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小说: jefflong.yearzero 字数: 每页4000字

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 Thunder rolled along the Appalachian furrows。 It would rain again today。 A man appeared from the forest on horseback。 He wore hunter's camouflage and carried an M16 rifle across his saddle。 His horse towered above its striped cousins。 They didn't bolt away; giggling; the way wild zebras should have。 They merely shifted at his approach and went on foraging。 When a foal strayed; the horseman gently turned it back into the group。
 Nathan Lee didn't volunteer his presence。 He lay still; trying to wring some explanation from the scene。 If it was not real; he didn't wish to be talking to himself。
 The cave walls were stained from old campfires and scratched with grafitti。 Over the centuries; it had sheltered many travelers; apparently including Indians and Revolutionary War soldiers and Confederates and lovers。 One night Nathan Lee had brought Lydia to a cave like this; but she only plained about the mosquito bites。
 A second horseman appeared。 A sniper's net with foliage was draped across his shoulders。 He looked like a barbarian in skins; or a scarecrow with vast shoulders。 It was he who spied Nathan Lee's footprints in the mud leading to the cave。 He said something to his partner; who gently herded the zebras into the deeper mist。 They nickered and vanished。
 The scarecrow man waited until the zebras were gone。 Then he dismounted and; before Nathan Lee's eyes; he disappeared; too。 He sank down into the mountain laurels and mist and melted from view。 Nathan Lee heard a rifle bolt ratchet。 〃e out;〃 the man called。
 Nathan Lee stayed quiet。 His hallucination had diminished to a voice in the forest。
 〃I know you're in there。〃
 Maybe the apparition would go away。 Then Nathan Lee saw the orange twinkle of muzzle flash; and a bullet was suddenly cutting against his cave walls。 It sizzled and rang。 The chipped stone had a raw; singed odor。 Nathan Lee curled into a ball。 〃Who are you?〃 he yelled。
 〃e out。〃
 〃I don't want any trouble。 I don't have anything。〃
 〃You want another?〃
 〃Don't shoot me。〃
 〃Stay in there; I will。〃
 〃I'm unarmed。〃 Nathan Lee crawled out of the cave。 His joints ached from the damp。 He knew to keep his arms up; hands open。 He walked downhill。
 〃Stop there;〃 the voice said。 Not ten feet further; a man's head rested on the ground like a pumpkin。 He rose up and the ground seemed to rise on his back。 His face looked freshly unburied; smeared with soil and wood smoke and leaves in his beard。 Much like Nathan Lee's own face。 He kept the black dot of his muzzle trained on Nathan Lee's eye。
 The first horseman in hunter's clothing returned。 His horse's nostrils smoked in the cold。
 〃I was passing through;〃 said Nathan Lee。
 〃You should have kept passing;〃 the scarecrow said。
 〃It started to rain。〃
 〃What a coincidence。 Right among the meat。〃
 Meat?They thought he was a poacher。 Of zebras? Had people gotten so hungry? 〃I'm a physician;〃 he said。 〃I'm on my way to Washington。〃
 〃No one's going to Washington these days;〃 said the horseback man。
 〃I am。〃
 〃Let's see your blood book。〃
 Nathan Lee lowered one arm; carefully fetched the i。d。 booklet; and tossed it to the scarecrow。 In lieu of latex gloves; the man used a folded leaf to pick it up。
 〃Charles Andrew Bowen;〃 he read aloud。 〃M。D。 Bay City; Texas。〃 He pared the photo to Nathan Lee's face。 Nathan Lee had paid the forger with Tibetan gold。 He looked old in the picture。 It was a fair snapshot of his soul。 With a twig; the scarecrow opened the pages to mid…booklet; and visibly relaxed。 〃He tested negative at the Hancock station。 That was two days ago。〃 He lowered his rifle。
 The horseback man did not。 〃Now he knows where the herd is。〃
 Who were these guys?
