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小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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ed his aim beseechingfy。 〃I want no more of this place。〃
 〃I have said I will take you to Ton…in。 When I can; I will e to you。〃
 She shook her head slowly。 〃I think+I think what is between us must stay unknown; or unnamed。〃 She pressed his arm。 〃Do you know what I say?〃
 〃No;〃 he said; so harshly she knew he did。
 〃The Cheysuti are not your enemy;〃 Alix said softly; 〃it is
 me Souodish; and me Duini。 Turn your anger on mem。 Do not
 let Shame's madness infect you also。 You said once you would
 accept me whatever I was。 Now I ask you to accept the others of my race。〃
 〃Alix; I cannot。〃
 〃Do you sentence yourself to serve me Mujhar's insanity?〃
 He reached out and clasped her shoulders。 〃Alix; I want you where you will be safe。〃
 She smiled at him; certain of her words。 〃Duncan will see I am kept safe。〃
 His fingers tightened painfully。 〃Do you go willingly with him; then? Or has he ensorcelled you with shapechanger arts?〃
 〃No;〃 she said softly。 〃I think it is something within myself。
 I have no words for it; but it exists。〃
 Duncan; eloquently silent; stretched out his hand。 She saw me familiar gesture of spread fingers and bared palm。
 And she understood。
 Alix stepped away from Carillon。 His empty hands fell limply to his sides。 He looked at Duncan; then at her; eyes shadowed with pain and confusion。 But she also saw acknowledgment。
 〃I will get you mounts;〃 he said quietly。
 〃I have horees;〃 Duncan answered。
 〃How do you propose to get over me walls with her? Atix cannot fly in the guise of a hawk。〃
 Duncan's face tightened。 〃No。 But the eight guardsmen are simple enough to put out of my way; if I must。〃
 Carillon sighed wearily。 〃Shapechanger; I begin to understand me arrogance of your race。 And its strength; as Ton…in said。 Do you know Shaine sent fifty men against you in the forests and only eleven survive?〃
 〃I know。〃
 〃How many did you lose?〃
 〃Of twelve men; we lost two。 One to death; one to the soulless men。〃
 Alix shivered at the relentless tone in his voice。 She sensed me purpose and determination in the man and realized had she refused to go with him he could easily have forced her。
 Carillon nodded。 〃I will escort you through the gates。 The guard will not stop me; even do I walk with a shapechanger。〃
 Duncan laughed harshly。 〃Once we walked freely within this place; prince。 But you will have my gratitude; regardless。〃
 Carillon turned to lead them to the bronze…and…timber gates。 Before he could move away Duncan reached out and caught his arm。 The prince stiffened。
 〃Carillon。 There is much you do not understand。 Peinaps you cannot; yet。 But Shaine will not always be Mujhar。〃
 〃What do you say。 shapechanger?〃
 〃That we are not your enemy。 We cannot alter (fie qu'mahim while Shaine lives。 He has struck well and quickly; reducing us to less than a quarter of what we were。 Even now we grow fewer with each year as the qu'mahUn continues。 Carillon; it is in you to stop this。〃
 The prince smiled。 〃I have been raised on tales of your perfidy。 Stories of your demon ways and cruel arts。 Tell me why I should halt my uncle's purge。〃
 Duncan's hand rested on Alix's shoulder。 〃For her; my lord。
 For the woman we both want。〃
 Alix stood immobile; unable to answer the resolve in Duncan's voice。 Something in him had reached out to her; seeking some…thing from her; and she wanted very much to give it to him。
 Carillon swallowed。 〃It is true the Mujhar alarms me with his vehemence in dealing with your race。 He does not even curse Bellam or the Bliini as he does the Cheysuli。 There is an unnatu…ral anger in him。〃
 Duncan nodded。 〃Hale served him for thirty…five years; my lord; with a loyalty only the Cheysuli can give。 They were more than brothers。 It is a binding service which our race had honored for centuries。 Hale shattered mat bond and hereditary service by his actions。 Any man would take it ill and swear revenge; but Shaine also lost a daughter and consequently found his realm plunged into war once again。 I understand why he has done this thing。 Carillon; even as it destroys my race。〃
