九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > amccaffrey.theskiesofpern >



小说: amccaffrey.theskiesofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃Is all this serious?〃 Lessa asked; taking the seat and noting a bewildering amount of information scrolling down one side of the monitor。 The fireball that had seemed almost directly overhead was now ing straight at them; even from Yoko's altitude above the surface。
  〃It could be。〃 Wansor said。 〃Erragon is watching with Stinar…and; of course; we now have you here。〃 He smiled。 〃Do go on; Lytol。 Any new information on that error ellipse?〃
  〃Some of this will be very technical; Lessa;〃 Lytol said courteously; reseating himself before he leaned close to Wansor to describe the scene and recite the numbers that were flowing down the side of the monitor。
  Beside her; F'lar gave it his attention; though he; too; she noticed; scowled subtly; the plicated astronomical data was beyond him。 Someone brought in a tray of klah and meatrolls and; eyeing the screen warily; departed as quickly as possible。 There was a degree of fear in the girl's manner that troubled Lessa。 She was accustomed to listening to her instincts。 As she served D'ram a cup of klah; she bent close to his ear。
  〃What would happen if that fireball came down anywhere?〃
  Clearly that possibility had occurred to the old bronze rider。
  〃It could be a miss;〃 he whispered softly。
  〃A near one?〃 Lessa said; hazarding her opinion。
  〃We can hope so;〃 he replied; shifting his position in his chair。 〃Yoko hasn't displayed any information about its size; but it's clearly a large object。〃
  〃Flaming;〃 she said sardonically。 〃So it will make a large hole and shake the surface。〃
  D'ram gave her a startled glance。 〃We don't know that it will impact; Lady Lessa。〃
  〃Let's think of the worst that could happen and then we can be pleasantly surprised。〃
  〃Fortunately there's a lot of sea for it to cross;〃 he murmured。
  〃Then it's best if it falls into water and does no harm。〃
  His eyes widened。 〃It will cause harm! If it falls; there will be tidal waves of tremendous force; flooding all low coastal areas and surging inland。 You remember the high waves caused by the last eruption of Piemur's volcano?〃
  〃Indeed; but the hurricane of two Turns ago caused a great deal more havoc。〃
  D'ram thinned his lips。 〃This would cause more widespread damage; believe me。 That is;〃 he amended hastily; 〃if the worst should happen。〃 He paused; frowning and twisting his lower lip between two fingers。 Looking her full in the eyes; he added。 〃But if we know about it; we could prepare; evacuate。〃
  〃We…meaning dragonriders?〃
  He nodded quickly。 〃People could be lifted to higher ground before the wall of waves reaches them。〃
  Maps hung on the conference room walls behind them。 She skewed herself around and saw the big map that Aivas had called a Mercator projection。 〃Faulty;〃 she remembered him saying; 〃in that the polar areas are larger than their actual size but it gives you a coherent grasp of the disposition of land and sea masses。〃 She wished with all her being that somehow Aivas's deep quiet voice would issue from the speakers; informing them how to deal with this crisis。 But Aivas was gone! Whatever problem this fireball presented was theirs and D'ram had suggested a way in which they could…in an emergency…reduce the potential damage。 Master Idarolan had once told her about seeing a huge wall of water drowning an island; a tsunami; he called it。
  〃If it's coastline we need to protect; we will need Master Idarolan's experience and knowledge;〃 she murmured to D'ram。 〃He still has his charts of deep harbors and shallow moorings。〃
  〃What are you two whispering about; Lessa?〃 F'lar asked as quiet…spoken as they。
  〃If that thing;〃…she gestured to the fireball and it suddenly looked a lot less amusing…〃falls on us; we need to be prepared。〃
  〃But。。。〃 F'lar began。
  〃Besides;〃 she went on; intensifying her glance at him and giving an indolent shrug; 〃even if it misses; this is a phenomenon that would fascinate Idarolan。 He'll see it better from here than from his deck at Nerat's Ankle。〃
  〃You say;〃 and Wansor's light voice turned excited; 〃that the probability reads fifty…eight percent?〃
  〃Go; F'lar。 And give Idarolan enough time;〃 she said; stressing the word; 〃to bring all the records he might need。〃
  〃I'll be…〃 F'lar grinned at her; 〃right back。〃
  Lessa glanced over at the wall clock: 11:35!