 〃What's your business?〃 the scarecrow said。
 〃I'm looking for someone。〃 That annoyed them。 Everyone was looking for someone。 The phone network had crashed long ago。 The information age had gone the way of the albatross。 〃It's the truth;〃 he said。 He stopped。 Everybody had a story; losses to tell; an angle; a hunger。
 〃I wouldn't go down there;〃 said the scarecrow。 〃The coasts are getting hot。 You know about Florida。〃
 The plague had showed up in Key West and spread to Miami。 Taking no chances; the authorities had lopped the entire peninsula from the map。 No one entered。 No one left。 It was not a police action。 There were no polite checkpoints。 The curfew was absolute。 From Jacksonville to Pensacola; the Army patrols shot to kill。 The empire's furthest outposts were being overrun; one by one。 First Hawaii; then the Gulf。 Alaska had started to turn mean; too。 He had used every resource in catching one of the evacuation flights down into the lower forty…eight。
 〃It's not too late;〃 said Nathan Lee。
 The two men exchanged a look。 The horseback man kept his finger on the trigger。 He continued scowling。 〃He knows about the herd。〃 Only then did Nathan Lee see the string of ears hanging from his pommel。 They were coyote and dog ears; but one was human。 The horseback man grinned。
 〃What are those zebras doing here?〃 asked Nathan Lee。
 〃You ever hear of the National Zoo?〃
 It fell into place; or part of it anyway。 〃You're rangers?〃
 〃I was in my third year at veterinary school;〃 said the scarecrow。 〃Then the food riots hit。 After that; we trucked all the big mammals into the mountains。 They're safer here; even with the predators about。 If they find a cure; the animals can go back to the zoo。〃
 〃And if they don't?〃 said Nathan Lee。
 〃Nature won。〃
 While he fetched his pack from the cave; the two men rode off into the mist。 Nevertheless; Nathan Lee felt watched all the way out of the forest。
 THE RANGERSwere right。 No one was going into Washington; only trying to leave。 On the east side of the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge; he came to a great logjam of people waiting to be processed so they could cross the Potomac and strike off for the interior。 He could smell and hear the blood stations at work on them。 The stench of Clorox disinfectant was powerful in the noon heat。 Worse were the shrieking children; whose little veins were hidden away。
 〃Where do I go for my blood test?〃 he asked a soldier。
 〃You're inbound? No test。〃
 That was ominous。 They were giving up on D。C。
 The Metro was closed until further notice。 Thousands of homeless inhabited it; a dark; tubular municipality all its own。 Not wanting to chance the darker parts; he set off along Lafayette Boulevard on foot。
 Back the Attack;said a poster pasted on a wall。 The Health Services had tried a number of such slogans; some borrowed from WWII; some lifted from now outdated battles against diabetes; breast cancer; or AIDS:We Can Beat It; Speed the Cure; All Together; Our Blood Is One。
 In the ancient tradition; the elite had fled before the plague and left the city to the masses。 Far from being lifeless; the streets were fiery with culture。 It was cherry blossom season。 Pink petals surged on the breeze。 Flowers burst from the earth。 All the parks had been uprooted to make vegetable gardens。 Their long rows were tended by women and children; guarded by men with pawnshop guns or black market automatics。 Some gardens belonged to church groups; others were owned by gangs。 The most beautiful gardens he saw were cared for by the Nation of Islam; whose women dressed in white like black angels。
 It was a time of plenty。 Markets abounded with canned goods stolen from grocery chains and with USAID supplies。 You could find live chickens to eat or to lay eggs。 Ducks and other water fowl hung plucked from the rafters。 Tables were heavy with crab; mackarel; salmon; and squid。 Rich; spicy barbeque smoke hung in the air。
 After the cold; hunched malice of Alaska; now just an armed beachhead staving off foreign carriers; Washington was bewitching。 Block after block; drummers hammered at their bongos。 Dancers twirled; tangoed; and writhed。 A cappella reigned: choirs; quartets; brave soloists。 There were fire eaters; clowns; tightrope walkers; an ax juggler。 Every street corner held orators and soothsayers; philosophers; unemployed teachers giving lessons for food; and doomsayers ranting。
 At first glance; there was nothing but abundance。 Food convoys trundled through like chains of elephants; disbursin

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