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小说: amccaffrey.theskiesofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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and he licked thin; dry lips。
  〃I want my clothes。 I demand my rights;〃 Batim said without preamble。
  〃Sorry about the clothes; Father;〃 Haligon said; clicking his tongue apologetically。 〃I really couldn't present him in what he was wearing。 Beyond cleansing。〃
  〃I have my rights;〃 Batim repeated。
  〃Which do not;〃…Groghe's fist came down hard on the table; bouncing plates and glasses…〃include destroying the Healer Hall。〃
  〃Abominations! We destroyed abominations! I have rights。〃
  〃Not in my Hold you don't!〃
  〃What is your Hold?〃 Lessa demanded; almost idly。
  〃If any would claim you;〃 Groghe continued contemptuously。 〃We know you came down from Crom。〃
  Batim twitched a lip derisively。
  〃Sometimes it's what's not said that speaks for itself;〃 Sebell remarked across the table to Lessa; who shrugged indifferently。
  Batim glared at the Harper; who took a sip of wine; ostentatiously savoring the taste in his mouth before swallowing。
  〃Holdless then; are you?〃 Groghe remarked。 〃Viscula left a Crom hill hold to follow you; didn't she? Minsom; Gaiter; and Lechi are Bitran。 They're often so gullible; those Bitrans。〃 He gave a pitying shake of his head。 〃Small wonder Zalla has such a great fear of tunnel snakes; ing from Igen Caverns。 Bagalla; Vikling; and Palol…〃 He stopped naming the other prisoners as the sneer on Batim's face deepened。 Leader he might have been; but he had no loyalty to those who followed him。 That also was information…of a sort。 〃Ah; well; not that that matters。 They chose to follow you。〃
  F'lar pushed back his chair; impatiently cutting through the air with one hand。 〃This is such a waste of time; Groghe。 Do let me take him for a short dragon ride。 If between doesn't loosen his tongue; I'll just leave him there and that's the end of the matter。〃
  That startled the prisoner。 Master Crivellan stared in shocked astonishment at the Benden Weyrleader。
  〃Why bother Mnementh; F'lar?〃 Jaxom mented; flicking an indolent hand。 〃When we'll know by morning where those Runner messages originated?〃
  〃Runners don't talk;〃 Batim protested。
  〃They may not;〃 Lessa agreed with a wickedly innocent smile; 〃but they keep records of acceptance and delivery; don't they? In case anyone wishes to trace the progress of。。。 important messages。〃 Clearly Batim hadn't considered that at all: she could see his impudence wane。 〃Traders would remember where they sold enough green cloth to outfit fifteen people。〃 He hadn't considered that either。 〃I hate to keep thinking that so much evil emanates from Bitra;〃 she added artlessly and was not the only one who caught the glitter in the prisoner's eye。 〃Though I rather suspect;〃 she said on the end of sigh; 〃that Nerat's partly responsible this time。〃 He gave an involuntary twitch before she added with a patient smile; 〃and Keroon。〃 No one missed his nervous swallow。 〃They're so hidebound in Keroon!〃 She sat back; smiling with satisfaction。 〃Really; Sebell; you must increase your efforts there to show the hill folk how to improve the quality of their lives。〃
  Sebell held up one hand in a rueful gesture。 〃We would if we could。 Hill folk are the most hidebound of all。〃
  Inadvertently Batim's face mirrored the Harper's opinion。
  〃That narrows it down; doesn't it?〃 the Lord Holder said; rubbing his hands together in satisfaction。 〃Take him away; Haligon。〃
  〃I have rights! Chartered rights! You're all so big about that blinding Charter of yours;〃 Batim cried hoarsely as Haligon called the guard in。 The prisoner made a frantic surge toward the table but was thwarted by the quick…footed Haligon。 Struggling; Batim reached straining fingers toward the glasses。 〃Water。 I've had no water all day。〃
  〃Actually;〃 Lessa said in a cold voice; 〃the Charter does not cite water in the list of rights。〃
  〃But it has to!〃
  Haligon and the guard hauled him out of the room and they heard him demanding water as the door closed。 Lessa gave a shudder of distaste。 Master Crivellan continued to stare fixedly at the Benden Weyrleader。
