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小说: jefflong.yearzero 字数: 每页4000字

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 taken care of。 This whole thing never happened。〃
 〃This morning?〃
 〃Your bags are packed。〃
 〃You can't do this。〃
 〃You're going to Los Alamos。 The University of California oversees operations there。 Elise has found a spot for you。 They say you have golden fingers。〃
 〃But Winston。。。。〃 she began。
 〃I can only save you;〃 he said。
 〃I can't just abandon him。 He needs me。〃
 〃It will be safer for you there; Miranda。〃
 〃He would never hurt me。〃
 〃It's not your creature that I'm worried about。〃
 She hesitated。 His voice had retreated into his bureaucratic shadows。 Again she heard it; his fear。 Profound fear。
 〃You've heard about these micro…outbreaks in Europe?〃 he asked。 〃A mystery virus。〃
 〃And in South Africa;〃 she said。 〃But that was weeks ago。 And they were confined to two or three labs。 It's over。〃 With a shrug; she quipped; 〃Ebola happens。〃
 〃It wasn't Ebola;〃 he said。
 Each of the outbreaks had involved reputable labs specializing in DNA typing; not disease research。 None used more than rudimentary bio…safety measures。 The real mystery was why any of them had been handling a virus in the first place。 There was quiet talk that ecoterrorists might have mailed the deadly samples; or a Unabomber with his own private stash of contagion。 In the scientific munity it had bee mon wisdom that the outbreaks had been hemorrhagic fever of some type; probably Ebola。 Transmission was by contact; she'd heard。 But it might also be aerosol。 The authorities had gone into standard defensive posture; neither confirming nor denying the accidents。 They had let the tabloids exaggerate it to flesh…eating absurdity。 The public quickly quit believing it was anything more than entertainment。 Miranda had quit paying attention。
 〃They did contain it; though;〃 she said。
 〃Slammed the door shut on it;〃 her father said firmly。 〃But it was a close call。〃
 She felt an edge of fear; less for the 〃close call;〃 than his adamant closure。 〃What was it?〃
 〃We don't have a fix on it yet。 It attacks the skin。 Then it goes straight for the brain。〃
 She thought about that for a moment。 Skin; then brain; what was the connection there? The symptoms started with the most external organ; and then jumped to the most internal organ。
 〃Of course;〃 she realized。 〃They originate from the same tissue。〃 She wanted to dispense with his riddle; demonstrate her virtuositywboy! He was watching her。
 〃In early development; the outer layer of the fetal ball envaginates;〃 she recited。 〃The outside bees the inside。 The ectoderm creates a tube; an empty space; that bees the spinal cord and brain。 At the cell level; skin and the nervous system are the same thing。 That's why melanoma is so deadly。 It shows up on the skin; then goes straight for the nerve cells。〃
 He was impressed; she could tell。 But impressed enough? Would he grant her probation; let her follow through with her slippery creation? 〃That's probably what's at work with this new disease;〃 he said。
 〃Skin;〃 she went on。 〃Touch。 Contact。 Is that how it spreads?〃 What about aerosol transmission? Was it blood…or water…borne? How long can it survive outside its host? Where does it e from? Have you mapped its proteins?〃 The questions bubbled out。
 〃We haven't figured out its natural reservoir;〃 her father said。 〃No one has seen it。 We have no idea if it's even a virus。 We don't know。〃
 Not for lack of trying; Miranda guessed。 The international effort must have been fantastic…and fruitless…to earn his anxiety。 〃What else could it be?〃 she asked。 Bacteria and rickettsias were too large to miss。 Given the state of modern immunology; they would be like elephants wandering through Lincoln Tunnel。 A prion; then? They were the next new thing in alien contagions。
 He shut down the line of inquiry。 Back to Chairman of the Boxes。 Boxes within boxes within boxes。 〃For now;〃 he said; 〃I don't want you working with animals。〃
 〃I hear your concern about this outbreak;〃 she said。 〃But Winston is separate。 He's not a problem。〃
