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小说: mc.eatersofthedead 字数: 每页4000字

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 That same day; we stopped at the burg called Zamgan: that is; the gateway to the Turks。 The next morning early; we proceeded to Git。 There so much snow fell that the camels plunged in it up to their knees; hence we halted two days。
 Then we sped straight into the land of the Turks without meeting anyone on the barren and even steppe。 We rode ten days in bitter cold and unbroken snowstorms; in parison with which the cold in Chwarezm seemed like a summer day; so that we forgot all our previous disforts and were about at the point of giving up。
 One day when we underwent the most savage cold weather; Takin the page was riding next to me; and along with him one of the Turks; who was talking to him in Turkish。 Takin laughed and said to me; 〃This Turk says; 'What will our Lord have of us? He is killing us with cold。 If we knew what he wanted; we would let him have it。' 〃
 And then I said; 〃Tell him He only wishes that you say; 'There is no God save Allah。' 〃
 The Turk laughed and answered; 〃If I knew it; I would say it。〃
 Then we came to a forest where there was a large quantity of dry wood and we halted。 The caravan lit fires; we warmed ourselves; took off our clothes; and spread them out to dry。
 Apparently; Ibn Fadlan's party was entering a warmer region; because he makes no further reference to extreme cold。
 We set out again and rode every day from midnight until the time of the afternoon prayer…hastening more from midday on…and then we halted。 When we had ridden fifteen nights in this manner; we arrived at a large mountain with many great rocks。 There are springs there; that jet out from the rocks and the water stays in pools。 From this place; we crossed on until we reached a Turkish tribe; which is called the Oguz。

 THE OGUZ ARE NOMADS AND HAVE HOUSES OF felt。 They stay for a time in one place and then travel on。 Their dwellings are placed here and there according to nomadic custom。 Although they lead a hard existence; they are like asses gone astray。 They have no religious bonds with God。 They never pray; but instead call their headmen Lords。 When one of them takes counsel with his chief about something; he says; 〃O Lord; what shall I do in this or that matter?〃
 Their undertakings are based upon counsel solely among themselves。 I have heard them say; 〃There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah;〃 but they speak thus so as to get close to any Muslims; and not because they believe it。
 The ruler of the Oguz Turks is called Yabgu。 That is the name of the ruler and everyone who rules over this tribe bears the name。 His subordinate is always called Kudarkin and so each subordinate to a chieftain is called Kudarkin。
 The Oguz do not wash themselves after either defecation or urination; nor do they bathe after ejaculation; or on other occasions。 They have nothing whatever to do with water; especially in winter。 No merchants or other Muhammadans may perform ablution in their presence except in the night when the Turks do not see it; for they get angry and say; 〃This man wishes to put a spell on us; for he is immersing himself in water;〃 and they pel him to pay a fine。
 None of the Muhammadans can enter Turkish country until one of the Oguz agrees to bee his host; with whom he stays and for whom he brings garments from the land of Islam; and for his wife some pepper; millet; raisins; and nuts。 When the Muslim es to his host; the latter pitches a tent for him and brings him sheep; so that the Muslim may himself slaughter the sheep。 The Turks never slaughter; they beat the sheep on the head until it is dead。
 Oguz women never veil themselves in the presence of their own men or others。 Nor does the woman cover any of her bodily parts in the presence of any person。 One day we stopped off with a Turk and were seated in his tent。 The man's wife was present。 As we conversed; the woman uncovered her pudendum and scratched it; and we saw her doing so。 We veiled our faces and said; 〃I beg God's pardon。〃 At this her husband laughed and said to the interpreter; 〃Tell them we uncover it in your presence so that you may see it and be abashed; but it is not to be attained。 This is better than when you cover it up and yet it is attainable。〃
 Adultery is unknown among them。 Whomsoever they find to be an adulterer; they tear him in two。 This es about so: they bring together the branches of two trees; tie him to the branches; and then let both trees go so the man who was tied to the trees is torn in two。
 The custom of pederasty is counted by the Turks a terrible sin。 There once came a merchant to stay with the clan of the Kudarkin。 This merchant stayed with his host for a time to buy sheep。 Now; the host had a beardless son; and the guest sought unceasingly to lead him astray until he got the boy to consent to his will。 In the meantime; the Turkish host entered and caught them in flagrante delicto。
 The Turks wished to kill the merchant and also the son for this offense。 But after much pleading the merchant was permitted to ransom himself。 He paid his host with four hundred sheep for what he had done to his son; and then the merchant hastily departed from the land of the Turks。
 All the Turks pluck their beards with the exception of their mustaches。
 Their marriage customs are as follows: one of them asks for the hand of a female member of another's family; against such and such a marriage price。 The marriage price often consists of camels; pack animals; and other things。 No one can take a wife until he has fulfilled the obligation; on which he has e to an understanding with the men of the family。 If; however; he has met it; then he es without any ado; enters the abode where she is; takes her in the presence of her father; mother; and brothers; and they do not prevent him。
 If a man dies who has a wife and children; then the eldest of his sons takes her to wife if she is not his mother。
 If one of the Turks bees sick and has slaves; they look after him and no one of his family es near him。 A tent is pitched for him apart from the houses and he does not depart from it until he dies or gets well。 If; however; he is a slave or a poor man; they leave him in the desert and go on their way。
 When one of their prominent men dies; they dig for him a great pit in the form of a house and they go to him; dress him in a qurtaq with his belt and bow; and put a drinking cup of wood with intoxicating drink in his hand。 They take his entire possessions and put them in this house。 Then they set him down in it also。 Then they build another house over him and make a kind of cupola out of mud。
 Then they kill his horses。 They kill one or two hundred; as many as he has; at the site of the grave。 Then they eat the flesh down to the head; the hooves; the hide; and the tail; for they hang these up on wooden poles and say; 〃These are his steeds on which he rides to Paradise。〃
 If he has been a hero and slain enemies; they carve wooden statues in the number of those whom he has slain; place them upon his grave; and say; 〃These are his pages who serve him in Paradise。〃
 Sometimes they delay killing the horses for a day or two; and then an old man from among their elderly ones stirs them up by saying; 〃I have seen the dead man in my sleep and he said to me: 'Here thou seest me。 My rades have overtaken me and my feet were too weak to follow them。 I cannot overtake them and so have remained alone。' 〃 In this case; the people slaughter his steeds and hang them up on his grave。 After a day or two; the same elder es to them and says; 〃I have seen the dead man in a dream and he said: 'Inform my family that I have recovered from my plight。' 〃
 In this way the old man preserves the ways of the Oguz; for there might otherwise be a desire for the living to retain the horses of the dead。 2
 At length we traveled on in the Turkish kingdom。 One morning one of the Turks met us。 He was ugly in figure; dirty in appearance; despicable in manner; and base in nature。 He said: 〃Halt。〃 The whole caravan halted in obedience to his mand。 Then he said; 〃No single one of you may proceed。〃 We said to him; 〃We are friends of the Kudarkin。〃 He began to laugh and said; 〃Who is the Kudarkin? I defeca

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