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小说: rstacy.doomsdaywarrior 字数: 每页4000字

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 power plants; to supply electricity to the big cities。 Not all of it was used for bombs。 What was wrong with that?〃
 〃The sun could provide as much or more power for nothing。 The greed of the big panies was to make nuclear power plants; and so control all the energy; sell all the energy that people could gather free from the sun and the wind。 And the nuclear power plants spread radiation death even before they were targeted by Soviet ICBMs。 One plant; located in the Ukrainian slave state and run by the Russians; exploded three years before the war … in 1986。 The cancer rate in Europe doubled。 No; Rockson; it was as I say to you … the utility panies here in the United States; and the government fat cats in Russia; wanted nuclear power to enslave the people。
 〃White man … or should I say paleface; for some whites did understand; it wasn't a racial thing … never understood。 Paleface never understood that he was a part of the cycle of nature。 He didn't understand that nature is a reflection of the Great Spirit; that man is part of that great spirit; as is every rock and tree and mountain。 The white man's religions all said man was separate from nature; greater than nature。 Such conceit。〃
 〃There were some white people who believed as you do; Chief。 They saw what was happening and tried to stop it。〃
 〃These people;〃 said Smokestone; 〃I would call Indians。 They are American Indians in spirit; though their skin is white。 I believe that you; Rockson; are such a man … a white Indian。〃
 The Doomsday Warrior was touched by the pliment; he could only say; 〃Thank you; Chief; you do me an honor。〃
 〃To be an Indian is not a matter of race … it is a state of mind。 Did you know that in the 1850s; when Indians captured white women; we took them into the tribe? And if they learned to be squaws they were wele。 The nonracist Indians did this because the long…knives … the cavalry … had depleted our numbers in the war of genocide。 Indians took in runaway slaves too。 We Indians were never bent on genocide; just on saving the earth … the precious land we roamed。 We failed to do this。〃 Smokestone's pipe had been used up; he put it down。 〃The human race failed;〃 Rockson said; 〃all of us。〃 〃You will see the seeds of the destruction; Rockson; I have assembled it all in the Hall of Atrocities … e with me。 You will see how humankind defiled the Great Spirit。〃
 After walking down a long rock…hewn corridor deep into the canyon wall; Rockson was ushered into a room the size of a good…sized ballfield。 It was loaded with exhibit cases。
 〃Take a look at the first case on the right;〃 Chief Smokestone said。
 Rockson did。 There were photographs; blown up to two by three feet … the inside of some sort of metal building … and what was inside made him nearly sick。 〃This is a real photograph?〃
 〃Yes。 Before the war; the Great Nuke War; the meat for American tables was raised this way … cows in small cells; confined; force…fed。 The reason was greed。 Cattle that don't move gain weight faster。 Of course we Indians believe that animals; like man; are part of the Great Spirit。 They are killed for meat; to eat。 But they are respected; not tortured; Rockson。 Only meat from animals roaming free; Indians believe; is healthy。 These photographs are proof of the fall of man … his ignorance of the way of the Spirit。〃
 〃I had no idea;〃 Rockson said; 〃that twentieth…century civilized man did such things … even the Soviet occupation forces are hardly more cruel。 It takes a sadistic bent of mind to treat animals in such ways。〃
 〃There's more;〃 said Smokestone。 〃Here is a small sample of the way the chickens were stacked one atop another; in thirty…story buildings with a thousand wire mesh cages one atop the other。〃
 Rockson saw the pictures; and there was even a cutaway diorama。 The birds were tightly confined; never allowed to move; unable to flex their wings or avoid the rain of excrement from above。 The cages were stacked thirty; even fifty atop one another。 In thousands of rows。
 〃And people consumed the meat of these cattle and chickens?〃
 〃By the time of the war; ninety percent of all beef and poultry sold in the United States was raised in close confinement。 The meat of these diseased; tortured animals was sold in every food market; as if there was nothing wrong。 People chose not to know or they didn't care。 Of course these animals' flesh had lot of residues of chemicals and antibiotics that were used to raise them quickly。 Naturally; they passed on a lot of cancers and leukemias to their eaters。 Aside from the cruelty of raising animals in such ways; there was that danger to the consumers。
 〃In the late 1980s most of the beef supply and chicken supply was made into ground patties or chunks and sold in small styrofoam coffins in places called fast…food outlets。 The rusting remnants of such places still clutter the roadsides in parts of America to this day。〃
 〃The stuff couldn't have tasted very good;〃 Rockson said。
 〃Correct。 But to hide the bitter cardboard…like taste; the patties and chunks were injected with tons of salt and sugar。 Even Indians ate such food toward the end of that decadent era。 Even we; the people of the land; defied the Earth mother and ate such abominations。 Of course; most Indians had lost their treaty rights to hunt and fish by that time; so what choice did they have but to go to these places too?
 〃The paleface civilization didn't understand consequences would result kharmically from its treatment of animals。 Millions more animals were needlessly tortured in research in laboratories; often for the most frivolous reasons。 Here; e with me to the next exhibit … see? It is a lab with cats with electrodes attached to their brains … and this exhibit。 Here the dogs have their heads severed and attached to feeder tubes。〃
 Rockson could hardly look at the exhibits。 He moved on。 There was a huge photograph … black and white; of a beautiful Arizona mesa jutting from the morning mists。
 〃That photo;〃 Smokestone said; 〃was taken in the 1930s … of Black Mesa。〃
 〃A beautiful area。 Untouched。〃
 〃Therein dwelled the earth spirits。 The world is balanced at four places; Rockson。 Of course you know that。 One of these places is called the first corner。 Black Mesa sat upon this sacred balancing place。 On the map of the U。S。 it was; ironically; the place where four states … Colorado; Arizona; New Mexico; and Utah … touched。
 〃Now look at the next photo … a color photograph taken from the air … taken of the same area in 1989 … just before World War Three。〃
 Rockson whistled。 There were giant smokestacks and part of the mesa was gone。 The mesa had been eaten away as if by a giant。 No … there were the instruments of its destruction … skyscraper…tall steam shovels。 It was obvious from their lineup heading toward the huge power plants that they were feeding the mesa bit by bit to fuel the power plants' many furnaces。 The smoke pouring out of the stacks was black and deadly。
 〃See those hundreds of threads on those silver poles … all heading to the west?〃
 〃Yes。 What are they?〃
 〃Power lines … heading toward California。 California virtually ate electricity; mostly for wasteful purposes。 The Indian lands were cunningly seized by the lawyers of the big utilities and sacrificed to the white man's god … Sacrificed to Mammon。 Greed。〃
 〃And the world lost one balancing point。〃
 〃The next pictures show the result of that imbalance 。 。 。〃
 Rockson walked on; his bootheels echoing down the stone floor。 The next pictures were war photos。 Bodies; mushroom clouds。 Ruins。 One picture was from a space satellite。 A water…filled crater on a coastal plain。
 〃New York?〃
 〃Chicago。 That's Lake Michigan; Rockson。〃
 Rockson sighed。 〃If only it could be undone。 And yet the world is threatened again; this very day; by one man's madness。〃
 Rockson spent some time explaining their urgent mission and the danger that Stafford presented。
 〃Rockson;〃 Smokestone held his arm at the bicep; 〃please take me with you to this Eden。 I want to be in on stopping Stafford from laying waste to the world。 I want to succeed where my ancestors failed。 I want to help to create the new balance。 Please let me e with you。〃
 Rockson had al

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