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小说: jefflong.yearzero 字数: 每页4000字

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ctor for half a year before getting transferred here。 It's possible someone wired him with this Christ stuff while he was down there。〃
 Izzy shook his head。 〃You make him sound like an act of sabotage。 A car bomb。 You're saying someone rehearsed him for his Jesus role; then planted him in our midst; and then waited all these months to trigger the mischief? That's just so intricate。 So premeditated。〃
 〃The best forgeries usually are;〃 said Nathan Lee。 But he was merely keeping up his end of the wild theory。 Izzy was right。 It was farfetched。
 〃Why set him off now?〃 asked Izzy。
 〃I don't know。〃
 〃Why have you waited to reveal yourself?〃 Izzy asked the clone。 〃Why tonight?〃
 Eesho's face relaxed。 Easy question。 He raised a finger。 〃The Apocalypse has arrived。〃 He reminded Nathan Lee of that Frenchman in Kathmandu; calmly certain。
 〃People have been predicting apocalypses since the beginning of time;〃 Nathan Lee responded。 〃Tell him; every time the sun goes down at night; someone preaches doom。 Which apocalypse does he mean?〃
 Eesho replied at length。 〃He said he sees the plague in our eyes;〃 Izzy translated。 〃He said; the Lord God has brought an extraordinary plague upon us; a great and lengthy plague; a deadly illness。 All the diseases of Egypt; plus diseases that we've never heard about; so that all of us will be destroyed。 This is because we haven't obeyed the Word。 Now our tribes will wither。 They'll lose all memory of themselves; and that's the worst kind of death。 It is the end of time。〃 He finished;〃That apocalypse。〃
 〃Okay; who told him about the plague?〃
 〃Maybe he's just blowing smoke;〃 said Izzy。 〃He does have an attitude。〃
 〃No; he knows。 Someone got to him。 Might as well ask him who。〃
 Eesho answered; 〃The voice of God。〃 He pointed upward; and for an instant Nathan Lee was sure he was pointing at the speaker mounted flat in the ceiling。
 〃But you cried out that God has forsaken you。 Why?〃
 〃I cried out because I am upon my cross;〃 Eesho replied mildly; 〃and I am in my misery。〃
 Nathan Lee gave him a hard look。 〃What is it you want?〃
 It was a stupid question; really。 The man was a prisoner。 He would want what any prisoner wants。 Freedom。
 Abruptly Eesho squeezed his eyes shut。 He held out his opened palms and began rocking forward in quick bounds; mumbling prayers。 Nathan Lee had seen it before; elsewhere; from the Wailing Wall to Rongbuk。 It was the kind of rapid…fire chanting that ascetics around the world used to erase demons from a busy mind。 Nathan Lee was; to him; nothing more than background noise。
 IT WAS JUST AFTER DAWNwhen Nathan Lee emerged from the basements of Alpha Lab。 He went to the rooftop; and sunlight was creasing the edges of the mesa。 A crowd of several thousand was gathered on the street。
 They stood quietly on the road; very civil; no jostling。 Here and there people were chatting across the yellow Crime Scene tape with the Pro Force troops in black uniforms。 A lady was handing Styrofoam cups of coffee across the tape。 They were all on the same side out there。 They were neighbors。
 Miranda came up behind him。 〃It's posted all over the Net。 Everyone's talking。 It's taking on a life of its own。 How did it go in the dungeons?〃 She saw his face。 〃You look。。。defeated。〃
 〃Tired; that's all。 He gets stronger by the word。 More plicated。〃
 〃You didn't put a dent in him;〃 she summarized。
 〃He's a piece of work;〃 said Nathan Lee。 〃He didn't go off message once。 If you buy the Book; you'd buy him。〃
 〃Do you?〃
 〃Of course not;〃 he said。 〃This guy doesn't buy himself。 He seems astounded by all our attention。 I think Jesus Christ is a total alien to him。 The real messiah was supposed to be a military leader rising up from among the people and striking down their conquerors; sort of like Conan the Barbarian。 He acts amused that we're even listening to this myth of a wandering healer who got nailed to a cross。 He's got the whole routine down; mastered all the parts。 But he's all Word; no gritty reality。 His story's too perfect。 Somebody rehearsed him。 I'm convinced of it。〃
