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小说: amccaffrey.theskiesofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃If there hadn't been so many; and such emphasis on healer halls;〃 Lessa said; frowning slightly; 〃I might attempt to understand their reasons for such attacks。 Especially at this time of a Turn when petitions are part of the celebrations; a clearing away of grievances to start a new Turn in good heart。 Nor would they give their hold and hall affiliations。 I know there are still many who survive…quite well…as holdless。 But that doesn't give them the license to attack halls and deny such services to others。 Did I understand correctly; Groghe; that the prisoners became thirsty enough to talk?〃
  〃In a manner of speaking; yes。〃 The success of that tactic briefly cheered Groghe。 〃Not having anything but bottled and abominated water worked well; though not quite as I'd thought。 Zalla; the Scalp…〃 Groghe chuckled at the nickname she had acquired。 〃…was terrified that tunnel snakes would be drawn by the smell of blood and eat her alive。 She got everyone else so worked up they dropped more information than we could have anticipated。 Isolating their leader helped。 No real discipline in the bunch。〃 He harrumphed at such moral weakness before he went on。
  〃The 'B' on the map stands for 'Batim;' the leader's name。 He es from Crom; evidently served as a guard at Crom Hold; but he's been elsewhere; too; strictly for pay。 Three are from Bitra; five from Igen; the others from Keroon; Ista; and Nerat。 All have one thing in mon。〃 He gave an apologetic nod to Master Crivellan。 〃They have what they think are good reasons to mistrust healers。 Viscula; the Itch; blames the Craft for not ridding her of her rash。 Lechi is missing fingers due; he claims; to healer inpetence。 Another blamed healers for not saving his family from fevers。 They do not〃…he held up his hand to forestall an obvious question…〃know from whom Batim received his orders。〃
  〃How; or if; he received any at all is almost as important;〃 Lessa said; her tone cross。 〃He can't have been acting independently。 There were too many other such incidents to consider this a random event。〃
  〃Lady Lessa;〃 Haligon put in; raising his hand。 〃The Runners have been asked to tell us what messages have been delivered to Crom; to whom and sent by whom。 That will take time。〃
  She gave a snort。 〃There're always fire…lizards to bring messages and no record of where they came from or to whom they belong。〃
  〃Even fire…lizards have scruples; my dear;〃 F'lar said dryly。 〃Also; Turnover is a very good time to move freely。〃
  〃Was it just healer and glass halls that were attacked?〃 Jaxom asked。
  〃No; some of Morilton's were;〃 Sebell said; tapping the pile of drum messages in front of him。 〃Those who specialize in making equipment for healer purposes。 Anyone else who had break…ins would have drummed in by now。 Only Landing and Toric's Hold were attacked in the south。〃
  〃Cove Hold?〃 Lessa asked urgently。
  〃Not with D'ram's Tiroth on watch; my dear;〃 F'lar reminded her。 〃Has T'gellan made any progress questioning the ones he caught?〃
  〃Again; all three men had grievances with healers。〃
  〃By destroying medicines and equipment; they achieve nothing but the enmity of the people who must now wait to be treated;〃 Master Crivellan said; his tone distressed。 〃And delay our discovery of the cause and the cure for acute rashes。 Or learn enough to repair crushed fingers。 There is so much we don't know and then we're damned because we can't remedy all conditions。〃 He gave his head a quick shake。 〃I apologize。〃
  〃No need to; Crivellan;〃 Groghe said gruffly reassuring。 〃Anyone with an ounce of mon sense knows how dedicated and loyal healers are。 We cannot change minds and attitudes overnight or spread knowledge planetwide。 It all takes time。〃
  〃And then something as vile as that;〃 the Master added; pointing to the pamphlet in the middle of the table; 〃has no trouble getting spread around。〃 He was still obviously shaken by the perverted use of the medical diagrams。
