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小说: amccaffrey.theskiesofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃F'lessan is not a vain man;〃 Tai said; after a moment's consideration; 〃but he will hate a limp。〃
  〃You are quite right。 How do your legs feel?〃
  Tai had to think because she felt awfully heavy below her knees。
  〃There should be little feeling;〃 Manora added quickly。 〃I have only just finished dressing them with numbweed。 You'll have scars。〃
  Tai dismissed that with a snort。 〃How badly was Zaranth hurt and when may I see her?〃
  Manora gave her a slow look。 〃As I'm sure Zaranth has told you; she is better: not so stiff today。 She was clawed and bitten; not as extensively as Golanth or in any way crippling to her。 She is slathered with numbweed the moment she so much as twitches。 She has been fed a plump and tender herdbeast; which Gadareth chose and brought for her。 She is able to move and to fly if she should wish to。〃
  Tai closed her eyes; all too keenly aware of how much worse the bronze's injuries must be。 The predators had savaged him。 She could see him struggling; Zaranth trying to defend them both。 Oddly Tai felt no resentment that her dragon's primary concern had been for her weyrmate。 Golanth had; after all; taken the brunt of the attack。
  Manora's expression altered for a brief instant and then she smiled with gentle reassurance。
  〃He; too; is improving; but it will take much longer for him to heal。 His injuries were…dreadful。〃
  〃They all went for him。。。〃 Tai's voice broke。
  〃The predators attacked both dragons。 Zaranth has many claw marks on her; they are just not as deep as those on Golanth。 Do you know…〃 and here Manora hesitated; 〃how she defended herself and Golanth?〃
  Vividly Tai remembered Zaranth staring intensely at something in the underbrush。 She thought of deflected trundlebugs; such minor nuisances。 She thought of the pelts that Zaranth had somehow retrieved。 That night; she hadn't moved anything to prove to F'lessan that she could…until he threw the bowl at her。 Nothing could have been more threatening than the felines! Neither dragon had hesitated in pushing them away。 But Zaranth had had more practice with that technique while Golanth had had ever so many more to deal with。 Until the other dragons came to help。 She remembered now; too; something that Aivas had said in her hearing; when she was working in Admin。 〃The white one leads the way but why is it that they do not use telekinesis if they can telepath and teleport?〃
  As that incident had been prior to her unexpected Impression of Zaranth; she hadn't understood what he meant and certainly wouldn't have dared to raise a question then。 She had puzzled over the remark from time to time。 Aivas had been very interested in draconic abilities。 He had also been somewhat disappointed; even after the incredible feat dragons and riders had performed to alter the orbit of the Red Star; no one had ever understood why; for the plan Aivas had devised had been impeccably carried out。 Everyone had seen the explosion of the antimatter engines placed on the Red Star。
  〃It's something she learned on her own; to keep trundlebugs from bothering her。〃
  〃Trundlebugs?〃 Manora asked in amazement。
  〃As far as I know; the species is limited to the southern continent;〃 she said。 〃They're only a nuisance。〃
  〃And Zaranth would move them out of her way? So it is conceivable that she also moved the felines in the same fashion。〃
  〃There were so many。〃 Tai could not stem the tears that flowed down her cheeks。 Manora cradled her hand and stroked it soothingly; a tacit permission to cry as much as Tai needed to ease her distress。 〃She tried to help Golanth。 There were more attacking him。 Then more dragons arrived。 They took care of the others。 Except that last one。 And Golanth told Ramoth to time it?〃 Brushing tears from her face with her hand; she looked up at Manora。 〃But what good could that have done? Only it seemed to。 Golanth was not killed。〃 With her eyes she begged some explanation of Manora。
  Manora soothed her with a gentle stroke。 〃I believe that is the paradox of timing it。 F'lar said something about causality。 The beast had aimed; jumped; and even by timing back; Ramoth could only make the most infinitesimal alteration in the second she had; but she deflected a lethal blow。 I gather that there was so much going on at that moment it is miraculous she managed what she did。 And this started with a dislike of trundlebugs?〃
  Tai managed a little smile。 〃They've scratchy feet and if you swat at them; the female lets off the most incredible stink。 So you have to move them carefully and before they know what's happened。 So it takes a certain amount of skill。〃 She paused; allowing the amusement of Golly's first attempt to flicker across her face。 〃F'lessan and Golanth saw her do it at Benini Hold。 It wasn't anything much。〃 Tai started to shrug one shoulder but it was painful。 〃Just Zaranth avoiding an inconvenience。〃 Tai hesitated。 〃And then there was the problem with pelts。〃
  〃Oh; yes; the pelts。 Mirrim mentioned those;〃 and somehow Manora implied that; although Mirrim might have been talking a lot; Manora was not the sort of person who heeded gossip。 Tai felt a surge of gratitude for Manora。
  〃I…think…〃 and Tai hesitated; trying to pick her words carefully; she didn't wish to lose Manora's good opinion of her。 〃I think…now…that's how Zaranth got the skins before the Flood reached our hold。〃
  〃Got them?〃 Manora repeated; miming her fingers picking something up and flicking it away。
  〃Without her being there。〃
  〃I think I understood that; Rider Tai。 You were very busy helping to evacuate the children just then。〃 Manora clasped her hands on her forearms and settled to consider what she understood。 〃I know what Weyrwoman Lessa said must have happened。〃 She inclined her head respectfully。 〃An example of how pure blind instinct will react to the right stimulus。 As Zaranth did yesterday。〃
  〃Yesterday?〃 Tai jerked upright; despite the disfort; and was firmly subdued by Manora who; though everyone said she must be the oldest woman in Benden Weyr; displayed considerable strength。
  〃But today? We were supposed to go to the Council meeting。〃 She struggled briefly。 〃To support Masters Wansor and Erragon。〃
  The twinkle in Manora's eyes and her gentle and unusually broad smile surprised Tai by their unexpectedness。
  〃Yesterday; Rider Tai; you did more than you may yet understand to support the Masters。 And the Weyrs。 That is why I am here; with you; in the Weyrwoman's stead; overseeing your recovery。〃 She leaned forward to pat Tai's shoulder gently。 〃Thanks to Zaranth and you; this will be an immensely interesting meeting; with broad repercussions and; I hope; changes。 For the good of us all。〃
  The Weyrleaders remained at Honshu overnight: Lessa looked in on F'lessan from time to time。
  〃I never have been much of a mothering person;〃 Lessa admitted quietly to Manora when they shared a pot of klah。
  〃Why should you have been?〃 Manora asked mildly。 〃With you neck deep in Weyr business that only you could manage and every woman quite happy to take care of him? A much more sensible custom than what goes on in holds; Lady Lessa;〃 Manora replied; 〃especially for as lively a lad as F'lessan。〃
  F'lar spent time sitting between Golanth and Zaranth; Mnementh and Ramoth on guard on the terrace above。 There seemed to be a plethora of dragons resting at Honshu。 Why aren't they at their own weyrs; Mnementh? We are waiting until Golanth and Zaranth improve。 F'lar was flummoxed by the tinge of reverence in his bronze's tone。
  All of you? And he indicated the many in attendance。 Yes。 The affirmative seemed to echo throughout the valley below。
  While it was true that the dragons were always solicitous about any injured by Thread or ill of the few ailments that could sicken one of them; this vigil was unusual。
  Zaranth and Golanth have done the unusual。 We wait with you; too。
  So F'lar found himself content to sit; panionably silent with so many of the creatures who were keeping watch with him。 Such a moment was rare。
  When Lessa joined him later; murmuring that he should get some food into him; she took his place。
  They sleep。 

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