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小说: rstacy.doomsdaywarrior 字数: 每页4000字

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 They had all seen the things seize the helmet that Chen had thrown at them; and had all wished they had taken one of the Death City souvenirs with them。 Now they had ample supplies of the things。 These were more…ordinary steel affairs … brown twentieth… century U。S。 Army bat helmets。 They'd do。
 The Freefighters broke open more barrels and heaved away the contents。 Each helmet tossed meant one less bomb。 And in a matter of fifty tosses; there were no more of the little bastards to follow them。
 Rockson and the others slowly rose from their positions。
 Rock dropped the helmet in his hand。 〃There are only a handful of the helmets left。 It was a good thing we ran out of scabies before we ran out of helmets。〃
 〃Now what?〃 Detroit asked。
 〃Now we go on;〃 Rock said; with determination … and pain … etched in his voice。 He shook away helping hands as he tore a piece of fabric from his jacket and tied up the leg wound。 〃It didn't hit any major vessels。 I can walk … even if it smarts a bit。〃
 Rockson hoped that the corridor would shortly bring them to the fissure that led to Eden。 Instead they exited the corridor into another cavern; this one lit by some sort of luminous rock; and filled with brilliant amethyst crystal formations。 〃Man;〃 said Detroit; 〃This is really something。〃
 Danik exclaimed; 〃We are at the threshhold of Eden。 In the stories … they speak of an Amethyst Cave that sends pleasant cool winds into Eden via a fissure near the lake。 This is the place。〃
 〃Well; I never saw the likes of something like this;〃 McCaughlin said。 〃You must be right。〃
 Rockson told them to fan out and try to find a wind … the escaping cool air that flowed into their destination。
 Archer found the draft。 His big floppy hat blew off; and was almost sucked into the crevice。 His beard fluttered; his crystal skull…filling flashed with red and blue sparks of excitement。 〃Heeeerrreee〃 he yelled。 Rock told the others to sit down a bit before they plunged into Eden。 He had decided on a plan of action。 A plan that all except Archer … who always agreed with Rock … and Detroit and Chen thought might work。 All the others were dead set against it。
 〃I'll make it orders;〃 Rock said; once he told them of his idea。 〃It's the only way I can imagine we can overe all of Eden's forces in one blow。〃

