九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > jr.shapechangers >



小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 Torrin removed his hands and sat back from her as if to
 illustrate the sacrifice he made。 〃Go with the prince。 Alix。 I
 would keep you; if I could; but it is not tee will of die gods。〃 He smiled; but the pain remained in his eyes。 〃The path to your tahlmorra lies another way。〃
 *'I will stay;〃 she whispered。
 Carillon rose quietly and moved to her。 〃e; cousin。 It is time you met your grandsire。〃
 〃You have brought me home。 Cannon。 It is enough。〃
 He bent and grasped her arms。 pulling her upright。 Alix jerked around and glared at him。 〃You would have me think you no better than Finn+ordering me this way and mat!〃
 He grinned at her。 〃Then perhaps he has me right of it。 What else can a man do when a woman defies him; save force her?〃
 She took a step away from him。 〃I will see me Mujoar another time。〃
 〃If you do not e now; you will never do it。〃 Carillon glanced at Torrin and saw me confirmation in his eyes。 The prince smiled faintly and took her arm once again。
 〃You will e here another time;〃 Torrin said。
 Alix; testing Carillon's grip tentatively; gave it up。 She looked down on the slump…shouldered man who had been a king's arms…master before taking a halfling girl…child to his heart。
 〃I have loved you well;〃 she whispered。
 Torrin rose; looking at her as if he hurt。 Then he cradled her head in his gnarled hands and kissed her forehead。
 Carillon led her from the croft。
 The prince took her out of tee forests and the valleys into Mujhara; and through its cobbled streets。 Alix sat behind him silently; clinging to his waist as if his closeness would give her confidence。 The gleaming city with its winding; narrow streets took away her powers of speech。 Alix was acutely aware of her torn and stained garments and bare feet。
 〃I do not belong here;〃 she muttered。
 〃You belong wherever you wish to be;〃 Carillon said。 He gestured。 〃Homana…Mujhar。〃
 She looked past his arm and saw the stone walls rising before her。 The fortress…palace stood on a gentle rise within the city itself; hidden behind time…woro walls of rose…colored; undressed stone。 Before teem towered massive bronze…and…timber gates; attended by eight men liveried in tee Mujhar's colors。 Alix saw red tunics over light chain mail; emblazoned with a rampant black lion。 It was tee proud coat…of…arms she had seen etched into Carillon's ruby seal ring; and stamped into tee heavy gold of me sword hilt。
 The guardsmen swung open tee huge gates; acknowledging
 Carillon with brief salutes。 As their incurious eyes fell on her she let go of Carillon's waist; blushing in shame。
 〃Carillon。。。 take me back to tee croft! I should not be
 〃Be silent; Alix。 This place is your legacy。**
 〃And Shaine sent TOG from it〃'
 He did not answer her。 She was forced to sit quietly on his warhorse and ride inexorably toward tee huge palace。 Alix closed her eyes as they entered the bailey and wished herself elsewhere。
 Duncan was right。。。 Homana…Mujhar is not/or me。
 Carillon stopped the horse before a flight of marble steps teat led up to tee palace of Homanan kings。 A groom raced over to catch the reins and bowed reverently; Carillon jumped down and lifted Alix from tee horse before she could protest。 She kept her head lowered as he took her up the smooth; dark…veined steps into tee rose…colored palace; until she saw the first servant stare at her with undisguised contempt。 Carillon did not see it; but Alix was instantly aware how her arrival would be regarded。 Every…one would think her some lice…ridden woman of tee streets if she behaved as one; so she resolutely lifted her head。 She summoned her pride and confidence and went with Carillon as if she be…longed with him。
 She saw magnificent tapestries picked out in rainbow colors;
 candle racks holding fresh candles glowing with flame; thick rugs and clean rushes; ornaments and heavily embroidered arrases at doorways。 Liveried servants bowed respectfully to Carillon and included her in their homage。 Inwardly she smiled at tee change in attitude a little arrogance brought。
