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小说: rs.inthebestfamelies 字数: 每页4000字

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ized it。 It was sort of tired and hopeless。
  〃You don't sound like you;〃 I told her。
  〃I suppose not;〃 she conceded。 〃It seems like a million years since you came that day and we watched you being a detective。 You never found out who poisoned the dog; did you?〃
  〃No; but don't hold it against me。 I wasn't expected to。 You may have heard that that was just a blind。〃
  〃Yes; of course。 I don't suppose Nero Wolfe is back?〃
  〃You're running his office for him?〃
  〃Well; I wouldn't call it running。 I'm here。〃
  〃I want to see you。〃
  〃Excuse me for staring; but do you mean on business?〃
  *Yes。〃 A pause; then her voice got more energetic。 〃I want you to e up here and talk with us。 I don't want to go on like this; and I'm not going to。 When people look at me I can see it: in their eyes…was it me that killed my mother…in…law?…or in some of them I can see it; and that makes me think it's there with all of them。 It's been nearly a month now; and all the police are doing…but you read the papers。 She left me this place and a lot of money; and I wish I could hire Nero Wolfe。 You must know where he is。〃
  〃Sorry。 I don't。〃
  〃Then I want to hire you。 You're a good detective; aren't you?〃
  〃Opinions vary。 I rate myself close to the top; but you have to discount that for my bias。〃
  〃Could you e up here today? This evening?〃
  〃I couldn't make it today。〃 My brain was having some exercise for the first time in weeks。 〃Look; Mrs。 Frey; I wouldn't be in a hurry about this。 There's…〃
  〃A hurry?〃 She sounded bitter。 〃It's been nearly a month!〃
  〃I know; and that's why another few days won't matter。 There's nothing fresh about it; to get stale。 Why don't you do this; let me do a little looking around; just on my own; and then you'll hear from me。 After that you can decide whether you want to hire me or not。〃
  〃I've already decided。〃
  〃I haven't。 I don't want your dough if there's no chance of earning it。〃
  Since her mind had been made up before she called me; she didn't like it my way but finally settled for it。
  I discovered when I hung up that my mind was made up too。 It had made itself up while I was talking to her。 I couldn't go on like this forever; nothing but a damn caretaker with no telling from day to day how long it might last。 Nor could I; while drawing pay as Wolfe's assistant; take a boat for Europe or run for Mayor of New York or buy an island and build up a harem; or any of the other things on my deferred list; and certainly; while taking his pay; I couldn't personally butt into a case that he had run away from。
  But there was nothing to prevent me from taking advantage of the gratitude that was still felt; even after paying the fee; by certain former clients of ours; and I took up the phone again and got the president of one of the big realty outfits; and was glad to leam that I hadn't overestimated his gratitude。 When I had explained my problem he said he would do all he could to help; starting right then。
  So I spent the afternoon looking at offices in the midtown section。 All I wanted was one little room with a light that worked; but the man that the realty president sent to go around with me was more particular than I was; and he turned his nose up at two or three that I would have bought。 We finally got to one on Madison Avenue; tenth floor; in the forties; which he admitted might do。 It wouldn't be vacated until the next day; but that didn't matter much because I still had to buy furniture。 I was allowed to sign for it on a month…to…month basis。
  The next couple of days I had to keep myself under control。 I had never been aware of any secret longing to have my own agency; but I had to choke off an impulse to drop in at Macgruder's Thursday morning and blow a couple of thousand of my own jack on office equipment。 Instead; I went to Second Avenue and found bargains。 Having decided not to take anything from 35th Street; I made up a shopping list of about forty items; from ash trays to a Moorhead's Directory; and shot the works。
  Late Saturday afternoon; with a package under my arm; I emerged from the elevator; went down the hall to the door of 1019; and backed off to give it a look。
  Private Detective
  Not bad at all; I thought; unlocking the door and entering。 I had considered having the painter put beneath it 〃By Appointment Only;〃 to keep the crowd down; but decided to save the extra three bucks。 I put my package on the desk; unwrapped it; and inspected my new letterheads and envelopes。 The type of my name was a little too bold; maybe; but otherwise it was pretty neat。 I uncovered the typewriter; a rebuilt Underwood that had set me back 62。75; inserted one of the letterheads; and wrote:
  Dear Mrs。 Frey:
  If you still feel as you did when you phoned me on Wednesday; I would be glad to call on you to discuss the situation; with the understanding that I shall he representing no one but myself。
  My new business address and phone number are above。 Ring me or write if you wish me to e。
  Sincerely; AG:hs
  I read it over and signed it。 It looked businesslike; I thought; with the regulation initialing at the bottom; the 〃hs〃 being for 〃himself。〃 When I left; after putting the stationery in a drawer and getting things in order for the rush of business on Monday morning; I dropped the envelope in the mail chute。 I was doing it that way; instead of phoning her; for three rea sons: if she had changed her mind she could just ignore it; I had a date; purely personal; for the weekend; and I had drawn myself a salary check; the last one; for that week。 On my way home I made a detour to 54th Street; to tell Marko Vukcic what I had done; because I thought he should be the first to know。
  He made it not only plain but emphatic that he disapproved。 I told him; 〃Experience tells me that pants wear out quicker sitting down than moving around。 Intelligence tells me that it's better to wait till you die to start to rot。 I would appreciate it if you will convey that to him next time you write him or phone him。〃
  〃You know perfectly good; Archie; that…〃
  〃Not perfectly good。 Perfectly well。〃
  〃You know that I have said nothing; but nothing; that might make you think I can write him or phone him。〃
  〃You didn't need to。 I know it's not your fault; but where does it leave me? Let me know any time you get a buyer for the house; and I'll move out。〃
  I left him still wanting to argue。
  I was not kidding myself that I had really cut loose; since I hadn't moved my bed out; but the way I figured it a caretaker who is drawing no pay has a right to a room; and besides; Fritz was still sleeping there and we were splitting on the groceries for breakfast; and I didn't want to insult either him or my stomach by breaking that up。
  I shall now have to specify when I say office…or; better; I'll say office when I mean Wolfe's office; and when I mean my Madison Avenue suite I'll say 1019。 Monday morning; arriving at 1019 a little after ten; I rang the phoneanswering service and was told that there had been no calls; and then dug into the morning mail; which consisted of a folder from a window…cleaning outfit。 After giving it full consideration; I typed notes on my new stationery to some personal friends; and an official letter to the City of New York giving notice of my change of address as a licensed detective。 I was sitting trying to think who else I might write to when the phone rang…my first ining call。
  I picked it up and told the transmitter plainly; 〃Archie Goodwin's office。〃
  〃May I speak to Mr。 Goodwin; please?〃
  〃I'll see if he's in。 Who is calling; please?〃
  〃Mrs。 Frey。〃
  〃Yes; he's in。 This is me。 You got my note?〃
  'It came this morning。 I don't know what you mean about represenimg no one but yourself。〃
  〃I guess I didn't make it very clear。 I only meant I wouldn't be acting as Nero Wolfe's assistant。 I'm just myself now。〃
  〃Oh。 Well…naturally; if you don't even know where he is。 Can you e this evening?〃
  〃To Birchvale?〃
  〃What time?〃
  〃Say eight…thirty。〃
  〃I'll be there。〃
  You can't beat that; I thought to myself 

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