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ian fleming.casino royale-及21何蛍

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uch damage as possible to the two gunmen and be able to exchange a few hurried words with the girl。 No other plan was possible。 He just wanted to tell her not to give in。
 As the Corsican turned at the motion Bond was on him and his right shoe was launched in a flying kick at the other man's groin。
 Like lightning the Corsican slammed himself back against the wall of the passage and察as Bond's foot whistled past his hip察he very quickly察but somehow delicately察shot out his left hand察caught Bond's shoe at the top of its arch and twisted it sharply。
 pletely off balance察Bond's other foot left the ground。 In the air his whole body turned and with the momentum of his rush behind it crashed sideways and down on to the floor。
 For a moment he lay there察all the breath knocked out of him。 Then the thin man came and hauled him up against the wall by his collar。 He had a gun in his hand。 He looked Bond inquisitively in the eyes。 Then unhurriedly he bent down and swiped the barrel viciously across Bond's shins。 Bond grunted and caved at the knees。
 'If there is a next time察it will be across your teeth' said the thin man in bad French。
 A door slammed。 Vesper and the Corsican had disappeared。 Bond turned his head to the right。 Le Chiffre had moved a few feet out into the passage。 He lifted his finger and crooked it again。 Then for the first time he spoke。
 'e察my dear friend。 We are wasting our time。'
 He spoke in English with no accent。 His voice was low and soft and unhurried。 He showed no emotion。 He might have been a doctor summoning the next patient from the waiting´room察a hysterical patient who had been expostulating feebly with a nurse。
 Bond again felt puny and impotent。 Nobody but an expert in ju´jitsu could have handled him with the Corsican's economy and lack of fuss。 The cold precision with which the thin man had paid him back in his own coin had been equally unhurried察even artistic。
 Almost docilely Bond walked back down the passage。
 He had nothing but a few more bruises to show for his clumsy gesture of resistance to these people。
 As he preceded the thin man over the threshold he knew that was utterly and absolutely in their power。
 It was a large bare room察sparsely furnished in cheap French art nouveau style。 It was difficult to say whether it was intended as a living´ or dining´room for a flimsy´looking mirrored sideboard察sporting an orange crackle´ware fruit dish and two painted wooden candlesticks察took up most of the wall opposite the door and contradicted the faded pink sofa ranged against the other side of the room。
 There was no table in the centre under the alabasterine ceiling light察only a small square of stained carpet with a futurist design in contrasting browns。
 Over by the window was an incongruous´looking throne´like chair in carved oak with a red velvet seat察a low table on which stood an empty water carafe and two glasses察and a light arm´chair with a round cane seat and no cushion。
 Half´closed Venetian blinds obscured the view from the window察but cast bars of early sunlight over the few pieces of furniture and over part of the brightly papered wall and the brown stained floorboards。
 Le Chiffre pointed at the cane chair。
 'That will do excellently' he said to the thin man。 'Prepare him quickly。 If he resists察damage him only a little。'
 He turned to Bond。 There was no expression on his large face and his round eyes were uninterested。 'Take off your clothes。 For every effort to resist察Basil will break one of your fingers。 We are serious people and your good health is of no interest to us。 Whether you live or die depends on the oute of the talk we are about to have。'
 He made a gesture towards the thin man and left the room。
 The thin man's first action was a curious one。 He opened the clasp´knife he had used on the hood of Bond's car察took the small arm´chair and with a swift motion he cut out its cane seat。
 Then he came back to Bond察sticking the still open knife察like a fountain´pen察in the vest pocket of his coat。 He turned Bond round to the light and unwound the flex from his wrists。 Then he stood quickly aside and the knife was back in his right hand。
 Bond stood chafing his swollen wrists and debating with himself how much time he could waste by resisting。 He only delayed an instant。 With a swift step and a downward sweep of his free hand察the thin man seized the collar of his dinner´jacket and dragged it down察pinning Bond's arms back。 Bond made the traditional counter to this old policeman's hold by dropping down on one knee察but as he dropped the thin man dropped with him and at the same time brought his knife round and down behind Bond's back。 Bond felt the back of the blade pass down his spine。 There was the hiss of a sharp knife through cloth and his arms were suddenly free as the two halves of his coat fell forward。
 He cursed and stood up。 The thin man was back in his previous position察his knife again at the ready in his relaxed hand。 Bond let the two halves of his dinner´jacket fall off his arms on to the floor。
 'Allez' said the thin man with a faint trace of impatience。 Bond looked him in the eye and then slowly started to take off his shirt。
 Le Chiffre came quietly back into the room。 He carried a pot of what smelt like coffee。 He put it on the small table near the window。 He also placed beside it on the table two other homely objects察a three´foot´long carpet´beater in twisted cane and a carving knife。
 He settled himself fortably on the throne´like chair and poured some of the coffee into one of the glasses。 With one foot he hooked forward the small arm´chair察whose seat was now an empty circular frame of wood察until it was directly opposite him。
 Bond stood stark naked in the middle of the room察bruises showing livid on his white body察his face a grey mask of exhaustion and knowledge of what was to e。
 'Sit down there。' Le Chiffre nodded at the chair in front of him。
 Bond walked over and sat down。
 The thin man produced some flex。 With this he bound Bond's wrists to the arms of the chair and his ankles to the front legs。 He passed a double strand across his chest察under the arm´pits and through the chair´back。 He made no mistakes with the knots and left no play in any of the bindings。 All of them bit sharply into Bond's flesh。 The legs of the chair were broadly spaced and Bond could not even rock it。
 He was utterly a prisoner察naked and defenceless。
 His buttocks and the underpart of his body protruded through the seat of the chair towards the floor。
 Le Chiffre nodded to the thin man who quietly left the room and closed the door。
 There was a packet of Gauloises on the table and a lighter。 Le Chiffre lit a cigarette and swallowed a mouthful of coffee from the glass。 Then he picked up the cane carpet´beater and察resting the handle fortably on his knee察allowed the flat trefoil base to lie on the floor directly under Bond's chair。
 He looked Bond carefully察almost caressingly察in the eyes。 Then his wrists sprang suddenly upwards on his knee。
 The result was startling。
 Bond's whole body arched in an involuntary spasm。 His face contracted in a soundless scream and his lips drew right away from his teeth。 At the same time his head flew back with a jerk showing the taut sinews of his neck。 For an instant察muscles stood out in knots all over his body and his toes and fingers clenched until they were quite white。 Then his body sagged and perspiration started to bead all over his body。 He uttered a deep groan。
 Le Chiffre waited for his eyes to open。
 'You see察dear boy' He smiled a soft察fat smile。 'Is the position quite clear now'
 A drop of sweat fell off Bond's chin on to his naked chest。
 'Now let us get down to business and see how soon we can be finished with this unfortunate mess you have got yourself into。' He puffed cheerfully at his cigarette and gave an admonitory tap on the floor beneath Bond's chair with his horrible and incongruous instrument。
 'My dear boy' Le Chiffre spoke like a father察'the game of Red Indians is over察quite over。 You have stumbled by mischance into a game for grown´ups and you have already found it a painfu

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