九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > jr.shapechangers >



小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 Alix sipped at the cup of honey brew he had given her; nearly choking on its vitriolic taste。 She kept her reaction from him by covering her mouth with a hand; trying not to gasp aloud。 She did not wish him to see her disability; or her weariness。
 He seemed oblivious to her as she scraped up the last of the stew and set the bowl aside; rattling the wooden spoon。 She felt better for a fill! stomach; but it also made her more alert to the dangers she faced… She could no longer take refuge in the haze of exhaustion and helplessness that had dogged her during the long ride。 Now she could look across me small campsite and see the dark warriors so intent on taking her away from her people。
 Alix was still apprehensive; but most of the overpowering
 fright had left her。 Duncan had treated her with calm kindness all
 day; and with Finn gone she sensed no threat to her person or her equilibrium。 She had the chance to consider her plight from a more sensible angle。
 〃Will you answer my questions; shapechanger?〃
 Duncan did not look up。 〃I have told you my name。 Use it if you would speak with me。〃
 Alix studied his bowed head; marking how the black hair fell forward into his face as he worked。 The gold earring winked through thick strands。 Then she glanced at the hawk who sat so silently in the nearest tree。
 〃How does one get himself a /ir?〃
 The bow gleamed in his supple hands。 〃When a Cheysuli bees a man he must go into the forests or mountains and seek his;ir。 It is a matter of time; perhaps even weeks。 He lives apart; opening himself to the gods; and there the animal who will bee his lir seeks him out。〃
 〃Do you say the animal does the choosing?〃
 〃It is tahlmorra。 Every Cheysuli is bom to a lir; and a lir to him。 It is only a matter of finding one another。〃
 〃Yet not all animals are lir; Finn said。〃
 〃No。 Just as all men are not Cheysuli。〃
 Unwillingly she smiled at his wry tone; though he did not look at her。 〃What happens if the lir is not found?〃
 His hands stopped their work as his eyes came up to meet hers。 〃A Cheysuli with no lir is only half a man。 We are born with it in our souls。 If it lacks; we arejiot whole。〃
 〃Not whole。。。〃
 〃It is a thing you cannot prehend; but a man who is not whole has no purpose。 He cannot serve the prophecy。〃
 Alix frowned at him thoughtfully。 〃If you are not whole。。。 what happens to you ifCai is slam?〃
 Duncan's hands tensed on the bow。 First he looked at the hawk perching in the tree; then he set the bow aside and gave her his full attention。 He leaned forward intently and Alix felt the full power of his strength。
 〃You do not ask out of mere curiosity。 If you seek to escape by slaying my lir you will be Cheysuli…cursed。 It is not a simple thing to live with。〃 A flicker passed across his face; 〃But you would not live long enough to truly suffer。〃
 Alix recoiled from the deadly promise in his voice。 She shook her head in speechless denial。
 〃I will tell you; regardless of your intent;〃 he said quietly;
 〃so you will know。 I put my life in your hands。〃 He watched
 her closely; Judgmental。 〃If a man seeks to slay a Cheysuli; he
 need only slay his fir。 Does he imprison that lir; he imprisons a
 CheysuU。 He is powerless; without recourse to the gifts the gods have given us。〃 He relaxed minutely。 〃And now you know the price of the A'r…bond。〃
 〃How can it be so consuming?〃 she demanded。 〃You are a man; Cai a bird。 How is it you keep this bond?〃
 Duncan shrugged as he smoothed the leather of his snug leggings。 〃I cannot say clearly。 It is a gift of the old gods。 It has been so for centuries; and will doubtless continue。〃 He grimaced。 〃Unless the Mujhar slays us all。 Then Homana will lose her ancestors。〃
 〃Ancestors!〃 she exclaimed。 〃You would have me believe you made this land what it is; if you speak so。〃
 Duncan smiled oddly。 〃Perhaps。〃
 Alix scowled at him。 〃I do not believe you。〃
 〃Believe what you wish。 If you ask; the lir will tell you。〃
 Her eyes went to the hawk。 But she refused to hear it from the