  〃All the more reason to be sure the truth…〃 Lessa paused to stress the word。 〃…is circulated。 And countered when such perversions;〃 she added; waving at the pamphlet; 〃are discovered。〃
  〃Such damage is easy to do;〃 Sebell remarked; 〃and very hard to undo。〃
  〃Runners listen and are listened to;〃 Haligon put in hesitantly。 〃They are wele everywhere; too。〃 All eyes were on him and he cleared his throat nervously。 〃People believe what they say。〃
  〃Harper Hall often hears of。。。 rumors; inconsistencies; minor problems;〃 Sebell said; 〃but I wouldn't care to involve Runners too much。 They are as vulnerable on their routes as healers。〃
  〃But faster on their feet;〃 Haligon said with a little smile。 〃And able to deal with danger。〃
  〃If they would be willing just to listen a little harder right now;〃 F'lar suggested; raising an eyebrow。
  Haligon nodded。 〃I'll ask。〃
  〃Anything that will prevent a repetition of today's attacks;〃 Lessa said firmly。
  〃Any assistance would be wele;〃 Crivellan added urgently; leaning toward Haligon。 〃Master Oldive is going to be terribly upset by that vileness。 He's had such plans for the extension of healer services。 If such untruths are circulating; healers may be discredited; or endangered。 So often they travel alone and great distances。〃
  〃Any healer who requires the assistance of the Weyr need only let us know;〃 F'lar said; looking to N'ton; who nodded vigorously in agreement。
  〃The problem often is that we can't know how serious an injury or a condition is when we're called to attend;〃 Crivellan said。
  〃How many healers have fire…lizards?〃 Sharra asked; acutely aware of how useful hers were。
  〃Not many here in the north;〃 Crivellan replied regretfully。
  〃I thought healers had priority on Master Bassage's little hand units。〃 Lessa turned to F'lar。
  The Weyrleader's expression was rueful。 〃They do and Master Bassage is working as diligently as possible; but the materials e from various sources and have to be handmade。 Again; it all takes time。〃
  〃Oh; some have been delivered;〃 Master Crivellan hastily admitted; 〃but not enough; and even then;〃 he added with a little shrug; 〃the things don't work in deep valleys。〃
  〃The benefits of Aivas's technology are often ambivalent;〃 F'lar remarked。
  〃They require work;〃 Groghe announced bitingly; 〃determination; and application。 Too few of this generation want to work。〃
  〃We know the problem; it's the solution that eludes us;〃 Sebell said。 He sounded and looked tired。
  〃Shall we deal with the problem of this Batim?〃 Groghe asked; regarding Lessa with a benevolent eye。
  〃For all the good it's likely to do;〃 Jaxom remarked; hooking one arm over his chair back。
  〃He might just let some clue drop;〃 F'lar said blandly。
  Groghe gave a sharp nod to Haligon; who rose and left the room。 〃He's been cleaned up。 He'll undoubtedly start claiming his 'rights。' His sort usually does。〃
  〃And the rest of his crew?〃 Lessa asked; frowning。
  〃And the…ah…Scalp's injury?〃 Sharra asked; not at all solicitous。
  〃Oh; you heard her reject Oldive's offer? Magnanimous of him when you think what she'd just done。 However;〃 Groghe continued with a malicious grin; 〃they've been fed; and washing took care of the dried blood and other dirts。〃
  〃You had them washed?〃 Lessa asked。
  〃They objected strenuously to being hosed down;〃 Groghe said; 〃and Haligon said they plained that the food they were given was too salty。〃
  Lessa grinned at Sharra; who also felt that some deprivation was very much in order; but Master Crivellan was dismayed by the news。
  The door opened to admit Haligon; followed by the prisoner; propelled into the room by two guards。 No longer in bogus Healer green; he was clad in a patched shirt and too…short trousers from which his hairy legs protruded。 His feet were bare and his lank hair was still damp。 His expression was both arrogant and sour; expecting the worst and prepared for it。 When Batim realized who was present; he twitched his shoulders defiantly and strutted right up to the table。 Involuntarily; his eyes darted to the bread; cheese; and fruit on the table and he licked thin; dry lips。
  〃I want my clothes。 I demand my rights;〃 Batim said withou

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