 〃He may be separate; but he is similar;〃 her father said。 〃Like viruses; he constitutes a kingdom unknown。 We don't know what he is; therefore he is a danger。 I won't argue。〃
 〃There's something more you need to know;〃 she blurted out。 〃About Winston。 It's important。〃
 His eyes darted from her to the pond。 Shards of broken ice bobbed on the dark water。
 How to sum it all up? 〃I boosted his growth;〃 she said。 〃In the womb。 Winston was born the way you just saw him。 Same height。 Same weight。 He was born fully formed。〃
 Ever the reductionist; her father broke the notion into manageable parts。 〃You grew him to full maturity? Inside a Plexiglas box? Impossible;〃 he said。
 She skipped on。 〃I accelerated his development。 The trigger was there。 I just had to switch it on。 That wasn't the hard part。〃
 〃What was the hard part then?〃
 〃Switching the trigger off。 Otherwise he would have died of old age a month ago。 I had to find a way to stop it at the genetic level。〃
 〃Miranda;〃 her father slowly entoned。 〃You had to find a way to stop what?〃
 〃Aging。 Death。〃
 〃I found the brake。 I built it in。〃
 Her father was staring at her。 〃That can't be。〃
 〃Why not?〃 she said。 〃Because it's me that found it?〃
 〃Because; Miranda;〃 he said; 〃it's not chronological with the research being done。 It es out of nowhere。 And yes; because it's you; an unpublished; unfunded sixteen…year…old girl working in secret by herself。 With no assistance; with a few stolen instruments; out of the scientific munity's view; with no guidelines; no oversight。〃
 She interrupted。 〃Dad。 Seventeen。 For the record。 Two weeks ago。〃
 His mouth opened and closed。 Usually one of his secretaries faked it for him; some roses and a check。 She watched his chagrin; a matter of jaw muscles。 〃If what you say is true;〃 he said; returning to Winston's genesis; 〃you've jumped across the entire process。〃
 Shehad jumped their chronology。 So what? 〃There's nothing mystical about it;〃 she hurried on。 Her ten minutes were nearly up。 〃It's as natural as nature。 Everyone's so busy with gene mapping and cloning mice; they haven't bothered going out into the world to test…drive the code。 I did。 That's how I made the real discovery。〃
 She had his plete attention now。 〃You have to see this for yourself;〃 she said。 〃We have to go closer。〃 She hopped down to the next ledge。
 〃Get out of there; Miranda。 It's dangerous。〃
 〃Just a little closer。 So he can get a better look at you。 Then you'll see。〃
 〃You don't know what it's capable of。〃
 〃But I do;〃 she insisted。 〃He's like a miracle。 You know the law of unintended consequences。 Results you didn't build for。〃
 Something…her conviction; his curiosity…bridged their gap。 He took off his trenchcoat; and lowered himself to her ledge。 Miranda hopped one lower; and he followed。 She didn't take him all the way to the water。 He was close enough。
 Miranda unwrapped the final bundle; another lobster。 She skated it on top of the ice a few feet away。 〃Here; Winston;〃 she called。
 The monster came。 He was a powerful swimmer; and his lime green dorsal ridge cast a small roostertail of water behind him。 There was no showing off or fancy dolphin leaps this time。 He came to a halt just behind the lobster and heaved his head and shoulders up through the thin ice; facing them。
 Winston's face was so fantastic that he was either revolting or supremely beautiful。 There was no middle ground; no ordinariness by which to judge him。 His head was wider than it was high; the nostrils were flared and black; his skin slick。 He had lips; human shaped; but bleached of all colors。 His teeth were a mess; crooked in gums too weak to keep order; broken from chewing on bones; rotting。 The scalp wanted to grow; but his frog genes stunted it; and the result was pimpled follicles。 Half in; half out of the ice; he reached for the lobster and started nipping away the shell。 He burrowed into the viscera and took it like a string of spaghetti。 All the while; he pretended not to be studying them。
 〃Hello; Winston;〃 said Miranda。
 His ear stubs rotated。
 〃How's my little prince?〃
 The monster spoke。 He didn't bark or hoot。 His sounds were very close to human speech; a series of garbli

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