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小说: rstacy.doomsdaywarrior 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Rock; I think she likes you。〃
 〃Yeah;〃 Rockson said ambivalently。 〃Are the males bigger?〃 He petted the thing's head again。 The dog responded by rubbing up against his leg; a move that almost tumbled him over。 〃Man; this dog has some strength。〃
 〃And so do her brothers and sisters。 Yes; the males are a bit bigger but less intelligent。〃 Kathleen winked at Rona; and Rona laughed。
 Rona; recovering; said。 〃They're certainly strong enough to pull a few of our itty…bitty sleds to Mexico。〃
 Rockson reconvened the attack team; and told them it might be possible after all to use sleds and these strange dogs。
 Danik was eager to go right away; but Rockson told him that several days at a minimum would be needed to prepare。 〃Get some sleep; take a whole lot of vitamins; build yourself up; Danik。 We can't go slow。 It will be an arduous trip … assuming we find the notebook and it helps us find our way to Eden。〃
 While Danik was recuperating; the dogs were rounded up; and training them on a crash basis was begun。 The extensive experience the Rock Team had gotten handling sled dogs in the Alaska mission proved invaluable。
 To speed things up; Rockson assigned teams to handle specific tasks。 Detroit and McCaughlin were in charge of production of the super…lightweight plastic sleds; handicrafting the nylon lead ropes; and selecting some skis。
 Rockson and Chen rounded up maps of every area between the city and mid…Mexico。 Rockson also piled a set of history tapes and slides of a thousand sites south of Colorado。 This was for Danik's viewing。 He sent them to his room。 But Danik sent back word that he couldn't remember the route he'd taken north except by the strange ruined twentieth…century tourist attractions he had already told them about。
 Of course weapons were a must; Rockson and Chen went through C。C's extensive armory; selecting the lightest; deadliest of the lot。 Rock picked up two pound bows with two…hundred…pound pulls; and Chen loaded up on exploding star…knives。 They would take along the usual standard Freefighter equipment too … a set of Liberator 9mm rifles and x…pattern shot… pistols。
 They needed a plete roster of foodstuffs and sundry supplies from the quartermaster。 These supplies included inertial navigation passes with illuminated faces; sextants; pemmican … the highly condensed high…calorie food for trekking in cold weather … McCaughlin's special biscuits (just add snow and cook); salt; tea and coffee; egg powder; and bacon。 Plus some jam; a few loafs of pumpernickel bread; assorted pots and pans。 They would also bring sleeping bags。 Coleman lamps; a Primus stove and fuel for it … though it could burn animal fat。 They intended to hunt on the way south。 They'd need warm blankets; an emergency first…aid kit; and a dozen other items。 Century City was a storehouse of such items and there was no problem assembling the roster。
 Rona and Archer … sort of beauty and the beast … were in charge of actually getting the dogs trained and attached to the sleds in time for a test run through the town square in three days。 Everyone moved efficiently。
 Rockson; four days after they had a destination; proudly announced to Security Chief Rath that they were ready to go。 Danik was up and around; and he came into Path's office just as Rockson was reporting。
 〃If all goes well;〃 Rock said to the strange visitor; 〃we will get you to Eden … despite the harsh winter conditions。〃
 〃Rockson;〃 Danik said; 〃I understand you are going to use sleds pulled by ferocious mutated wolves。 Isn't that … rather unusual? Why not use snowmobiles? I understand there are several here in …〃
 〃Equipment breaks down;〃 Rockson explained; 〃One cog busts and you have a useless hunk of metal。 Believe me; nothing has yet replaced the reliability of dogs for long hauls over snow。 These particular wolf…dogs are strong。 If they can be controlled; and I think they can be; they will be more than satisfactory for the job。 They can eat what we kill for them on the way also。 We would need a few filling stations for a bunch of snowmobiles。〃
 〃I see;〃 said Danik。 〃Yes; of course。〃
 Rath had been working too。 He had contacted a small Indian settlement in Arizona by subspace munication。 The settlement; Yumak City; would have some horses; he said; for the final leg of the journey to Eden; if they couldn't divert to that place。 〃I don't suppose you hope to use sleds in Mexico。 The snow is very light down there; though ifs six feet deep around these parts。〃
 〃I was counting on you to arrange such a thing;〃 Rockson said。 〃Schecter told me you were working on it。 Who do I see down there in Yumak?〃
 〃Ask for Chief Smokestone。〃
 At the first light of dawn; the eighth day after Danik had wandered into Century City's domain; they were ready。 The Rock Team was in the main exit tunnel on the south face of Carson Mountain about to set out。 Under the greenish lights of the wide concrete waiting area; Rockson inspected the team of six ferocious wolf…dogs squirming in front of his sled。 He hoped they wouldn't all of a sudden decide they wanted human meat rather than some of the dried bear meat they were bringing along for them。 He turned to see the two other sleds lined up behind him。 The howling of the damned half…wild animals they were depending on for lootion was abominable。 He hoped the giant steel door would track open soon。 The echo of the howling was unbearable。
 If the dogs worked out; he was confident they could go a thousand miles。 They had all the weapons and equipment he had wanted … and more。
 There was always certain standard equipment on any trek … the shotpistols; the power batons; the Liberator rifles。 But each Freefighter had his own set of special weapons of his own choice。
 Rockson carried a versatile Balisong knife in his belt; plus an exploding baton。 He also had; on his sled; an aluminum power…bow and a good…sized quiver of killing arrows。 It was a bow similar to Rona's but with even more pull。 For silencing guards; should they reach Eden and take on such opponents as would be there; he brought along a set of Greek garroting chains。
 Archer was of course well armed … he even slept with his special homemade steel crossbow cradled in his arms。 Rock knew he carried a grab bag of good weapons under those multiple smelly bearskins he wore。 The bearded mountain man had; for one thing; lengths of rope and steel cable。 He liked to bine his arrows and these cords for grappling purposes … or just to lasso some unfortunate enemy。 Over his shoulder on a ratty leather strap; he wore a knapsack full of ancient musket weapons all loaded with grape…shot and nails。
 Chen of course carried sixteen explosive and forty non…explosive shuriken。 He also carried a yarawa stick … for jabbing pressure points … and a set of nunchaku。
 Detroit Green carried twin bandoliers of grenades strapped across his brawny chest。 Also; a set of throwing blades。 Plus an ancient western Colt 。45 Rock had given him on his birthday。
 McCaughlin was the one with the power…brass knuckles。 It added to the force of his fists; the explosive…bolt knuckles would do what the crushing power of his massive shoulders wouldn't do to a door or wall or person。 The big trail cook also had taken to carrying a boomerang … he had been taught its use by a friendly Australian rade some time ago。
 Rona carried her crossbow of aluminum and a quiver of arrows。 Lighter than Archer's heavy homemade weapon of steel and wood; yet deadly。 Rona Wallender's arrows were tipped with poisons。 Lots of different poisons。 Plus she carried her 〃lady's weapon〃 … a tiny derringer…type pistol with 。22 bullets in a handle clip。 Bullets tipped with poison too。
 Scheransky carried the Russian weapons of choice … the bludgeon; plus a Dragunov sniper rifle and the laser…honed short sword in his belt。
 Thus armed; the Freefighters could take on platoons of Soviet special forces。 And they might have to; Rockson thought。 They might just have to do just that。。。 For America was crawling with the Soviet invaders。
 〃Too bad we can't take along a tank;〃 McCaughlin joked as the loaded sleds and their earnest drivers waited for the steel doors to open to the outside wor

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