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小说: rstacy.doomsdaywarrior 字数: 每页4000字

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 by a sweep of hot lead; spun across the darkness。 The body that had belonged to Manion's head sank to the floor like a sack of potatoes; the neck…opening pumping out a fountain of blood。
 Through the cordite smoke of the weapons; the Doomsday Warrior stepped over to his beloved。 Rockson approached the beaten nude figure stretched out on the mound with trepidation。 Was she alive? Yes。 But her eyes were bleary。
 〃Rona; are you …〃
 〃Untie me。 Rock;〃 she groaned in a soft voice。
 Rockson used his balisong knife to cut the bindings off。 He threw his coat over her; she zipped it up。 It was large and went down halfway to her knees。 It would do … Detroit was stripping the headless corpse of its shoes … they were about right for Rona's feet。 Rockson slipped them on her and lifted her to him and hugged her。 〃Rona; are you …〃
 〃I'm basically all right; though I don't want to spend any time sitting real soon。〃
 She had spunk。 That was for sure。
 〃Can you walk?〃
 〃Walk? Hell; I can run。 Let's get out of here。〃
 There wasn't much left of the enemy down the long ice corridor; Rona quickly saw that。 Stumped bodies were everywhere。 The Freefighters had gotten only so far in their Cultist disguises; and had finished off a good number of their enemy on the way to rescue Rona。
 Rockson had grabbed one of the surviving soldier…monks from the temple and was pushing him along the corridor; a gun in his back。 〃You find us the passageway to Eden … the old construction tunnel … or else。〃
 〃The construction tunnel? Why; that was blown up; sealed off last week。 There is no way to Eden anymore。〃
 Rockson spun the cowed man around on his heels; and cocked the shotpistol and placed its cold barrel against the captive's forehead。 〃Then; you find us another passageway to Eden。〃
 The captive; the pupils of his colorless eyes pinned in fright; stuttered out; 〃There … there is a passage … to the Caverns of H…Hell。 They say th…that those caverns e out in…in Eden。 But …〃
 Rockson said; 〃You take us to this passage … now。〃
 The captive plied; leading them down a series of corridors; then down some steps with an inch of dust on them。 〃God; Rock;〃 said Detroit; 〃no one must have been down here for a long; long time。〃
 〃That's because;〃 Danik gasped; keeping up the pace down the curving wide stairs with great effort; 〃because the Caverns of Hell have legends of horror。〃
 They reached the bottom of the stairs; their flashlights played along a wide crack in a stone wall。 There was darkness beyond; and a cool wind ing from the hole。 〃This is it;〃 said the captive。 Now let me go … you said。。。〃
 Rockson let go of the man's arm。 〃Get the hell out of here; jerk; and don't tell anyone …〃
 〃I won't;〃 the man yelled; taking off back up the stairs two steps at a time。
 〃Now; what's the story on these caverns; Danik?〃
 〃In Eden we know them as the place of horrors。 A natural series of caves with strange voices in them … and death。 The man that led us here was correct; though。 They do e out in Eden。 Through a fissure。 It isn't sealed because a fresh wind es from it。 The whole ecosystem of Eden would overload if they closed the fissure。 The Caverns of Hell … sometimes called the air caves … were briefly explored by early Edenites。 Most never returned。 The few that did told of horror beyond the imagination。〃
 〃What sorts of horrors? You mentioned voices … could Just be echoes; ing back long after someone spoke。 What else?〃
 〃I read that there were animals … of some sort … they had big teeth。 Adults in Eden never read of such oddities; it was just nursery…school stuff。 I don't really know。〃
 〃Maybe;〃 ventured McCaughlin; 〃they just made up the tales。 The leaders of Eden weren't too keen about having people go out of the city。 Could be all hogwash。〃
 〃Hogwash or not;〃 Rockson said; 〃I hear some thundering feet up the stairwell。 I think the reinforcements are ing。 Shall we make the plunge?〃
