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ian fleming.casino royale-及24何蛍

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 of June sunshine察cast upwards from two separate pools of blood a few feet apart。
 As the day progressed the pink patches marched slowly along the wall。 And slowly they grew larger。
 You are about to awake when you dream that you are dreaming。
 During the next two days James Bond was permanently in this state without regaining consciousness。 He watched the procession of his dreams go by without any effort to disturb their sequence察although many of them were terrifying and all were painful。 He knew that he was in a bed and that he was lying on his back and could not move and in one of his twilight moments he thought there were people round him察but he made no effort to open his eyes and re´enter the world。
 He felt safer in the darkness and he hugged it to him。
 On the morning of the third day a bloody nightmare shook him awake察trembling and sweating。 There was a hand on his forehead which he associated with his dream。 He tried to lift an arm and smash it sideways into the owner of the hand察but his arms were immovable察secured to the sides of his bed。 His whole body was strapped down and something like a large white coffin covered him from chest to feet and obscured his view of the end of the bed。 He shouted a string of obscenities察but the effort took all his strength and the words tailed off into a sob。 Tears of forlornness and self´pity welled out of his eyes。
 A woman's voice was speaking and the words gradually penetrated to him。 It seemed to be a kind voice and it slowly came to him that he was being forted and that this was a friend and not an enemy。 He could hardly believe it。 He had been so certain that he was still a captive and that the torture was about to begin again。 He felt his face being softly wiped with a cool cloth which smelt of lavender and then he sank back into his dreams。
 When he awoke again some hours later all his terrors had gone and he felt warm and languorous。 Sun was streaming into the bright room and garden sounds came through the window。 In the background there was the noise of small waves on a beach。 As he moved his head he heard a rustle察and a nurse who had been sitting beside his pillow rose and came into his line of vision。 She was pretty and she smiled as she put her hand on his pulse。
 'Well察I'm certainly glad you've woken up at last。 I've never heard such dreadful language in my life。'
 Bond smiled back at her。
 'Where am I' he asked and was surprised that his voice sounded firm and clear。
 'You're in a nursing home at Royale and I've been sent over from England to look after you。 There are two of us and I'm Nurse Gibson。 Now just lie quiet and I'll go and tell the doctor you're awake。 You've been unconscious since they brought you in and we've been quite worried。'
 Bond closed his eyes and mentally explored his body。 The worst pain was in his wrists and ankles and in his right hand where the Russian had cut him。 In the centre of the body there was no feeling。 He assumed that he had been given a local anaesthetic。 The rest of his body ached dully as if he had been beaten all over。 He could feel the pressure of bandages everywhere and his unshaven neck and chin prickled against the sheets。 From the feel of the bristles he knew that he must have been at least three days without shaving。 That meant two since the morning of the torture。
 He was preparing a short list of questions in his mind when the door opened and the doctor came in followed by the nurse and in the background the dear figure of Mathis察a Mathis looking anxious behind his broad smile察who put a finger to his lips and walked on tiptoe to the window and sat down。
 The doctor察a Frenchman with a young and intelligent face察had been detached from his duties with the Deuxi┬me Bureau to look after Bond's case。 He came and stood beside Bond and put his hand on Bond's forehead while he looked at the temperature chart behind the bed。
 When he spoke he was forthright。
 'You have a lot of questions to ask察my dear Mr Bond' he said in excellent English察'and I can tell you most of the answers。 I do not want you to waste your strength察so I will give you the salient facts and then you may have a few minutes with Monsieur Mathis who wishes to obtain one or two details from you。 It is really too early for this talk察but I wish to set your mind at rest so that we can proceed with the task of repairing your body without bothering too much about your mind。'
 Nurse Gibson pulled up a chair for the doctor and left the room。
 'You have been here about two days' continued the doctor。 'Your car was found by a farmer on the way to market in Royale and he informed the police。 After some delay Monsieur Mathis heard that it was your car and he immediately went to Les Noctambules with his men。 You and Le Chiffre were found and also your friend察Miss Lynd察who was unharmed and according to her account suffered no molestation。 She was prostrated with shock察but is now fully recovered and is at her hotel。 She has been instructed by her superiors in London to stay at Royale under your orders until you are sufficiently recovered to go back to England。
 'Le Chiffre's two gunmen are dead察each killed by a single 。35 bullet in the back of the skull。 From the lack of expression on their faces察they evidently never saw or heard their assailant。 They were found in the same room as Miss Lynd。 Le Chiffre is dead察shot with a similar weapon between the eyes。 Did you witness his death'
 'Yes' said Bond。
 'Your own injuries are serious察but your life is not in danger though you have lost a lot of blood。 If all goes well察you will recover pletely and none of the functions of your body will be impaired。' The doctor smiled grimly。 'But I fear that you will continue to be in pain for several days and it will be my endeavour to give you as much fort as possible。 Now that you have regained consciousness your arms will be freed察but you must not move your body and when you sleep the nurse has orders to secure your arms again。 Above all察it is important that you rest and regain your strength。 At the moment you are suffering from a grave condition of mental and physical shock。' The doctor paused。 'For how long were you maltreated'
 'About an hour' said Bond。
 'Then it is remarkable that you are alive and I congratulate you。 Few men could have supported what you have been through。 Perhaps that is some consolation。 As Monsieur Mathis can tell you察I have had in my time to treat a number of patients who have suffered similar and not one has e through it as you have done。'
 The doctor looked at Bond for a moment and then turned brusquely to Mathis。
 'You may have ten minutes and then you will be forcibly elected。 If you put the patient's temperature up察you will answer for it。'
 He gave them both a broad smile and left the room。
 Mathis came over and took the doctor's chair。
 'That's a good man' said Bond。 'I like him。'
 'He's attached to the Bureau' said Mathis。 'He is a very good man and I will tell you about him one of these days。 He thinks you are a prodigy ´ and so do I。
 'However察that can wait。 As you can imagine察there is much to clear up and I am being pestered by Paris and察of course察London察and even by Washington via our good friend Leiter。 Incidentally' he broke off察'I have a personal message from M。 He spoke to me himself on the telephone。 He simply said to tell you that he is much impressed。 I asked if that was all and he said此 Well察tell him that the Treasury is greatly relieved。; Then he rang off。'
 Bond grinned with pleasure。 What most warmed him was that M himself should have rung up Mathis。 This was quite unheard of。 The very existence of M察let alone his identity察was never admitted。 He could imagine the flutter this must have caused in the ultra´security´minded organization in London。
 'A tall thin man with one arm came over from London the same day we found you' continued Mathis察knowing from his own experience that these shop details would interest Bond more than anything else and give him most pleasure察'and he fixed up the nurses and looked after everything。 Even your car's being repaired for you。 He seemed to be Vesper's boss。 He spent a lot

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