  〃Crivellan;〃 N'ton said; touching the Healer's arm; 〃F'lar only threatened the man; no more。 You know that dragons won't hurt a human。〃
  〃The threat is usually sufficient;〃 F'lar remarked; resuming his seat; 〃but the culprit has to believe the threat will be carried out。 Batim would have ignored any physical coercion…apart from a one…way trip a…dragonback。 So we put him off balance。〃 He grinned at Lessa。 〃And elicited some interesting reactions。〃
  〃Oh!〃 was the Healer's relieved response。 〃My pardon for doubting your methods。〃
  〃Considering what harm the man did your Craft; you are remarkably forbearing;〃 Lessa said; dropping her pose of indolence。
  〃I am dedicated to saving life; Weyrwoman;〃 Crivellan replied with great dignity; 〃not taking it。〃
  〃And learning all you can from Aivas to improve your skills。 Whereas the Abominators seem to want to stop progress in its tracks;〃 she replied coldly。 〃We found out as much from what he didn't say; though the thought of trying to trace him in Keroon; where the hill folk won't even discuss the weather; is daunting。〃 She caught Sebell's eye and held it。
  〃Shall we enlist Lord Kashman's help?〃 Jaxom asked。 〃I know he's new in his Holding but; if his people are in any way involved; he should be consulted。〃
  Sebell cleared his throat。 〃None claimed Keroon as their hold。〃
  〃Did we expect them to?〃 Lessa asked scornfully。
  〃Did you learn anything else from Batim; Lessa?〃 F'lar asked。
  His weyrmate gave a fastidious shudder。 〃Only what was foremost on his mind…denying where he came from。 He reacted more strongly to 'Keroon' than anywhere else;〃 she said; giving him a trenchant glare。 〃He was very annoyed that they'd been caught and was steeling himself against the abominations that would be practiced on him to make him speak。〃
  〃The very idea!〃 Master Crivellan was appalled。
  〃Someone like Batim would probably enjoy being tortured;〃 Jaxom remarked。
  〃Jaxom!〃 Sharra exclaimed。
  〃He's right; you know;〃 Lessa said。 〃Don't deny that you would have liked to help; considering how distressed Master Oldive was。〃
  〃Then I would have;〃 Sharra replied candidly; 〃not now。 I'm sorry they don't know better。〃
  〃They're a grudging lot;〃 Jaxom reminded her。 〃Look how that woman reacted when Oldive offered to treat her and went to the trouble of explaining that he would be using traditional materials! She didn't want to hear the truth。 Is it possible that we;〃 he asked; indicating all the leaders; 〃have not taken into consideration how hold and hall will receive Aivas's innovations?〃
  Sebell cleared his throat。 〃We do hear things now and then that suggest that some people are dubious about 'progress。' Often because they doubt they'll ever be able to afford it。〃
  〃Or don't fully understand the benefits?〃 Lessa asked; thinking of her own quarters; warmed by an Aivas improvement。 Cold seeped through the stone floor under the table and chilled her feet halfway up her shins。
  〃It'll take more than the few Turns we've had since Aivas died to explain to all who need to know;〃 Sebell said。
  〃For that matter;〃 Groghe remarked; 〃I've a significant number of small holders who won't believe dragonriders diverted the Red Star; because Thread is still falling。〃
  〃Some will never understand;〃 Jaxom said wearily。
  〃We certainly make it as clear and to as many holds as possible;〃 Sebell said; trying not to sound defensive。 The burden of explanation was the Harper Hall's responsibility。 〃But the understanding of some is limited。〃
  〃And those are happy to believe easy lies rather than plicated truths;〃 Jaxom said; shifting in his chair。 〃Most of my Hold has at least had basic lessons but even so; we are constantly having to dispel misconceptions。〃
  Groghe brought both hands down on the arms of his chair。 〃That is not the question tonight。 We have to decide what to do with this lot and; if at all possible;〃 he added; nodding toward Sebell; 〃find out who planned such widespread raids。 There had to be a central person or persons for so many to have acted as simultaneously as they did。〃
  〃And see what can be done to pr

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