 Rockson was sure the Death City folks wouldn't follow。 He was right。 They were unmolested in their quick march through the cavern。 Danik told him that if they just kept going south; they would descend steeply; and then go up after seven miles and e out at Eden。 A piece of cake。 Of course he was going by dim recollections of a map he'd seen in a book in Eden … when he was a child。 They found direction with one of Schecter's pocket passes; unaffected by local sources of magnetism; the nifty little luminous dial…thing unerringly pointed magnetic north。
 When they had gotten about a quarter mile into their remarkable passage; there was a tremendous rumble; and rocks and soot sifted down from the trembling mountain above them。
 〃Quick; against the wall of stalagmites over there;〃 Rock ordered。 Because they obeyed their leader; they avoided anything more than a few shoulder scrapes from falling chunks of rock。 The rumble died down。 Then its echo also。 All was silent。
 〃What was that?〃 Rona asked。
 〃There's your answer;〃 Rockson declared; pointing back toward where they had e from。 There was smoke and dust exuding from the crevice they had entered the cavern from。
 〃The entranceway to Death City has been blown up;〃 Detroit surmised grimly。
 〃There's no turning back now;〃 McCaughlin stated flatly 〃It's forward or die。〃
 They proceeded on their way; on a sloping but secure floor of limestone。 It was a beautiful underground vista opening before them; a limestone cavern; with stalagmites of every shape and color…they were amazed at the beauty of the delicate formations when they shone their lights on the dim shapes。 All seemed well; and then the pleasantly cool temperature rose。 It became quite warm。
 〃Some sort of hot lava bed perhaps; ahead。〃 said Scheransky; an expert on such matters。
 〃I sure hope this is the right cavern;〃 Rona said。
 No one mented on that hope。 It had to be the right cavern。 Or they were dead。
 The air became fetid with sulfurous fumes; but was still breathable。 They unclicked their flashlights as the light of a bubbling magma stream off to their left illuminated the way for another half mile。 Then the air and temperature returned to normal。 〃Good thing that stream of hot lava wasn't in our way;〃 Detroit said。 〃I'm not much for fire walking。〃
 Now instead of heat; it was cold … bitter cold。 And the pebble…littered path among the rock formations descended steeply。 It was cautious going; each Freefighter helping the next twist and turn down the escarpment。 Worse; here and there were human bones … skulls with huge dead eyesockets; fragments of clothing of the twentieth…century variety。
 〃No one has to be told to keep alert; do they?〃
 At Rockson's suggestion; they went single file。 〃I sure wish we had some rope … I don't like groping in the …〃 Rock stopped in his tracks。 The lightbeam from his flashlight had reached some object ahead。 A big hump of rock。 It stood out on the flatness that lay; thankfully; just ahead。 Their steep; dangerous descent was over。
 They came down one by one to the flatness。 Then onward they marched; braving whatever would e before them。 After all; it was incredible that they had gotten as far as they had … perhaps Rockson's mutant luck would take them all the way to Eden after all; and thence to a safe return to Colorado。
 Rona had swallowed some of the pain pills and antibiotics from Chen's belt…pouch supply of medicinals。 She was keeping up; despite her injuries。
 〃That landmark; guys; let's head for it。〃 Rock said; referring to the hump of rock about a hundred yards ahead。 〃We'll climb atop it and take a look around; bining all our lights。〃
 The walk to the rock hummock took no time at all。 They found it to be about a hundred feet high。 Steep; but walkable。 When they reached its rounded summit; their bined lights could find the cavern ceiling above; about another hundred feet up。 It was studded with long color…radiant crystal stalactites。 Rockson took another look at his special pass。 〃We're still on track。 Must have e a third of the way; and there hasn't been any monsters;〃 he reassured。
 〃Still; it's a big cave; and we have a way to go;〃 Detroit said。
 Rockson had the party play their lights over the inky distance。 Finally he saw something other than

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