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小说: uleg.thetombsofatuan 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃How is it that you know my name?〃
  He walked up and down the room; stirring up the fine dust; stretching his arms and shoulders in an effort to shake off the numbing chill。
  〃Knowing names is my job。 My art。 To weave the magic of a thing; you see; one must find its true name out。 In my lands we keep our true names hidden all our lives long; from all but those whom we trust utterly; for there is great power; and great peril; in a name。 Once; at the beginning of time; when Segoy raised the isles of Earthsea from the ocean deeps; all things bore their own true names。 And all doing of magic; all wizardry; hangs still upon the knowledge …the relearning; the remembering… of that true and ancient language of the Making。 There are spells to learn; of course; ways to use the words; and one must know the consequences; too。 But what a wizard spends his life at is finding out the names of things; and finding out how to find out the names of things。〃
  〃How did you find out mine?〃
  He looked at her a moment; a deep clear glance across the shadows between them; he hesitated a moment。 〃I cannot tell you that。 You are like a lantern swathed and covered; hidden away in a dark place。 Yet the light shines; they could not put out the light。 They could not hide you。 As I know the light; as I know you; I know your name; Tenar。 That is my gift; my power。 I cannot tell you more。 But tell me this: what will you do now?〃
  〃I don't know。〃
  〃Kossil has found an empty grave; by now。 What will she do?〃
  〃I don't know。 If I go back up; she can have me killed。 It is death for a High Priestess to lie。 She could have me sacrificed on the steps of the Throne if she wanted。 And Manan would have to really cut off my head this time; instead of just lifting the sword and waiting for the Dark figure to stop it。 But this time it wouldn't stop。 It would e down and cut off my head。〃
  Her voice was dull and slow。 He frowned。 〃If we stay here long;〃 he said; 〃you are going to go mad; Tenar。 The anger of the Nameless Ones is heavy on your mind。 And on mine。 It's better now that you're here; much better。 But it was a long time before you came; and I've used up most of my strength。 No one can withstand the Dark Ones long alone。 They are very strong。〃 He stopped; his voice had sunk low; and he seemed to have lost the thread of his speech。 He rubbed his hands over his forehead; and presently went to drink again from the flask。 He broke off a hunch of bread and sat down on the chest opposite to eat it。
  What he said was true; she felt a weight; a pressure on her mind; that seemed to darken and confuse all thought and feeling。 Yet she was not terrified; as she had been ing through the corridors alone。 Only the utter silence outside the room seemed terrible。 Why was that? She had never feared the silence of the underearth before。 But never before had she disobeyed the Nameless Ones; never had she set herself against them。
  She gave a little whimpering laugh at last。 〃Here we sit on the greatest treasure of the Empire;〃 she said。 〃The God…king would give all his wives to have one chest of it。 And we haven't even opened a lid to look。〃
  〃I did;〃 said the Sparrowhawk; chewing。
  〃In the dark?〃
  〃I made a little light。 The werelight。 It was hard to do; here。 Even with my staff it would have been hard; and without it; it was like trying to light a fire with wet wood in the rain。 But it came at last。 And I found what I was after。〃
  She raised her face slowly to look at him。 〃The ring?〃
  〃The half…ring。 You have the other half。〃
  〃I have it? The other half was lost…〃
  〃And found。 I wore it on a chain around my neck。 You took it off; and asked me if I couldn't afford a better talisman。 The only talisman better than half the Ring of Erreth…Akbe would be the whole。 But then; as they say; half a loaf's better than none。 So you now have my half; and I have yours。〃 He smiled at her across the shadows of the tomb。
  〃You said; when I took it; that I didn't know what to do with it。〃
  〃That was true。〃
  〃And you do know?〃
  He nodded。
  〃Tell me。 Tell me what it is; the ring; and how you came upon the lost half; and how you came here; and why。 All this I must know; then maybe I will see what to do。〃
  〃Maybe you will。 Very well。 What is it; the Ring of Erreth…Akbe? Well; you can see that it's not precious looking; and it's not even a ring。 It's too big。 An armring; perhaps; yet it seems too small for that。 No man knows who it was made for。 Elfarran the Fair wore it once; before the Isle of Solea was lost beneath the sea; and it was old when she wore it。 And at last it came into the hands of Erreth…Akbe。。。 The metal is hard silver; pierced with nine holes。 There's a design like waves scratched on the outside; and nine Runes of Power on the inside。 The half you have bears four runes and a bit of another; and mine likewise。 The break came right across that one symbol; and destroyed it。 It is what's been called; since then; the Lost Rune。 The other eight are known to Mages: Pirr that protects from madness and from wind and fire; Ges that gives endurance; and so on。 But the broken rune was the one that bound the lands。 It was the Bond…Rune; the sign of dominion; the sign of peace。 No king could rule well if he did not rule beneath that sign。 No one knows how it was written。 Since it was lost there have been no great kings in Havnor。 There have been princes and tyrants; and wars and quarreling among all the lands of Earthsea。
  〃So the wise lords and Mages of the Archipelago wanted the Ring of Erreth…Akbe; that they might restore the lost rune。 But at last they gave up sending men out to seek it; since none could take the one half from the Tombs of Atuan; and the other half; which Erreth…Akbe gave to a Kargish king; was lost long since。 They said there was no use in the search。 That was many hundred years ago。
  〃Now I e into it thus。 When I was a little older than you are now; I was on a。。。 chase; a kind of hunt across the sea。 That which I hunted tricked me; so that I was cast up on a desert isle; not far off the coasts of Karego…At and Atuan; south and west of here。 It was a little islet; not much more than a sandbar; with long grassy dunes down the middle; and a spring of salty water; and nothing else。
  〃Yet two people lived there。 An old man and woman; brother and sister; I think。 They were terrified of me。 They had not seen any other human face for… how long? Years; tens of years。 But I was in need; and they were kind to me。 They had a but of driftwood; and a fire。 The old woman gave me food; mussels she pulled from the rocks at low tide; dried meat of seabirds they killed by throwing stones。 She was afraid of me; but she gave me food。 Then when I did nothing to frighten her; she came to trust me; and she showed me her treasure。 She had a treasure; too。。。 It was a little dress。 All of silk stuff; with pearls。 A little child's dress; a princess' dress。 She was wearing uncured sealskin。
  〃We couldn't talk。 I didn't know the Kargish tongue then; and they knew no language of the Archipelago; and little enough of their own。 They must have been brought there as young children; and left to die。 I don't know why; and doubt that they knew。 They knew nothing but the island; the wind; and the sea。 But when I left she gave me a present。 She gave me the lost half of the Ring of Erreth…Akbe。〃
  He paused for a while。
  〃I didn't know it for what it was; no more than she did。 The greatest gift of this age of the world; and it was given by a poor old foolish woman in sealskins to a silly lout who stuffed it into his pocket and said ‘Thanks!' and sailed off。。。 Well; so I went on; and did what I had to do。 And then other things came up; and I went to the Dragons' Run; westward; and so on。 But all the time I kept the thing with me; because I felt a gratitude towards that old woman who had given me the only present she had to give。 I put a chain through one of the holes pierced in it; and wore it; and never thought about it。 And then one day on Selidor; the Farthest Isle; the land where Erreth…Akbe died in his battle with the dragon Orm…on Selidor I spoke with a dragon; one of that lineage of Orm。 He told me what I wore upon my breast。

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