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小说: rstacy.doomsdaywarrior 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Now; that's a woman you got there。 Rock;〃 said McCaughlin。
 The next day's trek was an uneventful passage over gently rolling snow under pink cirrus clouds。 Rockson; stopping the group at midafternoon; used the navigation devices that Schecter had provided; and also used the toy sextant that Dutil had figured angles and distance with。 He announced that they were well out on the rolling plains of Arizona。 Some divine power must; they reasoned; be favoring their quest。
 The citizen of Eden had been extraordinarily quiet。
 He was sitting up on Rock's sled; watching the scenery go by。 Rock; hoping he wasn't getting sick again; spoke to him。 〃You all right; Danik?〃
 〃Wonderful。 It's so beautiful; that's why I'm quiet。 This land is so beautiful。 What is there to say in the face of such beauty?〃
 〃I guess we Americans take for granted the majesty of the countryside; Danik。 It's a good thing someone es along once in a while to tell us what we have。 So we notice it more。 So we appreciate it。 You know it was all almost pletely destroyed a hundred and five years ago … when the two superpowers fired their ICBMs at one another。 The ignorant bastards almost destroyed it all。〃
 〃Stafford plans to finish their evil handiwork … make this beautiful world a no…man's land;〃 Danik said sadly。 〃I hope we can stop him。 God; I pray that we can stop him。〃
 After nearly one hundred miles more; all against a fierce icy wind; the party of bold adventurers were beginning to doubt the directions given by the note…book。 They should have reached the next landmark … the tall teepee…shaped building。 Still; there was nothing to do but go on。
 They were ten miles further along than the note…book indicated; and all were depressed and feeling hopeless; when Danik himself shouted the good news: 〃There it is; the whale rock。 We are on the right track。〃
 〃Thank God Run Dutil's notes were accurate at least to the direction; if not to the distance;〃 Rock uttered with relief。
 Recalculating their path taking into account the navigational error of two degrees and ten miles; Rockson headed the bone…weary squad off again to the south。 And after two more hard hours fighting winds and driven snow; they came upon a crumbling highway town。 There in the middle of the rust spots in the snow that had been Buicks and Toyotas and Oldsmobiles over a hundred years ago; was the giant teepee。 It had the look of a new building。 〃We buried two panions behind it;〃 Danik said softly。
 〃It must be some sort of plastic;〃 Rockson said。 〃Plastic lasts longer than concrete。 Keep the dogs back; Detroit; e with me; I want to make sure no one is in there。 It looks so spiffy; I don't trust it。〃
 The team members held their sleds back behind some tumbled boulders; and Rock and the bull…necked black Freefighter walked cautiously forward; guns drawn; inspecting the many windows in the five…story bright…orange…and…yellow 〃teepee〃 for any movements。 〃Keep an eye on that mesa behind the building;〃 Rockson said。 〃There's a thousand places a man with a rifle could hole up in those rocks。〃 Detroit nodded。
 The sign over the door; a ten…foot…high red plastic affair; said TOMAHAWK INDIAN STORE; save now; 50% off Indian Jewelry。〃
 〃Good; we're in time for the sale;〃 Detroit whisperingly joked。
 Rockson and Detroit cautiously entered the giant replica of an Indian dwelling。 Light sifted in from outside through high windows。 Tumbled chairs; smashed tables; precious items of beaten silver and turquoise … necklaces; rings; bracelets … lay unmolested in glass cases。 But other glass counters by the rusty cash register were smashed。 〃They kept candy by the register;〃 Rock said; bolstering his shotpistol。 〃In the weeks after the nuke war; any kind of food was precious … much more precious than jewelry。〃 A quick survey found the place uninhabited。
