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小说: rstacy.doomsdaywarrior 字数: 每页4000字

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 seven feet wide。 Putting down his binocs; Rock said。 〃The town was probably hit with artillery; and then mopped up by a squad of mandos。〃 He swept the area again with his electron binoculars。 〃The fires are out; whatever happened occurred at least a day ago。 Let's go down and see if we can find out why they hit it; and look for survivors。〃
 Scheransky volunteered; 〃Maybe I should keep the sleds here; in case there's land mines; they're a bit hard to steer in exact situations。 I can cover for you here; with my Dragunov sniper rifle; pick off anyone that es near the town。〃
 〃Okay;〃 Rock said。 〃You stay with the dog sleds。 The rest of us go down and look around。〃
 Scheransky slid the sniper rifle out of his sled's blankets and covered them; peering around the countryside far and wide through the telescopic sight。 Then he left the rifle sitting on top of the blankets of his sled。 He unzipped his parka。 Crouching behind the sled he took out a small black box。 It had lots of buttons on it。 He pressed one。 The box sprung to life with a dozen blinking lights。 He seated it in the snow; and then pulled a whip antenna up to a height of three feet。
 He left the device to do its secret work; then peered over the sled to make sure no one had turned back for some reason。 The others must not know。
 This was only the third time he'd had the opportunity to set up the device。 If only they would leave him alone more; he could acplish his job。
 Rockson and his group skiied sullenly into the pathetic settlement's ruins。 There were not only the bodies of adults; but children's half…eaten corpses too。 And one little girl's frozen nude body had deep gashes in her pelvic area。 She was hanging by the neck from a pole; swaying in the cold wind。 Her anguished blank blue eyes stared at him as if pleading for …
 〃McCaughlin; cut her down and bury her under some rocks;〃 he ordered。
 〃Bastards;〃 McCaughlin muttered as he worked。 〃Murdering bastards。〃
 There were more bodies … ravaged women; men with missing testes; atrocities of all descriptions throughout the town。 And lots of tracks of wolves。
 But what attracted the Doomsday Warrior's attention most was the booted footprints of men。 Soviet murderers' bootprints。
 〃What could they have done this for?〃 Danik asked softly of Detroit; who walked alongside; surveying the disaster site。 〃What did they want of these poor people?〃
 Rock had no reply。
 The tanning shack was partly standing。 The team headed that way。 Rock told Danik to stand guard outside the shack。 He put a shotpistol into his thin long hand。 〃Better get used to holding this baby。〃
 Entering the shack with Liberator rifles set on full auto; just in case; the search team found a man。 He was trussed up by a rope on the one unfallen central wood beam。 He was still alive; and he moaned when he saw them。
 The survivor was not a pretty sight。 Rock instinctively shielded Rona's eyes; then withdrew his hand。 Who was he kidding? The woman had been in the middle of the worst action a dozen times。 She had seen as bad; and worse。
 The man had one eye half pulled from its bloody socket; his lips were cracked and blue from the cold。 He wore a torn fur parka lanced with a hundred bloody holes…perhaps the short jabs of a Soviet cavalry bayonet; sunk deep enough to make the man talk and talk。 Torture。 His one good eye tracked Rock as he approached。
 〃I don't know;〃 the agonized man pleaded。 〃Please; kill me; don't hurt me anymore。〃
 〃No one's gonna hurt you;〃 the Doomsday Warrior said softly。 He gave the man a drink from his canteen。
 He was about to cut him down; when he saw that the man was just a torn mass inside his clothing。 The guts of the man had been pulled out of a hole in his stomach。 Slippery coils of intestines pulsed with pain。 To move him 。 。 。
 〃The Reds did this?〃
