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小说: amccaffrey.theskiesofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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  It took her a moment to alter the focus of double…eye; they were a relatively new acquisition; an instrument that Jancis had recently developed。
  〃Oh; they are beautiful! And they are radiating from one spot。〃 She said the last in a fearful tone。
  Jaxom pulled her toward him; moving oddly from one foot to another until she saw his feet were bare。 〃I said it was cold!〃 she exclaimed。 〃If you're not going to look; I will;〃 he said; taking the binoculars she had lowered from her face。 〃Oh; Wansor and Erragon are going to want to know about this。 How many sparks did you see?〃
  〃I wasn't counting;〃 she said tersely。 She undid her scarf and put it down。 〃Stand on this。 I'm not nursing you again。〃
  Without looking down; Jaxom stepped onto the scarf。 〃Eight; nine; ten。〃 He counted off another five rapidly; swinging round as he followed the path of whatever was burning so bright。 〃Possibly just another etary tail。〃
  〃Has Thread ever fallen at night?〃 Sharra asked in a whisper。
  Jaxom shrugged。 〃Too bad there's no way I can reach Tippel at Crom。 He's nearly as dedicated a sky…watcher as Master Idarolan; and he's got binoculars; too。 Maybe he did see it。〃 Jaxom took another long look。 〃Think I'd better have Ruth bespeak D'ram's Tiroth。 Cove Hold should be informed。 It's early morning dawn there。〃
  He was talking to Ruth when the door behind them opened and Brand came out。 The steward saw the long streaks in the sky and stood as transfixed by the sight as everyone else。 〃How beautiful!〃 he said。
  〃Is; isn't it?〃 Mickulin said; looking up as five separate glowing spikes flared out at once。 With a jaunty set to his shoulders; he moved past the three in the doorway and returned to his post。
  〃Yes; it is;〃 Sharra agreed; by now overing her initial concern。 She eased against Jaxom; who tightened his affectionate hold as he offered the binoculars to Brand。
  〃Did you note the time; Brand?〃
  〃In passing; Jaxom;〃 the steward said; his attention on the sky。 〃Whatever it is。。。 〃
  〃Meteors; I suspect; if I remember my astronomy lessons from Aivas;〃 Jaxom said。
  〃They seem to be flying from east to west but…〃 Brand swiveled to follow another shower。 〃…are they likely to strike the ground?〃
  〃Probably burn up in the atmosphere;〃 Jaxom said; almost regretfully。
  Pretty; Ruth said from the courtyard。 I have told Tiroth。 He will tell D'ram; who is running around and very excited。
  〃Could be this is more widespread than it would seem;〃 Jaxom said。 〃Brand; keep an eye on it; will you? I think I'll get dressed。〃
  〃You can't have been undressed;〃 Sharra said somewhat caustically; because she could see his legs encased in the same trousers that he had worn all day。
  〃Not pletely。〃 He flicked his tunic away so she could see his bare chest。 〃I was waiting for you to get back。 Were you able to repair Fossil's hand?〃
  〃Thanks to Aivas; I was。〃
  〃I may go on to Landing; love;〃 Jaxom said; 〃but you'd better get some sleep。〃
  〃And you can do without?〃 she asked reproachfully as he guided her into the main Hall。
  〃You know me。 I'll rest when I find out what this is all about。 If D'ram is running around at Cove Hold; then what we're seeing is more than pretty shooting stars。〃
  H'nor and old brown Ranneth were on night duty on Telgar's Rim when the rider saw the tiny sparkles of light low on the horizon in the southeast。 He blinked and turned away。 Couldn't be the Red Star; he knew too well how that looked。 Besides which; it couldn't be in the east: it had been nor…nor…west when it had been skewed out of its old orbit。 It wouldn't be in a position to drop sharding Thread on Pern ever again。 No way that sharding thing could bounce back east。
  He took up the binoculars…now required watchrider equipment…and focused carefully on the sparkles。 They were like a shower; could they be ing from one place before disappearing? That wasn't what the Turn's End Ghosts looked like: they were pale and strung out across the sky。 Furthermore; the Ghosts were much farther north; nearer the ice regions。 He had an uneasy feeling。
  H'nor rose from his fortable position on the upper arm of his brown Ranneth; eyeglass still focused on the brilliant showers。 There was another long one。 Definitely not Ghosts。 Burned too long。
  What is it? Ranneth demanded; ing out of his doze。 A brown of many Turns; he slept when and where he could; but his rider's alarm was palpable。 He turned his head in the direction H'nor faced and was equally startled; rearing back on his haunches。 It is fire but what could stay alight so high above Pern?