 〃Then you are more forgiving man me Mujhar。〃
 〃What of you?〃 Duncan asked calmly。 〃Do you serve me qu'mahlin when you are king?〃
 Carillon smiled crookedly。 〃When I am king;〃 he said gently; 〃you will know。〃
 He turned and walked to the gates。 The guards; answering his bidding; opened mem instantly。 Duncan took Alix's arm and led her silently from Homana…Mujhar。
 Chapter Three
 Duncan took her through me shadows of tall buildings to the horses。 From his saddtepack he pulled a dark hooded cloak and gently draped me folds around her。
 〃You wear fine clothing and rich Jewels; my lady princess;〃
 he said quietly。 〃I am only one man; and thieves may mink it a simple matter to slay me and steal your wealth。 Or even you。〃
 He pinned the cloak at her left shoulder with a large topaz brooch carved into a hawk shape and set in gold。 Silently be pulled me hood over her gameted hair and settled it。
 〃Duncan;〃 she said softly; trembling even at his lightest touch。
 〃Aye; small one?〃
 〃What is this thing? What is this within me?〃 She swallowed and tried to hide the hesitation in her voice。 〃I have lost myself; somehow。〃
 He smoothed back a strand of dark hair from her cheekbone; fingertips lingering。 〃You have lost nothing; save a measure of your innocence。 In time; you will understand it all。 It is not my place to tell you。 You will know。〃 He removed his hand。 〃Now; mount your horse。 We have a long way to ride。〃
 She was muffled by the weight of me unaccustomed gown and me folds of the cloak。 Duncan's firm hands held her close as he lifted her into the saddle。 Alix settled her wrappings as he turned to his own mount; men dutifully set out to follow him through me city streets。 She was well aware of what she did; though days before she would never have admitted she could act so strangely。 But something within her told her she would be safe with him; and that it was the will of me gods she go with him。
 〃Duncan;〃 she said quietly; 〃you spoke of losing someone to the soulless men。 What did you truly…say?〃
 Torchlight caught and flashed on his armbands; but he re…mained shadowed and indistinct as he led her through Mujhara。 She thought again how easily me Cheysuli melted into the darkness。
 〃I have said what it is to be Uriess。〃 he said at last; pitching his low voice to cany over the tap of hoof on stone。 〃A Ur was lost; and Borrs seeks the death ritual in the forests。〃
 〃And you let him go?〃
 〃It is our way; Alix。 Our custom。 We do not turn our backs on what has been within the clan for centuries。〃
 Wearily she pushed the hood off her face and let it fall to her shoulders。 〃Duncan; where do you take me?〃
 〃To the Keep。〃
 〃What will happen to me there?〃
 〃You will see the shar tahl; and leam what it is to be Cheysuli。〃
 〃You are so certain your clan will accept me?〃
 He cast her a sharp glance over a shoulder。 〃They must。 I
 have little doubt of your place in the prophecy;〃
 〃The shar tahl wfll explain it to you。 it is not my place。*'
 Rustratwo rose withm her; shaipemng her vok into a demand。 〃Duocan! Do not shroud your words in obscurity and expect me to meekly accept them。 You have taken me from all 1 have ever taKro; aiMleveoiTOwyoxikadniemtom (weIcaniK)tcooq)rcheod。
 TeH me what is before mel〃
 He reined in his horse and allowed her to catch up。 Paint Illumination showed his face clearly to her; limning rigid determination。 His mouth was a taut line。
 〃Must you know all before its time?〃 he asked harshly。 〃Can you not wait?〃
 She glared at him。 〃No。〃
 His eyes; beastial in the torchlight; narrowed into pale sots。
 **Then I will speak plainly; so plainly even you may understand。〃
 She nodded。
 〃What I have seen in my own tahlmorra is mat me old gods ntteoted you arel I fwow another。 From us will e the next link in me prophecy of me Firstborn。 You are Qieysuli。 You have no choice。〃
 He was a stranger suddenly。 The gentleness he had used before fled beneath the hardness of his voice and words and Alix nearly quailed from it Then the full meaning and implications of what he bad said flared within her mind。

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