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小说: rstacy.doomsdaywarrior 字数: 每页4000字

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 The broad avenue leading to it filled with activity。 From the hidden side streets poured a crowd of squat; pale; listless people。 They headed toward the docks; not with excitement; which would be the expected response; but with a measured; almost parade…like cadence。 When they reached the concrete abutment bordering the landing area; they stood about looking at the strange doings with almost…glassed colorless eyes。 Most were of the short variety; the mon mold of Edenites。 Rockson saw。 But some were tall and ungainly slender; with pink eyes like Danik's。 This was a dismal group。
 They were summarily unloaded; their captors herding them soundlessly up the ramp。 The crowd of onlookers parted to allow them to be marched down the broad avenue toward what; Rockson supposed; was Stafford's Government Building。 The edifice at the end of the avenue。
 As they approached Stafford's headquarters; Rock felt that this particular building seemed to exude evil from its volcanic…glass bricks。 Its stolid structure glinted ominously; absorbing and bending the unhealthy 〃sun's〃 light。
 The leader of the Freefighters could see himself and the others twisting and turning grotesquely in the poorly cut glassy stone walls of the building。 They were paraded around to the rear; and up to the wide staircase entrance。 The stairs were high。 and entered the building halfway up。 An odd thing; Rockson thought。 Perhaps it was done to intimidate。 This structure was intimidating。
 They were urged along with the disintegrators at their backs; told to ascend the long staircase。 Each Freefighter had his own guard holding him。
 There was no bannister; and by the time one reached the open doorway it was a bone…breaking drop on both sides of the stairs。 Rockson considered that he could easily shove his particular guard off the precipitous topmost step and manage to land upon him; but what would that avail him? More Civil Guards stood below with their disintegrators leveled。 The city was an armed camp。 No; best to wait … for a better time to make a move。 Though he didn't know how he would manage; with the elbows…together; awkward way he was bound。 It hurt。 His circulation was being cut off。 Plus; he still favored one leg。
 Into the circular chamber of the black cube building strode the captors and their charges。 A crowd of gray…robed short men … dressed somewhat; Rockson thought; like Roman senators … were milling about the large chamber。 They noted the new arrivals well; and then reset their eyes upon the center of the room。
 Bdos Err pushed himself through the crowd of 〃senators〃; who were truly eager to give the metal…wearing giant the right of way。
 The milling robed crowd became hushed。 Rockson could see the man seated in a black onyx glass chair at the center of the room now。 Stafford。 He wore a big gray…jewel ring on each of his fat fingers; his hair was short and sparse and bed forward … a bit like Nero。 He was flabby under that blue tunic; Rockson guessed。 At first Rockson thought he was old; but then he realized it was just the thinning hair color and his grayish pallor。 The man could be just in his thirties; judging by the smooth skin of his flaccid; unwrinkled face。 An unhealthy man。 And sick men in power do sick things。 His gray eyes were unfocused。
 〃Sir;〃 Bdos Err reported; saluting smartly; his left hand crossing his chest of metal。 〃We have apprehended Danik's party as they came into our paradise。〃
 Stafford smiled。 〃Wonderful。 Wonderful。 Bring them forth。〃
 Bdos snapped out rapid orders; and the Freefighters; with Danik in front; were brought before the chair and lined up so that Stafford could view them。
 〃What's this? Stafford said; rising from his black chair in surprise。 〃Who are these people? They are most strange。。。〃 He rubbed his chin; stepping over to Danik。 Stafford put his face near the tall albino and said; 〃Danik; what manner of beings have you brought back with you from the surface? Some sort of radiation mutations; no doubt。 Eh?〃
 〃These are my friends;〃 Danik said。 〃And they are proof that the surface world is livable。 And not only livable; a paradise of light and color and fresh air。〃
 〃Heresy;〃 someone muttered; and then a chant went up among the senators; 〃Heresy; heresy; heresy。。。〃
 Stafford waved his hand in the air; and the chant subsided。
 〃Well; well。 Friends; you say? Let me look these odd mutants over for a moment。〃 Stafford walked slowly down the line as if he were reviewing an honor guard; as if he were going to say; 〃Tighten that collar; mister; straighten your posture; recruit。〃
 But he paused an extra long time when he reached Rona。 He looked her up and down。 Not with sexual desire; but with curiosity。
 〃A woman of the surface? Indeed; she is too well built for a woman。 She is definitely a mutant。〃
 Then Stafford came to Rockson。 〃Mismatched eyes; huh。〃 Stafford mented。 〃And a white streak in your hair。 My; my; another mutant。〃 He lifted his flaccid many…ringed hand and pressed a finger to Rockson's chin。 Rockson twisted his face to the side。 Stafford smiled。 〃And a spunky mutant at that; eh?〃
 Stafford went to his chair; and climbed up on one broad flat arm of it。 〃Edenites;〃 Stafford shouted; his voice echoing in the chamber; 〃Danik has returned and brought us some curious surface dwellers。 What shall we do with the traitor and his friends from the dark realms above?〃
 〃Kill。。。 torture。。。 burn。。。〃 came the assortment of replies from the floor。
 The situation didn't look good。
 Stafford waved his hand for the assemblage to be quiet。 〃In a while。 In a while。。。〃 he promised。
 Stafford walked back down the line to Danik。
 〃Why so dour;〃 Stafford taunted; 〃on such a joyous occasion? By the way; what happened to Run Dutil and the others of your traitorous party?〃
 〃They perished; but not because of radiation or mutant animals attacking。 But because we; as underground dwellers all our lives; were unprepared for the vast distances; the cold temperatures of this season。 They perished from exhaustion; exposure; lack of food。 All of this is no reason to remain underground here in this tomb you so ironically call a paradise。〃
 〃Perished; huh;〃 Stafford said。 〃Well; I told you; I told all the dissenters; that the surface was dangerous。 Now the remaining dissenters will give up their mad desires to reach the outer world。〃
 Danik shouted; 〃No; you must not heed this madman。 Stafford is wrong; dead wrong。 The surface isn't as he says。 Sure; it is dangerous … but only because we don't know how to deal with it。 But we can learn; learn from the great Americans who live and fight and triumph up there in God's nature。 You should see it; you should feel it。 I was hungry; and cold; and tired; and I fully expected to die … and so did the others。 Yet not one of us; once we had been outside for more than a few minutes; once we had seen the sunrise; the clouds; once we had smelled God's good air; tasted fresh water and drank of the infinitely good sunlight; would have ever returned to our dismal lives here。 Eden is not beautiful; not a paradise; it is a drab hell。〃
 Stafford yawned。 〃This is tiring; really; Danik。〃 He went to sit down on his black throne。 Evidently; Rockson noted; a bit of walking is all the man can endure as exercise。 He's even in worse shape than I imagined。
 Stafford opened up a partment in the arm of the chair and extracted a sharp instrument。 He started picking at his manicured nails。 The epitome of cool; that's what he wants to appear before his minions; Rock knew。 He had seen that act before; that posed nonchalance。 All the sick leaders of the world wanted to appear above it all。
 〃Ah yes; the surface has its dangers;〃 Stafford muttered; smiling up at Bdos Err; who stood at rigid attention to his right。 〃Why leave paradise? I told them … but they wouldn't listen。 I only want to save my people from death; and the likes of Danik tries to lead them to it。〃 He pointed to Danik with the nail file。 〃Well now; Danik; you know the penalty for treason。 So what I do with you is simple。 But what about these others? What do I do with this bearded monster with the crystals growing out of his head? What do I do with the one with the white streak in his hai

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