九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > jr.shapechangers >



小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 He fingered the gold hilt of the long…knife at his belt absently; eyes gone oddly detached。 When he answered Alix heard the echos of prophecy in his voice。 '
 〃We will never regain our former way of life。 We are meant for another way。 The old gods have said。〃
 She shivered; shrinking from the implications of his words。 She picked up the wooden cup; intending to drink to cover her confusion; saw it was empty and set it down。
 〃You will be Carillon's light woman?〃
 The cup fell over as her fingers spasmed。 〃I will be no man's 
 light woman。〃 I
 Duncan's smile was crooked; disbelieving。 〃I have been led 
 to believe most women would slay for a chance to be so honored。〃 
 〃I am not most women;〃 she retorted。 She sighed; picking at 
 the twigs caught in her tangled braid。 〃I cannot conceive of it 
 ever happening; now; so there is no need for me to consider it。〃
 〃Then you give him up so easily?〃
 Alix dropped the braid and stared at him despondently; forget…ting he was her enemy and thinking only of the sympathy in his voice。
 〃I cannot say what I will do。 I cannot even say what I want!〃
 He grunted。 〃Those are the restraints put on you by your Homanan upbringing。 Among the Cheysuli; a woman takes what man she will。〃 A fleeting shadow passed across his face as he frowned。 A shrug banished me expression。 〃A woman of me clan may refuse one man and take another; easily。〃
 〃My father did not bring me up to be a light woman;〃 she said firmly。 〃One day I will wed a crofter; like my father; or a villager。〃 She shrugged。 〃One day。〃
 〃You father did not bring you up at all;〃 he said bluntly。
 Alix opened her mouth to protest yes; he most certainly did; men realized Duncan referred to Hale。 Once again she recalled the astonishing story behind her own birth+if she would accept mat story as troth。 But she could not tell him what she thought; so she settled for the familiar litany she had repeated each evening。
 〃Carillon will wed a princess。 Of course。〃
 〃Of course;〃 he mocked。 〃If he lives at all; he will wed a princess。〃
 Duncan stretched one eyelid and rubbed at it。 〃The Hilini will see to it Carillon does not live to wed。〃
 〃The Ihlini!〃 Alix stared at him; horrified。 〃The sorcerers who serve the dark gods? But why? What do they care for Carillon? Is it not Bellam who dictates what Solinde will do?〃
 Duncan picked up his bow and studied it; then began to oil it once more。 His voice; deep and quiet; took on an instructive tone。 〃Solinde has ever been a strong land; but her kings are greedy。 They arc not satisfied with Solinde; they also want Homana in vassalage。 Bellam has sought to achieve that all his life; but these constant skirmishes at the borders and the full battles that slay so many have won him nothing。 He seeks to gain Homana how he can; now。〃
 〃By turning to the /A/t'm?〃
 〃Already Solinde is much stronger than before。 Bellam seeks the unnatural power of Tynstar; who rules the Ihlini if a sor…cerer can be said to rule his own race。〃 He bent his head over his work。 〃Tynstar is the might behind Solinde; not Bellam。〃
 〃Tynstar。。。〃 she whispered。 For a moment she allowed her mind to recall me tales she had heard as a child; when her mother+despairing of winning Alix's attention to chores+had threatened her with Dilini retribution。
 Until my father said she should not; for to speak of Tynstar and the Ihlini was to invite his power over you。 Alix shuddered once; seeking to throw off the specter。…but Duncan did not seem to notice。
 〃Tynstar; called the Ihlini;〃 he said; 〃perhaps the most powerful of all those who serve the dark gods of the netherworld。 He has arts at his mand no man should have; and he uses them for Bellam's gain。 This time Homana cannot stand against her enemies。〃
 Alix sat upright; flushed with affrontedness and defiance。 〃Homana has never fallen! Not in all the years the kings of Solinde have sought to defeat us。〃 She thrust her chin up; 〃My father said。〃
 Duncan looked across the fire at her; showing her an expres…
 sion of such amused tolerance she longed to throw the cup at
