九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > jr.shapechangers >



小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 Duncan took her to a brown pavilion that bore a gold…colored fox
 on its sides。 He pulled me doorflap aside and gestured her to go
 in; Alix did so without meeting his eyes。 She felt horribly
 shamed without me braid; for though she still felt more Horoanan
 than Cheysuli Duncan's disparagement of her brought the impli…
 cations of her braidless state home with real impact。
 A woman stepped from behind a curtain dividing the pavilion
 into two sections。 Her black hair was generously threaded with
 gray; but she had woven silver laces into multiple braids cunningly;
 fastening diem to her bead with an intricate silver b。 Her
 dress was fine…spun black wool threaded with scarlet ribbons at
 collar and cuffs; and a delicate chain of silver bells clasped her
 waist。 She was no longer young; but she was a handsome
 woman。 Her face reflected her Cheysuli blood with its high
 cheekbones; narrow nose and wide; smooth brow。 Her yellow
 eyes were warm as she looked at Alix。
 〃Raissa; this is the girt;〃 Duncan said。 〃Alix。〃
 The woman smiled at Alix and men looked steadily at Duncan。
 〃Who has shorn her hair?〃
 His jaw tightened。 〃I have。〃
 Her brows lifted。 〃But it is for Council to decide if she
 remains solitary。〃
 Alix heard the unspoken reproach and stole a glance at Duncan;
 Xurprised to see him bow his head in acceptance。 Then it lifted
 〃She had made the decision for herself。。。 I merely
 〃He did not tell me he would cut off my hair;〃 Alix said
 Raissa moved forward。 The tiny bells chimed and winked in
 the folds of her black gown。 Her slender hand touched the
 ragged curling tendnis at Alix's neck and jaw。
 〃I am sorry he acted so hastily。 He should have explained me
 custom to you。〃 Her lips twitched with a half…hidden smile。 〃I
 have never known Duncan to act without reason; so be must
 have been driven to it。〃
 〃He did it out of jealousy。〃
 Raissa withdrew her hand。 〃Duncan? Why do you say so?〃
 Alix slewed her eyes sideways to look at him。 〃He told me be
 would ask for me in Council。。。 as his cheysula。 Then+finding
 his former consort had conceived and was free again+he refused
 me honorable marriage and offered only to have me as his light
 woman。〃 She looked back at Raissa。 〃Of course I refused。〃
 The woman was solemn。 〃Among us a mei jha has honor;
 Alix。 Here she is not treated like filth; as are the whores of
 Mujhara。 We are too few; now; to place so much value on a
 woman's married or unmarried status。 Mei jha is not a dishonor…
 able position。〃
 Alix's stubborn chin came up。 〃I have much left to learn of
 Cheysuli customs; but this will take me most trouble; I think。〃
 She swallowed and set her jaw。 〃I will not accept a lesser
 position with any man。〃
 The older woman smiled。 〃Ah。。。 it is everything or nothing;
 with you。 Well; perhaps you are not so wrong。 Once I said me
 same to my cheysul。〃 She glanced at Duncan。 〃AH of this will
 be settled in Council。 Until her birth lines are studied and she is
 formally accepted; I will keep her by me and teach her what she
 must know。 My thanks; Duncan; for bringing a lost one back to
 He said nothing; merely inclined his head and left me pavilion
 without looking at Alix。 She stood there; bereft; hating Finn all
 the more for beginning it all with his abduction of her。
 Raissa guided Alix to a gray pelt and gestured for her to sit。
 Alix did so; staring at her hands as they twisted themselves into the
 fabric of her gown。 Raissa arranged her own skirts and sat down
 before her。
 〃Duncan would not offer unfairiy;〃 she said quietly。 〃I know
 the man。。。 he is not one to trouble a gyri that way。〃
 〃He did not know about Mahna until we arrived;〃 Alix
 admitted。 〃But Ron wasted no time in making certain his brother
 learned of it quickly enough。〃
 〃Him has ever been jealous of Duncan;〃 Raissa said。
 She spread her hands eloquently。 〃An elder son is ever fa…