 The man nodded slightly。 〃They … they wanted information on … on … some modern…dressed stranger they picked up on their instruments。 They said they knew he was near here。 One of their automatic overflight drones … Midnight Marauders … detected him。 That was about … few days ago。。。 Thought he might be a Free … Freefighter; 'cause he was dressed … different then us simple folk。 I … we … told them we didn't see … didn't know。。。 they shot our children one by one; trying to find out … but God; we didn't …〃
 Rockson knew injuries … when they were hopeless; when they weren't。 This was hopeless。 The man had minutes。 His trussed hands were blue swollen dead things; the circulation out of them for hours。 The man's lips trembled; spoke these words: 〃Please; please。。。 kill me。 Kill me …〃
 Rockson lifted his shotpistol and dispatched the man from his agony。 〃Well bury him too … alongside the little girl;〃 Rockson said。 〃We can't stop to collect all the bones in this town; but we will bury the two of them as a token of respect for all the people martyred here。〃
 On the way to the pile of rocks at the edge of town that would serve as the burial site; the Freefighters came upon two dead Russians。 Their faces were eaten away by the wolves; but their uniforms of cheap brown synthetic material hadn't proved as tasty。 〃A lieutenant and a sergeant;〃 Rock noted; pointing to the stripes on their sleeves。 〃There's a bullet hole in each of their heads … big caliber。〃
 The Sov's guns were out。 Tokarev ten…shot pistols。 Fired。
 Behind the rocks the Freefighters found the American shooters body。 A mountain man with a blunder…buss single…shot moose gun。 He was intact; the wolves had been busy on the Sovs。
 〃We'll bury this brave and good man too。 He deserves it。〃
 As they returned to Scheransky; who had been watching them with the binoculars as they made their grim rounds; Danik asked about the shot in the shed。 Rockson told him they had found a man in pain; but alive。 Beyond help。
 〃Did you find out why the Reds did this?〃 Danik asked。 〃I know from the tapes I studied in Century City that a munity like this is usually left alone。。。〃
 Rockson saw no point in telling Danik that he was the unwitting cause of this atrocity。 〃No; we don't know why the Reds did this;〃 Rock said flatly。 〃We have to move on。〃
 It was always their intention to save the precious food supply the carried for themselves and hunt food for the wolf…dog teams。 But they'd seen no game; not even any tracks; since setting out。 Now; when they did see tracks; it was that of a small rabbit。
 The tracks were hours old; Rock saw when he stopped to examine them。 〃No sense in going after the little thing; it would hardly sate the teams anyway。 Let's push on;〃 Rock said。 〃I don't like the looks of those clouds。〃 He pointed up to the south。
 〃More acid snow?〃 Rona asked。
 〃No; but nevertheless it's sure to be a bad storm。〃
 Indeed in a matter of minutes a wind started rising and soon became a howling enemy。 The wind…driven snow; though of the ordinary variety; took their breaths away。 It was ing directly from the south; so the choice was either to take a different tack or fight it。 Rockson promised; ordering the team to turn southwest and keep moving。
 The temperature dropped rapidly。 Rock glanced at the thermometer reading on his watch … seventy below。 He saw Danik falter and let go of his rope and fall。 Rock stopped the sleds。 McCaughlin raced over and helped Rock put the man on his sled; covering him with everything available。
 〃What's wrong with him?〃 McCaughlin asked; shouting into the wind。
 〃I think he's still a bit weak from his ordeal getting to Century City。 All the vitamin shots in the world can't make up for a frozen trek like that。 The Edenites never had to endure much in the way of low temperatures。 We've got to find shelter。〃 Rock replied。
 To make things worse; in another ten minutes of slow travel; the dogs abandoned their fanned…out position at the end of the nylon rope traces and tangled themselves into immobility。 They began howling and biting at the strong rope。 〃We've got to untangle them; find shelter。〃 Rock implored。
 It took twenty minutes of bone…chilling work for all of them to untangle the dogs … and they had to take off their mittens to straighten out the traces。 They were well on their way to having frostbitten fingers by the time they got moving again。 Danik

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