  〃Is he going to…〃 D'ram began; stopping in surprise。 〃But you don't encourage…〃
  〃No; I don't; but; as I said; if we prepare for the worst; we can be pleasantly…rather than unpleasantly…surprised。 Something about that…〃 She regarded the fireball。 〃When a dragon's eyes are that color; she's at her most dangerous。〃
  D'ram looked at the screen。 〃Yes; you're right。〃
  Seven elapsed minutes later; when the clock registered 11:42; F'lar and Idarolan swung into the conference room。 Both of them were laden with bags of chart rolls and looked as if they had been running。 Idarolan's eyes swept those gathered; then were held by the monitor as he swung his burden to the tabletop。
  〃I see that I am in time;〃…his roughened seaman's voice caressed the word…〃to be of use。〃
  〃Oh; yes; Idarolan; yes; I'm glad you're here;〃 Wansor said excitedly。 〃I don't think the etary fragment is going to miss us。〃 He sounded as if this were an achievement to be relished。 〃What's the object's magnitude right now?〃
  〃It's sending a brightness of minus eight;〃 Idarolan exclaimed and sat down heavily; ignoring his paraphernalia。 〃I'm glad I did some calculations before I came。〃 He swung about。 〃Where's Erragon?〃
  〃Interface office;〃 Lytol said as repressively as he could; trying to concentrate on giving Wansor at least some of the readings。
  〃It will hit us then; won't it?〃 Lessa murmured。
  〃Yes; I fear so;〃 Wansor said; all his initial enthusiasm and excitement lost in acceptance of that reality。
  They were all silent as the screen depicted the catastrophe that was on its way to them。
  Master Idarolan was the first to recover his wits。 〃I will need the help of your best mathematicians;〃 he said; hunting through the bundles on the table and selecting a tightly wrapped tube of papers。 〃Monaco must be evacuated first。 I don't know how long they will have…two; maybe three hours。〃
  Lessa stood also and clasped the hand holding the papers。 〃Tell the dragonriders there that I want them to make…〃 She paused to impress that on him; his eyes twinkled as he took her meaning。 〃…time to acplish what needs to be done。〃
  Golanth and Zaranth were hovering at tree level above the wide clearing that surrounded the large long building that was Monaco Bay Weyr。 The space was big enough to acmodate many dragons; F'lessan thought。 Then he winced。 So much time was consumed by doing 〃safe〃 landings and take…offs。 They had no time to waste right now。 As Golanth sank to the ground in front of the Weyr center; F'lessan caught one glimpse of the sea; tranquil and pale green; and a bright streak slightly north and east of Monaco Bay。
  As much as I wanted to see that et; I may wish I never had; F'lessan remarked ironically。
  Zaranth's rider said that; too。
  Well; tell Zaranth to remember the position。 We can use it as a handy time…mark today。
  Monarth arrived; too; inches above ground。 Without waiting for the bronze to touch ground; T'gellan was sliding off and racing up the steps to the wide porch; shouting orders; banging on doors as he went down the wide porch that surrounded the Weyrhold。 Path landed even closer to the steps; Mirrim dropping right onto the porch and scrambling to the nearest wide door。
  〃But you just left!〃 a woman exclaimed; ing out of the Weyr's main building。
  〃Well; we're back and there's an emergency; Dilla;〃 Mirrim said; going to the bell and rigorously pulling its rope。 〃C'mon; Tai; we can start evacuating the children。 You can help; too; F'lessan; while Gell gets the maps。〃 She raced inside and F'lessan heard her announcing the crisis to all within。
  Typical Mirrim; he thought; but at least she was over the panic that had seized her in the Interface office。 Immediately there were screams; sobs; shouts; and general confusion。 The 

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