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小说: rstacy.doomsdaywarrior 字数: 每页4000字

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 their men down gurgling out blood。 Scarcely a noise passed their lips。 The Russian's swooshing blade hit his man in the temple and that shut him up。 He didn't even flop around; just fell dead。
 Archer's huge arrow flew with a hiss and went right through the neck of the next man in line and out his throat; and; remarkably; right back into the man in front of him。 Skewered together; gasping out quarts of blood; they tumbled to the side; their eyes wide and staring at darkness。
 The Freefighters were upon the remaining Cult soldiers before they had a chance to whirl around。 Scheransky bludgeoned down his prey with ease; cracking open the man's skull and spilling his brains on the stone floor。 Detroit slammed his baton into the base of his man's skull。 Scratch one more Cultist。 Smokestone's massive tomahawk spilled brains right and left。
 Rockson smashed the last man a mighty blow to the solar plexus with his balisong knife handle as the soldier was already raising the long silver tube and squeezing the trigger on the thing。 Rockson winced; expecting a shot; even though the tube wasn't pointed at him … and never would be。 But instead of a report; the tip of the silver tube glowed red。 A section of the wall it was facing started smoking and glowing red…hot。 The man stopped pulling the trigger when his eyes rolled up and he fell。
 They had managed to get them all without making more than some scuffling noises; a few gurgles; and death rattles。 〃Now; quickly; put on their uniforms … let Archer and McCaughlin use the outfits of those two big guys; the rest catch…as…catch…can。〃
 Meanwhile; deep in the earth。。。 a strange torchlit procession descended。 Six pale loin…clothed figures carried a sedan chair on their massive shoulders。 In front of the figures was the short swarthy man with the characteristic muttonchop beard and moustache that designated him as a Renquist high priest。 Manion had switched from his coarse outer…world garment; and now he wore a heavily ornate blue silk robe。 Those carrying his captive on the sedan chair behind him were the servants of his exalted being。 Behind the bearers of the ornate sedan chair were the six soldier…monks who had so accurately fired the sleep gas。
 They have done well; they will be rewarded; Manion thought。 The Sandra has been acquired; the destiny of the people of Death City; and her exalted destiny was about to be fulfilled。 Renquist; Mightiest of All will have his Queen once more。 And the Blessed Renquist will reward his people。 Manion; when he first had peeked over the rocks of the outside world and had seen the Goddess and her panions; had known at once。 The Goddess was exactly as she eternally appeared … beautiful; red flames for hair; tan of plexion; long of limb。 Haughty; and buxom。 She was the Sandra; consort…wife of the Renquist。 She had been sent back to them; so that destiny could at last be fulfilled。 Manion had no doubt of that。 She was Sandra。 And she belonged to his people。
 But what of the others with her … those strange men? Couldn't they have been messengers that heaven sent to deliver Sandra to Death City。 No; they must have been a group of surface people that had seized the Goddess; and were about to take her for their own。 Manion was not entirely sure; so he had thought it best to not kill them where they lay overe with the gas of sleep。 They would awaken and they would be afraid and leave the area。 Yes。 They would not try to follow … and even if they found the entrance; there were patrols in the tunnels。 Still; he was uneasy。 Perhaps he should have killed them。。。
 The entourage bearing the sleeping woman reached a cavern; and a huge brass door with carved figures of a titanic bear stood before them。 Manion; as was his duty; went to the gong and took up the stick and rang it twice。 Responding to the sonorous ringing; the doors slowly opened。
 In the flickering flame…lamp's light; twenty meters beyond the door; stood the ten…story…high solid gold statue of Renquist。 Manion made a prostration; and then those behind him set down the sedan chair and also made obeisance; their foreheads to the stone floor below them。 The Fire of Eternity set before the huge statue flared up。 〃A good sign;〃 Manion interpreted aloud。 〃Renquist is well pleased。〃
 The Goddess was paraded before the statue; the gossamer covering of the sedan chair removed so that He could see。 Then Manion ordered that the Goddess be taken to her new quarters; to be bathed in milk and honey; to be dressed properly; so that all might be fulfilled。。。
 Rona regained consciousness shortly after being deposited on a vermilion silk bed。 The awakening was soft; and slow。 Rona had dim memories of a sweet dream; of beautiful milkmaids bing out her long tresses; bathing her; caressing her; stripping her of dirty garments and bathing her in milk。 Suddenly; she sat bolt upright。 Where was she … what had happened? She started to rise; and felt her body; shorn of her khaki outfit; nearly naked; slide across the silk。 She gasped when she saw that all she wore was a scanty; jewel…encrusted brassiere and a stingy bikini bottom。 The flimsiest gossamer transparent skirt hung from that bottom; hiding nothing of her long legs。
 She saw an ornate gold…framed mirror in the corner of the large empty room。 No doors or windows visible。 This must be a dream。 She went to the mirror。 There she was; her hair neat and clean; in the bare…midriff costume。 There was a ruby…encrusted tiara on her head。 She took it off。 She felt along the walls for a door。 Nothing。 Had the milkmaids been real? Was this real? She looked around。 There was the dresser and mirror; the brocaded silk sofa…bed; a carpet that belonged in an antique store … a sumptuously appointed Louis XIV type room。 It was subtly lit by recessed bulbs in its rock ceiling。
 There were giggles。 Watchers in the walls … somewhere。 She went to the bed and tore off the bedspread; covered her scantily clad body。 She stood there; for a long time; almost breathless。 Nothing。 Rona lay back down again and closed her eyes。 The bed sure felt real enough。 She touched the jewels on her bikini button。 Hard。 Real。 She moved her hand to her perfumed left nipple; which; due to the briefness of the brassiere; was half exposed; and squeezed。 〃Ouch;〃 she exclaimed aloud; 〃This is real。 Where the hell am I?〃
 No answer。 Then; from the dark corners of the room; squat; heavily veiled figures crept forward silently。 Rona gasped; stood up on her bare perfumed feet; and took a karate stand; hands made into cutting; crushing instruments of death。 〃Who's there?〃
 Giggles。 One figure came forward a bit further; into the light。 It was a short wide woman of about thirty years of age; hairless; and dressed in a set of coarse shapeless veils of a light blue cotton…type material from neck to ankles。 〃I am Verna; Your Majesty;〃 the woman said; and bowed deeply。
 〃Where am I?〃 Rona said。 She did not change her kata position。 〃What is this place? Who dressed me … undressed me …〃
 〃We; your handmaidens prepared you。 Your Majesty。〃
 〃Prepared me for what?〃
 〃You are to achieve your destiny; oh Sandra; Mother of All。〃
 Rona whirled as the hidden door opened again。 In stepped a bald man in muttonchop beard and moustache。 He looked much like those nineteenth…century portraits of the scions of American capitalism … except that below his face he wore not a pinstriped suit but a blue bejeweled tunic of some sort。 Kind of a Roman outfit。
 He too bowed deeply。 Rona thought; At least I get some respect around here; wherever here was。 〃What's going on?〃 she demanded。 〃Where am I and who are you?〃
 〃Your obedient servant; Jefferson Manion; at your service;〃 the man said。 〃Sandra Renquist; Your Exalted Goddess; Your Supreme Majesty; you are in Death City; your people have brought you here。 So that you may be joined with He Who Is Eternal。〃
 He bowed again。
 〃I'm going to kick you in your stupid face unless you …〃
 The man raised a small stick he carried and a flickering ray jumped from it into the mid…forehead of the captive。 She paused in mid…sentence; and a beatific smile errupted upon her face。 Rona felt good … very good。 She couldn't remember what she had been a

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