 It was a good place to stay for the night; for there was an old Franklin stove actually still in one piece。 They gathered firewood … smashing the dried wooden counters of the soda fountain for fuel。 Soon the immense teepee had blue…white smoke ing out its top; and the Freefighters and the man from Mexico were sitting around eating their pemmican and pork stew。 McCaughlin; the official morale builder; began playing his harmonica。 They sang a few choruses of 〃Jimmy Crack Corn;〃 and a few patriotic songs like 〃America the Beautiful。〃 That brought tears to Danik's eyes。 Then they all bedded down and fell into a well…deserved warm and cozy sleep。
 Scheransky carefully slipped from his sleeping bag in the dead of night and nearly soundlessly stole away from the pany of exhausted Freefighters。 Before he moved off into the crescent…moon…lit darkness outside the odd building; the Russian reached into a pack on his sled and took out the small black…box device。 It fit right into the palm of his hand。 Sure that no one had noticed his awakening; he slipped away into the snowy darkness。
 But someone had noticed; Chen。 Though as tired as the others。 Chen's martial arts training allowed him to sleep lightly when on a mission; and to unconsciously note any unusual noise。 He opened his brown…amber eyes and without the slightest movement of his head or body tracked the silent Russian defector。 Then; as stealthily as the Russian had moved; Chen rose and followed。 At the doorway he saw Scheransky go behind some boulders。
 What was the Russian up to? Chen couldn't believe he was up to something bad。 Maybe it was just a call of nature that drove Scheransky over the ridge? What if it wasn't? Chen had bought the Russian's story of believing in the American cause。 Chen had believed … up until this point … that Scheransky was a true and loyal American Freefighter now。 He certainly had honored himself in the Alaska mission; and Rockson trusted Scheransky implicitly。
 But then where the hell was he going? As Chen stalked him over the ridge of boulders; he saw Scheransky now running in the distance。 The man was certainly not just taking a piss。 No; he was up to something。
 Chen shot from boulder to boulder。 The Russian never looked back to see if he was being followed。 He stopped suddenly and put a device in his hand down and pulled out an antenna。 He started pushing on it … buttons perhaps。
 A transmitter of some kind; Chen concluded。 The Soviet defector must not be a defector at all … he must be giving away their position。 He should throw a star…dart … kill the man he had e to trust as a friend over the past months … No! He hesitated。
 Chen put the shuriken back into his belt pouch。 He instead ran like lightning; silently as a deer; at the Russian kneeling there in the snow。 Chen jumped him just as he was turning; having heard the faint crunch of snow。
 Wham; Chen was upon him。 The Russian fought like a madman but Chen had him tied up in knots with a reverse hammerhold and his face half buried in the snow; his arms twisted violently behind him。 Scheransky; for the first time seeing his silent attacker; exclaimed; 〃Chen; it's you!〃
 〃Yes; you bastard。 It's me。 What are you doing?〃 〃Ease up; Chen; you're hurting me。〃 〃Not until you tell me what you're doing!〃 Chen saw now that the device had a number of small blinking red lights on it。 The antenna waved in the arctic…like wind。 Scheransky tried again to struggle out of Chen's grip; but to no avail。 〃Talk; you traitor … or I'll break your arm。〃 Scheransky spat out snow and said; 〃All right; all right。 It's an … experiment … for … for Dr。 Schecter。〃 〃Oh yeah? Then; how e we're not in on it?〃 Chen tightened his twist of the Russian's arm。 〃Ow; let go; let go。〃
 〃Let him go; Chen;〃 said a voice from behind。 Chen turned to see Rockson's cleated boots near his face。 And Rona and Archer too were ing up behind him。 〃Caught him with this device;〃 Chen said; pushing Scheransky's device across the snow with his foot。 〃Take a look。〃 He let the Russian sit up。 Scheransky started rubbing his shoulder。 He leaned over to retrieve his black…box device。
 〃Stay away from that device;〃 Rock said; unholstering his pistol。
 〃Don't worry; I will;〃 said Scheransky; withdrawing his hand。
 〃Now; what's this about?〃
 Scheransky sighed。 〃You're not supposed to know。〃
 〃Tell me anyway。〃
 〃I never trusted him;〃 Chen offered。 

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