 vored by a jehan。 k grates particularly hard when your own
 blood father favors a foster son。 Hale treated them equally; but
 Duncan matured quickly。 He felt me weight of the qu'mahlin
 mare。 And it has cost him; though Finn does not fully under…
 stand that。〃 Raissa's eyes were expressive。 〃And now; Alix;
 you have given Finn reason for jealousy again。〃
 …I have?〃
 Raissa looked at her solemnly。 〃Would you have Finn as your
 〃No。 Never。〃
 〃You see? You will have Duncan; or none。 It cannot be easy
 for Finn to know once again his ruifwili takes precedence。〃 She
 smiled。 〃Wanting Duncan; you could not want Finn。 I know
 mat。 'nicy are too dissimilar。 But Finn is not so bad as he seems;
 Alix。。。 he might make a fine cheysul。〃
 〃Finn stole me。 He would have forced me; had Storr not kept
 him from it。 How can you say he would be a good husband?〃
 Raissa smiled。 〃There is much of men you do not understand。
 But you must team that for yourself; it is not my place to teach
 you such things。〃
 Alix recalled the determination in Finn's face when he said be
 would have her。 And now she was no longer promised to Duncan。
 〃Raissa!〃 she said; suddenly frightened。 〃They would not
 force me to take Finn; would they?〃
 Raissa glanced down at her skirts; settling the tiny bells into
 perfect symmetry。 〃This will be hard for you; I know。 Particu…
 larly since you were raised Homanan and feel no loyalty for your
 true race。〃 The yellow eyes came up。 〃We arc too few。 now。
 The clans have been destroyed; save for us; and even now
 Shame works to slay what remains of us。 We need children。 Ч。
 we need women who will bear them。〃 Light flashed off the
 silver in her hair。 〃You are Cheysuli; Anx。 You must take your
 place in the future of the clan。。。 in its tahinwrra。 You must
 bear children for us。 If you will not have Duncan; or even Finn;
 men it will have to be another warrior。〃
 〃You would force met〃
 Raissa reached out and grabbed her hands; holding diem even
 Xs Alix sought to withdraw。 〃No woman wishes to be used as
 breeding stock; Alixl Children are a gift of me gods。。。 not
 coin with which to barter! But we have too few。。。 we are
 dying。 You will not be forced to lay with a man you cannot
 abide; but die censure of the clan is no light burden to bear。〃
 〃Then I will go back;〃 Alix said flatly。 〃I will go back to the
 Raissa squeezed her hands。 〃No。 You must stay。 By the gods;
 Alix; you are Hale's daughter! We need his blood。〃
 〃Through Finn?〃 Alix disengaged her hands。 〃He is my
 〃Aye; but you were raised apart。 Hale's blood must e
 back into the clan。〃
 〃Then tell Finn to get himself children!〃 she said angrily。
 〃He would do so willingly enough。。。 were you his cheysula。
 Or meijha;〃 Raissa said steadily。
 〃What if I have already conceived?〃 Alix asked in desperation。
 Raissa's eyes sharpened。 〃Already conceived。。。 you have
 tern with Duncan?'*
 Alix nodded silently; suddenly apprehensive。 〃Was it wrong?〃
 she whispered。 〃Is it wrong to lay with a clan…leader while he
 The older woman smiled。 **A clan…leader does not rule。。。
 we have no kings; Alix。 And no; it was not wrong。 Do you think
 Duncan keeps himself chaste? It would be a burden no man
 should carry。〃
 Alix looked away; embarrassed。 〃Then what wifl happen?*'
 Raissa sighed。 〃Well; it would change things。 The Council
 might be willing to let you remain solitary。。。 they would
 respect your shorn hair; regardless of me reasons for it You
 would have the freedom you desire if you refuse to take a
 cheysul。 and have already conceived。 But that is still a Council
 〃I should never have e;*' Alix said。 〃I should never have
 allowed Duncan to take me out of Mujhara。〃
 〃 〃This is your home。〃
 〃1 should have let Carillon take me back to the croft。〃
 〃It will not be so harsh+I promise+when you are accustomed。
 Alix; we are your people。〃
 Alix looked at the woman and saw me innate strength and
 pride reflected in her Cheysuli face。 She put a hand to her own;
 tracing the identical high cheekbones。 Her

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