 At that very moment in Eden; in the steam room of his private rooms adjoining the austere Government Building; Stafford lounged restfully。 He loved the steam; the heat; the sweating。 His flaccid; hairy body responded to it; sang with the steam hissing from the heated rocks。
 And he didn't like to be disturbed in these sojourns into peace。 The affairs of state were most trying; and he had to have his relaxation。
 The door at the far end of the misty room opened。 A cool breeze came in。
 〃Mannerly? Is that you? Shut the damned door。〃
 〃Sir;〃 said Mannerly; the butler; ing in quickly and closing the door; 〃where are you?〃
 〃Over here。 At the far end。 e over here and speak。 What do you want? What's so important?〃
 〃Sir;〃 said the tall tuxedoed Mannerly; stepping carefully on the slick tiles; 〃there are visitors。 Most urgent; they say。〃
 〃Urgent? Have you their card?〃
 〃Yessir;〃 Mannerly replied。
 〃Then bring it here; at once。〃
 Mannerly managed to reach his master in a few more moments of dangerous slipping and sliding。 He leaned over the seated naked man and proffered a silver tray; upon which was a single business card。
 Stafford grumbled and picked it up。 It was already soggy。 Bdos Err; Chief of the Civil Guard; it said。
 〃Hrummph;〃 Stafford said; 〃Well; I guess I must see him … fetch me that robe over there。。。〃
 Mannerly gingerly stepped to the hook and removed the white robe; then brought it to Stafford。
 Stafford walked while he put it on; and Mannerly followed; hoping to not get lost in the steam。
 Stafford; once out into the gray…carpeted gray living room bare of any decorations; sat down in his audience chair; clad in his robe。 He looked up at the tall pinch…nosed Mannerly。 His tuxedo was quite soggy; and damp; all the starch ing out of it。 Stafford grinned。 He looked positively unfortable。 He himself was quite fortable。 The heat of the volcanic heated sauna room lingered in his bones。 〃Show Bdos Err in。 Mannerly; don't just stand there。〃
 Bdos Err; all six foot six; three hundred muscular pounds of him; toting his bullwhip in his hamhock…sized fist and wearing metal armor…mail; strode in noisily。 At his side were his two martial arts experts; Nunchaku…man and Dedman。 They wore plainer outfits; black synth…leather fighting suits。
 They looked formidable; and were。 In the recent disturbances; they had struck terror … and death … into the rising tide of dissenters to Stafford's iron rule。
 Bdos Err was the toughest man in Eden。 Stafford wished he had more like him。 The Civil Guard was too weak; too soft。
 〃Sir;〃 the Guard chief began; saluting across his broad chest of steel; 〃our detectors buried in the floor of the Amethyst Cave show movements in the area。〃
 〃Earth tremors?〃
 〃No sir…footsteps。 We weren't sure at first; they were so far away … but they are getting louder … and a few minutes earlier; a whole series of sharp reports … explosions。〃
 Stafford stood up and wrapped the robe's belt around his rather rotund waist。 He balled his fists and hissed; 〃It must be Danik。〃
 〃Or an attack from Death City; sir。 We've been expecting one for fifty years。〃
 〃No;〃 said Stafford; 〃it's Danik。 He's e back。。。 How many people are there ing our way?〃 Stafford's forehead was a mass of wrinkles of concern。
 〃A half…dozen; perhaps a few more。〃
 Stafford smiled。 〃That's around the same number we suspect Danik left with。 So; he returns from the surface。 I told him … and his party of fools … that the surface is impossible。 A terrible unlivable hell。 Well; his failure will show the people how correct I am。。。 Bdos; it is good you e here with these words。 I want the group rounded up the minute they exit into our paradise。 I do not want either him or any of his party injured … just apprehended。〃 Stafford smiled; pacing back and forth; thinking。 〃Yes; they are to be executed in the Public Square。 That will end the last resistance to my rule。 The dissenters figure Danik to be their leader … his death before their eyes。。。〃
 〃What are my orders; sir?〃
 〃Go to the Lake Area; keep a lookout near the crevice that leads to the caverns。 Apprehend anyone who emerges。 Bring them to me。〃
 〃If they resist?〃 These words of Bdos Err brought twisted smiles to his panions' faces; for they were adepts at rendering pain; at destroying flesh。 Nunchaku…man fingered the two metal sticks attached to a chain shoved into his waistband。 And Dedman tightened his grip on the steel shaft of a spear that he held to his side。
 〃Use whatever level of violence the situation demands。 No more。 If you must use the disintegrators; use low power。 Don't entirely burn them up。 There must be enough left to torture; and to display in the Square。〃
 Bdos Err saluted smartly; and he and his grim panions in terror exited the apartments。
 Stafford was now restless。 He would not return to the steam; instead he had Mannerly hand him his tunic。 He put it on and went into the entertainment area。
 No one in Eden lived as well as Stafford。 No one had a steam bath; an entertainment area; or the other amenities。 But then again; no one else had the guts to seize power and take what he wanted; Stafford mused。
 He sat down in a lounge chair in the artificial wood…paneled room and pressed a button activating the wide screen。 The lights; sound; and action of a Hollywood movie of the 1980s swept across the screen。 The Night of the Grizziys; his favorite movie began again。 He had seen it 102 times。
 He leaned back to watch the dangerous creatures of the surface walk again; terrorizing and tearing flesh。
 To think that these creatures existed even before the nuke war。 What hideous things Danik must have seen; what terror must have driven him back into the arms of his executioner now; in this age of mutations above。 Yes; the surface had been dangerous even before the radiation mutated the creatures into more hellish forms。 These movies pro

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