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小说: rs.inthebestfamelies 字数: 每页4000字

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  A brief silence。 He spoke again。 〃I've heard about you a little。 What kind of a guy are you?〃
  〃Oh…I'm a thinker too; and I'm cultured。 I got good marks in algebra。 I sleep well。 I'm honest and ambitious; with a good personality。〃
  〃You know your way around。〃
  〃In certain circles; yes。 It would be hard to lose me within ten miles of Times Square unless I was blindfolded。 What are the requirements of the position you are about to offer?〃
  He ignored that and took another angle。 〃My name is Christy…Max Christy。 Ever hear of me?〃
  If I had it was vague; but I saw no point in hurting his feelings。 〃Max Christy?〃 I snorted。 〃Don't be silly。〃
  〃I thought you might have。 I've only been around the big town a couple of years; and I don't toot a horn; but some people get talked about。 How much has Wolfe been paying you?〃
  〃That's asking;〃 I objected mildly。 〃I wouldn't want it to get in the papers。 I've been eating all right and I've got a government bond。 Anything over…〃
  Footsteps in the corridor stopped at our door; and the turnkey's voice came。 〃Mr。 Christy! They want you down in the office。〃
  My mate stayed flat。 〃e back in ten minutes; Wilkes;〃 he called。 〃I'm busy。〃
  I confirmed it。 〃We're in conference; Wilkes;〃 I snapped。
  〃But I think it's your out。〃
  〃I suppose so。 e back in ten minutes。〃
  Wilkes; mumbling something; went away。 Christy resumed。 〃You were saying 。 。 。〃
  〃Yeah。 That anything over fifty grand a year would find me a good listener。〃
  〃I'm being serious; Goodwin。〃
  〃So am I〃
  〃You are not。 You never got within a mile of fifty grand a year。〃 His head was turned to face me now。 〃Anyway; it's not a question of so many grand a year…not in this business。〃
  〃In what business?〃
  〃The business I'm in。 What did I say my name is?〃
  〃Max Christy。〃
  〃Then what more do you want? Take my being here now; for example。 I got raked in at the Covered Porch yesterday by mistake; but I would have been loose in an hour if it hadn't been Sunday…and Easter too。 Here it is〃…he looked at his wrist…〃not quite noon; and I'm walking out。 There has never been an organization to pare with it。 For a man like you there would be special jobs and special opportunities if you once got taken in。 With your record; which is bad as far as I know it; that would take a while。 You would have to show; and show good。 Your idea about so many grand a year just isn't realistic; certainly not while you're being tried; but after that it would depend on you。 If you've got it in you there's practically no limit。 Another thing is ine tax。〃
  〃Yeah; what about ine tax?〃
  〃You simply use your judgment。 Say Wolfe paid you thirty grand a year; which he didn't; nothing like it; what did you have to say about ine tax? Nothing。 It was taken out before you got paid… You never even saw it。 In this business you make your own decisions about it。 You want to be fair; and you want to be in the clear; but you don't want to get gypped; and on that basis you use your judgment。〃
  Christy raised his torso and sat on the edge of the cot。 〃You know; Goodwin; I'm just tossing this at you on the spur of the moment。 I laid here reading about you; and I thought to myself; here's a man the right age and experience; not married; the right personality; he knows people; he knows lots of cops; he has been a private eye for years and so he would be open to anything that sounds good enough; he is just out of a job; he's got himself tangled in a hot homicide here in Westchester; and he may need help right now。 That's what I was thinking; and I thought why not ask him? I can't guarantee anything; especially if you're headed for a murder rap; but if you need help now and then later on you would like a chance at something; I'm Max Christy and I could pass the word along。 If you…〃
  He paused at the sound of footsteps。 Wilkes's voice came from the door。
  〃They want you down there; Mr。 Christy。 I told them you was busy personally; but they're sending up。〃
  〃All right; Wilkes。 ing。〃 My mate stood up。 〃What about it; Goodwin?〃
  〃I appreciate it;〃 I said warmly。 Wilkes; having unlocked the door; was standing there; and; using my judgment; I kept it discreet。 〃When I get out and look around a little I'll know better how things stand。〃 I had got to my feet。 〃How do I get in touch with you?〃
  〃Phone is best。 Churchill five; three two three two。 I'm not there much; but a message will reach me promptly。 Better write it down。〃
  〃I'll remember it。〃 I took his offered hand and we shook。 〃It's been a pleasure。 Where can I mail a check for the breakfast?〃
  〃Forget it。 It was a privilege。 Be seeing you; I hope。〃 He strode out like an executive going to greet a wele caller; Wilkes holding the door for him。
  I sat down on the cot; thinking it was a hell of a note for a Max Christy to get sprung before an Archie Goodwin。 What was keeping Parker? In jail a man gets impatient。
  IT WAS seven o'clock that evening; just getting dark; when I left the car at the curb on West 35th Street in front of Wolfe's house and climbed the seven steps to the stoop。 Parker; armed with papers which stated; among other things; that my continued availability to the People of the State of New York was worth ten thousand dollars; had arrived at the jail shortly after two; and in another ten minutes I had been unleashed on society again; but District Attorney Archer had requested another session with me in the presence of my attorney; and Parker and I had obliged。 It had dragged on and on; and was really a bore; because there was nothing for me to try to be witty about。 Unlike some other occasions when I had been in conference with the law; there was nothing to stimulate me because all I had to do was tell the truth; and all of it…except the sausage part and the phone call from Arnold Zeck。
  When they had finally called it a day and Parker and I were standing on the sidewalk in front of the courthouse; he asked me; 〃Am I to know where Wolfe is?〃
  〃I doubt it。 He told me not to look for him。〃
  〃I see。〃
  His tone of voice irritated me。 〃Every word you heard me say in there;〃 I asserted; 〃was the truth。 I haven't the thinnest idea where he is or what he's doing。〃
  He shrugged。 〃I'm not plaining。 I only hope he hasn't tumbled in where it's too deep this time…and you too。〃
  〃Go to hell;〃 I advised him; and marched off。 I couldn't really blame the Westchester bunch; but Parker should have known me well enough to tell which side of my mouth I was talking out of。 It's damn discouraging; when you do tell the truth; not to have it recognized。
  Also discouraging was the wele I got on entering Wolfe's house that evening。 It was in the form of a note stuck in the corner of my desk blotter; unfolded。
  Dear Archie…
  I am sorry you are in jail and hope it will not last long。 Mr。 Vukcic has been to see me and I am leaving now to go to work for him 1500… There has been no word from Mr。 Wolte。 God grant he is safe and well and I think you should find him no matter what he wrote。 I threw out the jar of sardines and stopped the milk。 My very best regards and wishes; Fritz 1:35 PM
  I was pleased to observe that he stuck to routine to the end; putting the time down。 Also it was nice of him to end his note to me the same as Wolfe had ended his。 Nevertheless; it was a discouraging wele home after a night in the hoosegow。 And there had been a period of more than five hours when any phone calls that might have e would not have been answered; something that had never happened before in all the years I had worked and lived there。 Unless Theodore 。 。 。
  I beat it to the stairs and up the three flights; and entered the plant rooMs。One step inside the first room; the warm one; I stopped and surveyed。 It was more of a shock; somehow; than it had been a year ago when it had been used as a target for tommy guns from across the street。 Then they had at least left a mess; now there was nothing but the benches and stands。 It really got me for a minute。 I moved on through: medium room; cool room; potting room; spray chamber; Theodore's room…all empty。 Hewitt must have sent an army to dean all that

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