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to place察but let it alone。 Her eyes were wide apart and deep blue and they gazed candidly back at Bond with a touch of ironical disinterest which察to his annoyance察he found he would like to shatter察roughly。 Her skin was lightly sun´tanned and bore no trace of makeup except on her mouth which was wide and sensual。 Her bare arms and hands had a quality of repose and the general impression of restraint in her appearance and movements was carried even to her fingernails which were unpainted and cut short。 Round her neck she wore a plain gold chain of wide flat links and on the fourth finger of the right hand a broad topaz ring。 Her medium´length dress was of grey soie sauvage with a square´cut bodice察lasciviously tight across her fine breasts。 The skirt was closely pleated and flowered down from a narrow察but not a thin察waist。 She wore a three´inch察handstitched black belt。 A handstitched black sabretache rested on the chair beside her察together with a wide cart´wheel hat of gold straw察its crown encircled by a thin black velvet ribbon which tied at the back in a short bow。 Her shoes were square´toed of plain black leather。
Bond was excited by her beauty and intrigued by her posure。 The prospect of working with her stimulated him。 At the same time he felt a vague disquiet。 On an impulse he touched wood。
Mathis had noticed Bond's preoccupation。 After a time he rose。
'Forgive me' he said to the girl察'while I telephone to the Dubernes。 I must arrange my rendezvous for dinner tonight。 Are you sure you won't mind being left to your own devices this evening'
She shook her head。
Bond took the cue and察as Mathis crossed the room to the telephone booth beside the bar察he said此'If you are going to be alone tonight察would you care to have dinner with me'
She smiled with the first hint of conspiracy she had shown。 'I would like to very much' she said察'and then perhaps you would chaperon me to the Casino where Monsieur Mathis tells me you are very much at home。 Perhaps I will bring you luck。'
With Mathis gone察her attitude towards him showed a sudden warmth。 She seemed to acknowledge that they were a team and察as they discussed the time and place of their meeting察Bond realized that it would be quite easy after all to plan the details of his project with her。 He felt that after all she was interested and excited by her role and that she would work willingly with him。 He had imagined many hurdles before establishing a rapport察but now he felt he could get straight down to professional details。 He was quite honest to himself about the hypocrisy of his attitude towards her。 As a woman察he wanted to sleep with her but only when the job had been done。
When Mathis came back to the table Bond called for his bill。 He explained that he was expected back at his hotel to have lunch with friends。 When for a moment he held her hand in his he felt a warmth of affection and understanding pass between them that would have seemed impossible half an hour earlier。
The girl's eyes followed him out on to the boulevard。
Mathis moved his chair close to hers and said softly此'That is a very good friend of mine。 I am glad you have met each other。 I can already feel the ice´floes on the two rivers breaking up。' He smiled察'I don't think Bond has ever been melted。 It will be a new experience for him。 And for you。'
She did not answer him directly。
'He is very good´looking。 He reminds me rather of Hoagy Carmichael察but there is something cold and ruthless in his 。 。 。'
The sentence was never finished。 Suddenly a few feet away the entire plate´glass window shivered into confetti。 The blast of a terrific explosion察very near察hit them so that they were rocked back in their chairs。 There was an instant of silence。 Some objects pattered down on to the pavement outside。 Bottles slowly toppled off the shelves behind the bar。 Then there were screams and a stampede for the door。
'Stay there' said Mathis。
He kicked back his chair and hurtled through the empty window´frame on to the pavement。
When Bond left the bar he walked purposefully along the pavement flanking the tree´lined boulevard towards his hotel a few hundred yards away。 He was hungry。
The day was still beautiful察but by now the sun was very hot and the plane´trees察spaced about twenty feet apart on the grass verge between the pavement and the broad tarmac察gave a cool shade。
There were few people abroad and the two men standing quietly under a tree on the opposite side of the boulevard looked out of place。
Bond noticed them when he was still a hundred yards away and when the same distance separated them from the ornamental porte coch┬re of the Splendide。
There was something rather disquieting about their appearance。 They were both small and they were dressed alike in dark and察Bond reflected察rather hot´looking suits。 They had the appearance of a variety turn waiting for a bus on the way to the theatre。 Each wore a straw hat with a thick black ribbon as a concession察perhaps察to the holiday atmosphere of the resort察and the brims of these and the shadow from the tree under which they stood obscured their faces。 Incongruously察each dark察squat little figure was illuminated by a touch of bright colour。 They were both carrying察square camera´cases slung from the shoulder。
And one case was bright red and the other case bright blue。
By the time Bond had taken in these details察he had e to within fifty yards of the two men。 He was reflecting on the ranges of various types of weapon and the possibilities of cover when an extraordinary and terrible scene was enacted。
Red´man seemed to give a short nod to Blue´man。 With a quick movement Blue´man unslung his blue camera´case。 Blue´man察and Bond could not see exactly as the trunk of a plane´tree beside him just then intervened to obscure his vision察bent forward and seemed to fiddle with the case。 Then with a blinding flash of white light there was the ear´splitting crack of a monstrous explosion and Bond察despite the protection of the tree´trunk察was slammed down to the pavement by a bolt of hot air which dented his cheeks and stomach as if they had been made of paper。 He lay察gazing up at the sun察while the air or so it seemed to him went on twanging with the explosion as if someone had hit the bass register of a piano with a sledgehammer。
When察dazed and half´conscious察he raised himself on one knee察a ghastly rain of pieces of flesh and shreds of blood´soaked clothing fell on him and around him察mingled with branches and gravel。 Then a shower of small twigs and leaves。 From all sides came the sharp tinkle of falling glass。 Above in the sky hung a mushroom of black smoke which rose and dissolved as he drunkenly watched it。 There was an obscene smell of high explosive察of burning wood察and of察yes察that was it ´ roast mutton。 For fifty yards down the boulevard the trees were leafless and charred。 Opposite察two of them had snapped off near the base and lay drunkenly across the road。 Between them there was a still smoking crater。 Of the two men in straw hats察there remained absolutely nothing。 But there were red traces on the road察and on the pavements and against the trunks of the trees察and there were glittering shreds high up in the branches。
Bond felt himself starting to vomit。
It was Mathis who got to him first察and by that time Bond was standing with his arm round the tree which had saved his life。
Stupefied察but unharmed察he allowed Mathis to lead him off towards the Splendide from which guests and servants were pouring in chattering fright。 As the distant clang of bells heralded the arrival of ambulances and fire´engines察they managed to push through the throng and up the short stairs and along the corridor to Bond's room。
Mathis paused only to turn on the radio in front of the fireplace察then察while Bond stripped off his blood´flecked clothes察Mathis sprayed him with questions。
When it came to the description of the two men察Mathis tore the telephone off its hook beside Bond's bed。
'。。。 and tell the police' he concluded察'tell them that the Englishman from Jamaica who was knocked over by the blast is my affair。 He is unhurt and t