  H'nor gulped。 I don't know。
  Sometimes metal fell from the sky; large enough to cause damage。 Like the big hole at Circle Runner Station。
  Knowing that the Dawn Sisters had been the ships that had brought the Ancients to Pern had not been easy for H'nor to assimilate。 Learning about Aivas had also been unsettling。 He was too old for such plications。 He wanted no flaming things falling down before he and Ranneth could retire to a warm and fortable weyr on the Southern continent。
  As watchrider; he did have a duty to sound an alarm for any unusual occurrence and this ranked in that category。
  Tell Willerth; H'nor told Ranneth。 The old brown rider was glad that the Weyrleadership of Telgar had changed recently; to a younger bronze rider; J'fery。 Old R'mart had bee quite difficult before he'd gone to the Southern Weyr for less onerous duties。 Bedella and her queen; who hadn't risen to mate in three Turns; had gone with him。 Tell Ramoth while you're at it。 Benden's supposed to know。
  I will also tell Tiroth at Cove Hold。
  Yes; yes; tell them; too。 They should know all about such things。
  The watchdragon reared back on his haunches and bugled a warning; as bright sparks appeared almost directly overhead in the sky。
  Since it was nearly dawn in Benden; a good number of weyrfolk already breakfasting in the Lower Cavern were startled by the bugled alert。 It coincided with Ramoth giving Lessa Willerth's message from Telgar; so Lessa was on her feet; grabbing at F'lar's tunic to drag him with her。 Everyone else present scrambled to the Bowl after the Weyrleaders to see what was happening。
  〃Those aren't Ghosts;〃 Lessa cried; ing to a stop so abruptly that F'lar had to sidestep。 She could see what had alarmed the watchdragon: long flaring ribbons in the sky; almost directly above Benden。 One large burst startled everyone; as if some smaller piece had broken off the bigger ball。
  〃No; they aren't!〃 F'lar agreed; gazing up; his hands on his weyrmate's arms; rubbing them to warm her。
  Willerth didn't say they were; Ramoth reminded her rider。
  Then she added; surprised; Ruth says there is something above Ruatha that Jaxom doesn't think are Ghosts either。
  By now every dragon in the Weyr was peering up at the manifestation; their eyes beginning to whirl with agitation; creating the effect of rings of vivid color around Benden's inner walls。 F'nor and F'lessan joined their Weyrleaders; peering up at the phenomenon just as more flares burst from it。
  〃All the shooting arrows〃…Lessa gestured with her hands…〃seem to e from the same source。〃
  〃I'd like to know what source;〃 F'lessan said; scrubbing at his thick hair; an uncharacteristic frown on his face。
  〃You're the one who studied astronomy;〃 F'lar remarked; turning his head slightly toward his son but not taking his eyes off the sprays of brilliant lights。
  〃Not something like that;〃 F'lessan said。 〃Though it could be a meteor ing through the atmosphere。 We do get them。〃
  〃Yes; Circle Runner Station never lets us forget!〃 F'nor murmured wryly。
  〃Do we have to worry about it falling on us?〃 Brekke asked; curling her hand over F'nor's arm。
  〃Shouldn't it be moving?〃 Lessa said; being a little nervous。 〃It seems to be hanging right over us。〃
  〃I'd say that's an illusion;〃 F'lessan replied; trying to sound reassuring。 He caught F'lar's cocked eyebrow and shrugged。 〃It'll probably disappear in a few moments。 Though the Ghosts usually travel from we

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