 bird。 She preferred to draw Duncan out。 〃And if you are slain;
 what bees of the Ur
 〃The lir returns to the wild。 For the animal the broken link is not so harsh。〃 He smiled。 〃Creatures have ever been stronger than men。 Cai would gneve for a while; perhaps; but he would live。〃
 Do not dismiss my grief so lightly; the bird chided。 Else you ridicule our bond。
 Duncan laughed silently and Alix; surprised by his response; stared at him。 The solemnity she had learned to associate with him was not as habitual as she had assumed。
 After a moment she put out her arms and stretched them; cracking sinews。 〃What truly bees of you if the lir is slain?〃 she asked lightly。
 Duncan grew very still。 〃A Cheysuli without a lir; as I said; is not whole。 He is made empty。 He does not choose to live。〃
 She froze; staring at him。 〃Does not choose。。。〃
 〃There is a death…ritual。〃
 Her arms dropped。 〃Death!〃
 Duncan looked again into the trees; eyes on Cai。 〃A Cheysuli forsakes his clan and goes into me forests to seek death among the animals。 Weaponless and prepared。 However it es; he will not deny that death。〃 He shrugged; making light of the matter。 〃It is wele enough; to a lirless man。〃
 Alix swallowed back her revulsion; 〃It is a barbaric thing。
 Duncan was impassive。 〃A shadow has no life。〃
 〃What do you say?〃 she snapped。
 He sighed。 〃I cannot give you the proper words。 You must
 accept what I say。 A lirless man is no man; but a shadow。 And a Cheysuli cannot live so。〃
 〃I say it is barbaric。〃
 〃If it pleases you。〃
 〃What else must I think?〃
 He leaned forward and placed more wood on the small fire。 It snapped and leaped in response; highlighting his pale eyes into a bestial glow。
 〃When you have learned more of your clan; you will think differently。〃 Duncan relaxed; setting the bow aside as he studied her impassively。 Then a faint flicker of curiosity shone in his eyes。 〃Would you wed Carillon?〃
 Alix stared at him。 〃Carillon!〃
 〃Aye。 I have seen what is between you。〃
 For a moment she could find no proper answer。 The question stunned her; both for its audacity and the implications。 In all her dreams of a tall prince; she had never considered marriage with him。 Somehow the thought of it; and the regret that it could never be; hurt。
 〃No;〃 she said finally。 〃Carillon would never take me to wife。 He is meant for a foreign princess; some highborn lady from Atvia; perhaps; or Erinn。 Perhaps even Solinde one day; if this war between the realms ends。〃
 〃Then you will be his light woman。 His mei jha。〃
 She disliked his easy assumption。 〃That is difficult to do if I must stay with this clan you prate about。〃
 Duncan grinned; suddenly so much like Finn it startled her。 But the similarity vanished when she looked closer; for there were none of Finn's roguish ways about Duncan。
 〃You are not a prisoner; though it must seem so to you。 As for the prince。。。 I think he means what he says。 He will e back for you。〃 He sighed; losing the animation in his face。 〃I cannot say when; but he will do it。〃
 〃I will wele it; shapechanger。〃
 Duncan regarded her solemnly a moment。 〃Why do you fear us so much? I have said we do no harm to our own。〃
 Alix looked away from him。 〃/ have said。 I was raised to fear you; and to acknowledge me sorcery in your blood。 All I have ever known is that the Cheysuli are demons。。。 dangerous。〃 She looked back at him。 〃You raid crofts and steal the livestock。 People are injured。 If that is no harm; you have a strange way of showing your peaceful intentions。〃
 Duncan smiled。 〃Aye; it would seem so。 But do not forget
 。。。 Shaine has forced us to this。 Before we lived quietly within
 the forests; hunting when we would and having no need to raid
 for our food。 The qu'mahlin has made us little more than brigands; like those who ply the tracks to steal from honest folk。 It was never our nature we are warriors; not thieves but Shame has left us little choice。〃
 〃Had you the choice。。。 would you return to your former way of life?〃
 He fingered the gold hilt of the long…knife at his belt absently; eyes gone oddly detached。 When he answered Alix heard the echos of prophecy in

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