 〃Convince them;〃 Miranda said; gesturing at the crowd。 〃It's Wednesday morning。 They're supposed to be going to work。〃
 〃It's not that simple。〃
 〃We don't need a white paper with footnotes。 We're at risk from an illusion;〃 Miranda said。 〃Unplug him。〃
 〃I doubt very many of them believe a bit of it。〃
 〃My lab is surrounded by a police line;〃 she fumed。 The crowd offended her; Nathan Lee saw。 Or threatened her。 It wasn't their numbers; which were manageable; nor their fervor; which was meek; nor the hour; which was breakfast。 For most of them; work didn't start until eight。 But they were scientists。 They simply didn't belong out there。
 〃He's wearing a mask; Miranda。 I can't take it off。 He's going to have to take it off himself。〃
 〃You're going too easy on him。 They've bee your rades。〃
 Nathan Lee didn't know what they were to him; not patients; not subjects。 But not rades。 〃I don't think so。 Especially not this one。 Before this morning; I never spoke to him。〃
 〃You're too close to see it;〃 she said。 〃It's like the Stockholm syndrome; only in reverse。 Instead of the captive identifying with his captor; you've made yourself one of them。〃
 〃That was the whole strategy。 It's how Izzy and I got inside。〃
 〃It's gone on too long。〃 She headed for the door。 〃I want this over with。〃
 〃What are you doing; Miranda?〃
 〃We're making a mistake; dealing with him at his level;〃 she said。 〃Let him deal with us at ours。〃
 By the time he reached the elevators; she had already descended。 He went to the cells; but Miranda had taken Eesho; with Izzy; to the cloning floor。 Nathan Lee returned to the elevator and punched the button。
 They were in the incubation chamber when he arrived。 Eesho was in shock。 His world…the steel cell and their yard of plain walls…was suddenly stripped away。 In the blue light of this birth factory; he was faced with a genesis beyond his imagination。
 Nathan Lee hadn't visited the incubation chamber in months。 The cloning had largely stopped。 Only one of the chamber tanks was occupied。 The fetus…a nearly plete man…hung suspended in fluid。
 〃Tell him;〃 Miranda was saying to Izzy。 She had hold of Eesho's arm; forcing him up against the Plexiglas。 She was ferocious。 This was personal。 Nathan Lee had never seen her like this。
 〃Tell him what; Miranda?〃 Nathan Lee said quietly。 〃He's already terrified。〃
 Eesho was staring into the tank。 Humidity streaked his face。 Upside down in his fetal sac; the unborn clone was waking to them。 The lids of his eyes opened。 He stared at Eesho。
 〃God didn't make him;〃 Miranda said to Eesho。 She stood a head taller than the clone。 〃And God didn't make you。 I did。〃
 But still Eesho would not renounce his words。
 THAT SAME AFTERNOON; Nathan Lee got a call。 〃Pack your mule bag;〃 the voice instructed。
 Time collapsed。 Years had passed; but it could have been yesterday。Pack your mule bag。 The call to arms。
 〃Ochs?〃 Nathan Lee ground the phone against his ear; as if to trap the words。 Years of being crowded with rage。 Nathan Lee had given up trying not to be changed by his hatred; half hoping the fire would burn itself cold。 The plastic made a snapping noise。 He loosened his grip on the phone。 〃Where are you?〃
 〃Nowhere you can reach me;〃 Ochs said。
 〃South Sector;〃 Nathan Lee told him。
 〃Do you know how unpleasant it is to have you lurking out there?〃 Ochs asked。
 Nathan Lee backed off。 He took a breath。 〃We need to talk; David。〃
 Ochs wasn't fooled。 〃You need to listen。〃
 〃Where is she?〃 Nathan Lee snarled。
 〃All things in their season。〃
 What season? 〃The plague is everywhere;〃 he said。
 〃I'm taking over;〃 Ochs told him。
 〃Taking over what?〃
 〃Your inquisition。 Your enquiry; whatever it is you're doing to the prisoner。 You're leaving; and I'm ing out of the bushes。 I'm taking over your job。 You're not qualified。〃
 Nathan Lee was taken off guard。 All these months he'd been waiting to find the man; and now the man had found him。 The muddy waters began to clear。 The professor of Biblical antiquities wanted the clone; of course。 Ochs must have been chewing his liver all these months; watching whil

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