 But when Carillon escorted her up a winding stairway of red stone to a doorway of hammered bronze; Alix halted abruptly。 〃Where do you take me?〃
 〃These are tee chambers of the Lady Lorsilla。〃
 〃Shaine's wifeT'
 〃She will see to it you are bathed and dressed as befits a princess; before you meet the Mujhar。〃 He smiled at her。 〃Alix; I promise you will be safe。〃
 She swallowed and glared at him。 〃I do not wish to be safe。 I wish to go back to tee croft。〃
 Carillon ignored her and rapped on tee bronze door。 Alix closed her eyes and consigned herself to the netherworld。 The defiance she had held in abundance when first learning of her heritage fled; leaving her cold and lonely within tee massive palace。
 〃Carillon!〃 cried a woman's voice as the door swung open。
 〃You are returned so soon?〃
 Alix opened her eye*。 She saw a chambermaid at the door; curtsying to Carillon; and beyond her a tiny Moode woman in a silken blue robe banded with white fur。
 〃I have brought back what I said I would;〃 Carillon said gravely。 〃Regardless what my uncle wishes。〃
 The woman sighed and smiled wryly。 〃You are more like Shaine man you know; at times。 Well; let me see her。〃
 Carillon led Alix forward。 She heard the door shut behind them and swallowed against the sudden fear in her throat。
 The woman sat on a cushioned bench of dark stone。 She settled the rich robe more fortably around her shoulders。 〃Alix; you are well e。〃
 〃No;〃 Atix said。 〃I am not Shaine cast me out before; I have no doubt he would do so again。〃
 Lorsilla; queen of Homana; smiled warmly。 〃He must see you; first。 And I think he will hold his tongue; if only from sheer amazement。〃
 〃Or hatred。〃
 〃He cannot bate what he does not know;〃 Lorsilla said gently。 〃Alix; be is your grandsire。 His anger was never at you; but at himself for losing Lindir。 Had he treated her more gently when she refused EUic; she might have remained here。〃
 Alix gestured helplessly; indicating her tatters and blood…streaked face。 〃I am not the sort a king would acknowledge。〃
 Carillon laughed。 〃You will be; when she has done with you。 As for me; I will leave you to the lady。 When I e for you。 you will be ready to face even me harshest of men。〃
 Instinctively she whirled and caught his hand。 〃Carillon!〃
 He detached himself gently。 〃I must go; Alix。 It is not my place to see you bathed and dressed。〃 His grin was amused。 〃Though I would not mind it so much; myself。〃
 Lorsilla lifted a delicate brow。 〃Carillon; conduct yourself with more decorum。〃
 He laughed at her and bowed; men took his leave。
 Alix stood before the queen of Homana and shivered once; involuntarily。 Her feet ached and her face burned with shame。
 Lorsilla rose and moved forward。 She touched a soft hand across the healing weft on Alix's face and brushed away the dried remains of the guardsman's blood。 Her voice was very gentle。
 〃You have no need to fear me; Alix。 I am your granddame。〃
 Alix's voice shook。 〃But I am a halfling。。。〃
 The tiny woman smiled sadly。 〃I will have no children of my own; and no grandchildren。 Let me at least have Undir's daughter; for a time。〃
 She bowed her head and nodded; hiding the welling of grief in her heart。 She heard the woman older a barn drawn and clothing to be prepared。 Then Lorsilla laughed sofdy。
 〃You have been raised a croft…giri; AKx。 Now you will know what it is to claim me heritage Shaine denied you。 I will make you a princess; my girl。〃
 She swallowed painfully。 〃But I am Cheysuli。〃
 Lorsilla's delicate face grew stem。 〃it does not matter。 You are Shame's granddaughter; and mat is enough for me。〃
 But what of him? she wondered apprehensively。 What of the 't Mnfhar himself?
 Chapter Two
 Alix went before her grandsire in silks and velvets; girdled with gold and garnets。 The rich brown fabrics whispered against her legs and fine slippers hugged her bruised feet。 Her head felt heavy with the weight of her hair; laced with pearls and tiny garnets。 Her ears ached dully with fresh piercing; but me gems guttering in them assuaged her pain。
 The croft…giri was gone as she stood before me Mujhar of
 Homana; and she wondered if th

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