F'lar had gotten some rest at the Healer Hall and had an excellent dinner in Fort's smaller dining room。 However; the ability to sense people's thoughts…and sometimes to cloud their perceptions with the strength of her mind…could be useful in extracting or confirming truths。 Aivas had said she was as much a telepath as any of the dragons。 F'lar called it 〃leaning on people;〃 though she had never been able to cloud his mind。 Still; though it was an enervating process and one she disliked being required to use; she had leaned on people to advantage on a number of occasions。 Tonight would probably be another。 〃How many in total; Sebell?〃
  〃Benden; Landing; Southern; here; Southern Boll…trouble avoided at Crom because the healer was stitching a wound and the patient's relatives beat off the 'drunken louts。' Then caught them when they tried to sneak back in;〃 Sebell said with wry amusement。 〃Bitra's healer chased two off; and Nerat was locked up too tight; though an obvious attempt had been made to break in。 Haven't heard anything from Keroon。 That makes twenty…three apprehended while damaging Healer property; and nine who were detained for damaging three separate Glass Halls。 Master Fandarel says there were prowlers at the SmithCraftHall but no harm done。 Benelek was working late。 In view of the number of attempts; he thinks there may have been one on the puter Hall; too。 They're frequent enough。〃
  〃I hadn't realized there were so many;〃 Groghe said; twisting his glass until the wine came dangerously close to the rim。
  〃Then there's less possibility that these were all random; local disgruntlements;〃 F'lar said。
  〃If there hadn't been so many; and such emphasis on healer halls;〃 Lessa said; frowning slightly; 〃I mi

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