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小说: rs.inthebestfamelies 字数: 每页4000字

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 an army to dean all that out in one day; I thought; heading back downstairs。
  In the kitchen was another longer note from Fritz; reporting phone calls that had e before he left and various minor matters。 I opened the refrigerator and poked around; and settled for a jar of home…made pate; a hunk of Italian bread; Vermont cheese; and milk。 As I sat working at it with an evening paper propped up before me; I kept listening for something…nothing in particular; just something。 That had never been a noisy house; hut I had never known it anything like that quiet。 Almost no cars went by; and the few that did must have been coasting in neutral。
  My meal finished and things put away; I wandered into the dining room; office; front room; down to the basement to Fritz's room; up one flight to Wolfe's room; up another to my room。 As I undressed for my post…jail bath; I thought that the hell of it wasn't how I felt; but that I didn't know how to feel。 If I had actually seen the last of Nero Wolfe; it was a damn sad day for me; there were no two ways about that; and if I got a lump in my throat and somebody walked in I would just as soon show him the lump as not。
  But what if it was Wolfe himself who walked in? That was the trouble。
  Damned if I was going to work up a fancy lump and then have him suddenly appear and start crabbing about something。
  After I had bathed and shaved and got into clean pajamas; and answered a couple of phone calls from journalists; and moseyed down to the office and fooled around a while; someone did walk in。 When I heard the front door open I made for the hall as if I had been expecting another package of sausage; and there was Fritz。 He turned from closing the door; saw me; and beamed。
  〃Ah! Archie! You escaped?〃
  〃I'm out on bail。〃 He seemed to want to shake hands; and I was willing。
  〃Thanks for your note。 How's the new job?〃
  〃Terrible。 I'm played up。 Mr。 Wolfe?〃
  〃I know nothing about Mr。 Wolfe。 I ate half a jar of pate。〃
  He stopped beaming。 〃Mr。 Vukcic is going to sell this house。〃
  〃He's going to offer it for sale; which is not the same thing。〃
  〃Perhaps not。〃 He sighed。 〃I'm tired。 Mr。 Vukcic said there is no reason why I should not sleep here but I should ask you。 It would be good for me…I am so used to that room 。 。 。〃
  〃Certainly。 I'm used to mine too。 I'm going to sleep here until further notice。〃
  〃Good。〃 He started for the kitchen; stopped; and turned。 〃Are you going to look for him?〃
  〃No!〃 Hearing myself shout; it seemed a relief and I did it again。 〃I am not!〃 I went to the stairs and started up。 〃Good night。〃
  〃Good night; Archie。〃
  I was on the first landing when his voice came。 〃I'll get your breakfast! I don't have to leave until ten!〃
  〃Swell!〃 I called back。 〃We'll never miss him!〃
  The next day; Tuesday; I had no time to raise a lump。 There were dozens of phone calls; from newspapers; former clients; friends; and miscellaneous。
  One was from Calvin Leeds; asking me to go up there to see him; and I told him I had had enough of Westchester for a while。 When he insisted; I agreed to receive him at the office at two o'clock。 I took advantage of another call; from Lon Cohen at the Gazette; to ask about my recent cellmate; Max Christy。 Lon asked why I wanted to know。 Lon is a good guy; but no newspaperman on earth can answer the simplest question without asking you one first; and more if possible。
  〃Just curious;〃 I told him。 〃I met him in jail over the weekend; and thought he was charming。 I don't want a biography; just a line or two。〃
  〃For quotation?〃
  〃Right。 He's paratively new to this section; but he's a fast mover。 Not really big yet。 As far as I know; the only thing he's close to right in town is a string of rooms for transients。 He seems to be specializing on little weekend roundups in the suburbs。〃
  〃Just games; or women; or what?〃
  〃Anything men risk money for。 Or pay it for。 I have heard that he is seen around sometimes with Brownie Costigan。 How curious are you? Is it worth a steak? Or is it worth a phone number or address where I can reach Nero Wolfe?〃
  By that time I had abandoned the idea of selling anyone; even Lon Cohen; the idea that I ever told the truth; so I thanked him and hung up。
  A couple of checks in the morning mail; one from a man who was paying in installments for having a blackmailer removed from his throat; were no problem; since there was a rubber stamp for endorsing them; but in order to pay three bills that came in I had to make a trip to 54th Street to see if the formalities about Marko's power of attorney had been attended to。 They had; by Parker; and I was glad to see that Marko signed the checks on my say…so; without looking at the bills。 If he had started auditing on me I swear to God I would have moved out and got a hotel room。
  There were other chores; such as phoning Hewitt's place on Long Island to ask if the plants and Theodore had arrived safely; making arrangements with a phone…answering service; handling a report from Fred Durkin on a poison…letter job that was the main item of unfinished business; and so on; but I managed to have them all under control when two o'clock came and brought Calvin Leeds。
  When I went to let him in and took him to the office; there was a problem。
  Should I sit at my desk or at Wolfe's? On the one hand; I was not Wolfe and had no intention of trying to be。 On the other hand; when a pinch…hitter is called on he stands at the plate to bat; not off to one side。 Also it would be interesting to see; from Wolfe's position; what the light was like on the face of a man sitting in the red leather chair。 So again; this time intentionally; I sat behind Wolfe's desk。
  〃I came here to get an explanation;〃 Leeds said; 〃and I'm going to get it。〃
  He looked as if he could stand a dose of something…if not an explanation; then maybe castor oil。 The hide of his face still looked tough and weathered; or rather as if it had been but someone had soaked it in something to make it stretch and get saggy。 His eyes looked determined; but not clear and alert as before。 No one would have guessed that he had just inherited half a million bucks; and not from a dearly beloved wife or sister but merely a cousin。
  Something like a million times I had seen Wolfe; faced with a belligerent statement from a caller; lean back and close his eyes。 I thought I might as well try it; and did so。 But the springs which let the chair's back slant to the rear were carefully adjusted to the pressure of Wolfe's poundage; not mine; and I had to keep pushing to maintain the damn thing in the leaning position。
  〃A man who es forty miles for an explanation;〃 I said; with my eyes closed; 〃is entitled to one。 What needs explaining?〃
  〃Nero Wolfe's behavior does;〃
  〃That's nothing new。〃 It was too much of a strain keeping the chair back in a leaning position; and I straightened up。 〃It often has。 But that's not my department。〃
  〃I want to see him。〃
  〃So do I。〃
  〃You're a liar; Goodwin。〃
  I shook my head; my lips tight。 〃You know;〃 I said; 〃I have probably told as many lies as any man my age except psychos。 But I have never been called a liar as frequently as in the past twenty…four hours; and I have never stuck so close to the truth。 To hell with it。 Mr。 Wolfe has gone south to train with the Dodgers。 He will play shortstop。〃
  〃That won't help any;〃 Leeds said; patient but determined; 〃that kind of talk。 If you don't like being called a liar; neither do I; and the difference is that I'm not。 The District Attorney says I'm lying; because Nero Wolfe has suddenly disappeared; and he disappeared because he doesn't dare answer questions about my cousin Sarah's visit to him here; and that proves that your report of that visit is false; and since my report is the same as yours mine is false too。 Now that sounds logical; but there's a flaw in it。 The flaw is their assumption that his disappearance was connected with my cousin's visit。 I knew it couldn't have been; because there was nothing about our talk that day that could possibly have had such a result。 I have told them that; and they think I'm lying。 As long as 

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