 him。 〃And in all these years the Mujhars of Homana had the
 Cheysuli by their sides。 We used our own god…gifts to defeat the
 Solindish troops。 Not even the Ihlini could halt us。〃 The toler…
 ance faded。 〃Twenty…five years ago we helped Shaine hold his
 borders against Bellam;' putting down a massive force that might
 have destroyed Homana。 The peace that resulted from our victory
 would have been solidified by a marriage between Lindir and
 Bellam's son; Ellic; When that was broken; so was the peace。
 Now Shaioe slays us; and Homana will fall to the Dilini。〃
 〃Twenty…five years。。。〃 she echoed。
 〃Lindir remained hidden with Hale for eight years of the qu'mahlin; fleeing her jehan's wrath。 When he was slain she returned; and bore you but weeks later。〃
 〃Well。。。 if the Ihlini are so powerful; how is it you have withstood them before?〃
 〃That is a thing between the races。 I cannot say。〃 He frowned faintly。 〃The Ihlini have no real power before us。 Oh; they have recourse to some of their illusions and simple arts; but not the dark magic。 But we also suffer; for though the Ihlini cannot overe us with their arts; neither can we take fir…shape before them; or hear our /ir。 We are as other men before them。〃
 Alix; stunned by his words; said nothing。 All her life she had known the Cheysuli had awesome arts at their call; though she could not have named what they did; to hear Duncan speak of the Ihlini as the demons she had ever thought a Cheysuli charac…teristic upset her preconceived notions of the order of things。 Already Finn had destroyed her innocently confident childhood。 Duncan had further shaken her foundations by speaking of a prophecy and the future she faced with his clan。 Now; to think of the Ihlini as a real threat to the land she loved; Alix felt a desperation building in her soul。
 Too much is being shattered。。。 she thought abstractedly。 They are taking too much of me; twisting me; promising things I have ever feared。。。
 〃Here;〃 Duncan said gently; 〃you have suffered long enough。〃
 She dragged her eyes from the fire; blinking at the residue of flames that overlay his dark face。 He held something in his hand; offering it to her。 She saw it was a silver b; gleaming in the firelight。 Slowly she put out a hand and took it; fingering the intricate runic devices that leaped and twisted in the flickering shadows。
 〃You may have it;〃 Duncan said。 〃I carried it for a girl in
 the Keep。 But you have more need of it。*'
 Alix hesitated; staring at him。 She could not; even as she tried; view him as her enemy。 Finn's threat was very real; substantial; Duncan's was not。
 Or else he hides it from me。。。
 〃Use it;〃 he urged gently。
 After a moment she set the b down and began to undo her tangled braid。 Duncan stirred the fire with a stick; coaxing life back to me rosy coals。
 She picked twigs and leaves from the heavy plait; gritting her
 teeth at the pain of snarls set so deeply she would have to rip most of them out。 To cover her grimaces she spoke to Duncan。
 〃You have a wife?〃
 〃No; I have no cheysula。〃
 She dragged the b through her hair。 〃Then you have a
 。。。 mei jhaT1
 He glanced at her briefly; face closed。 〃No。〃
 She scowled at him as she ripped at a tangle。 〃Why did you go to such effort to explain the freedom of your race。 if you do not subscribe to it yourself?〃
 Duncan continued to stir the fire; though it did not particularly require it。 〃I am clan…leader。 It came on me eight months ago; when Tieman died。 With it es much responsibility; and I chose not to divide myself between a cheysuta and the leadership this year。〃 He waved the stick idly。 〃Perhaps next year。〃
 Alix nodded absently as she freed the last tangle from her hair。 Her attention was not really focused on Duncan; but she sensed an odd tension in him as he watched her silently。 His eyes followed her hands as she pulled the silver b through the heavy length of her dark hair。
 The exercise improved her disposition and her feelings toward the clan…leader。 No man; did he want to sacrifice her to some unspeakable god; would allow her the amenities mon t

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