九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > jr.shapechangers >



小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 He nulled his legs in and sat upright on the stump。 〃You did
 not conceive Ч 〃
 Heat coursed through her face as she went rigid。 〃What do you know of it?〃
 His eyes were amused; though be did not laugh at her。 〃Among Ч the Cheysuli such things are not kept locked behind doors。 We are too few to look upon it as a woman's mystery。 It is a reason to rejoice; Alix; when a Cheysuli woman has conceived。〃 He paused as she stared hard at the ground。 〃Raissa told me when I asked this morning。 There is no child。〃
 〃Raissa had no right to tell you anything; nor you the right to
 〃I had every right。 I intend to ask for your clan…rights in Council this night。〃
 Alix's bead jerked up。 〃No!〃
 〃Duncan will not nave you;〃 he said ruthlessly… 〃That has been made plain to all of us。 He will take Malina; as he has ever intended。 There is no hope left to you。〃
 〃There is ever hope;〃 she said fiercely; though she knew he was right…He moved off the stump and knelt in the leaves before her; catching her hands before she could escape his closeness。
 〃You have said you will be no man's mei jha。 That is your Homanan blood speaking; but I will respect it。 1 am not entirely blind to your needs; Alix。〃 He smiled at her ironically。 〃I will sacrifice a part of my freedom。〃
 She tried to break free of his clasping hands but could not。 Once again she fete helpless; trapped; and the famihar fright rose up。 She knelt before him; trembling; hands icy cold in me warmth of his。
 〃Fum。。。 I cannot。 There can never be peace between us。 You made that impossible from the very first day。 I would hardly be a docile; acmodating cheysula。〃
 His grin flashed。 〃If I wanted that sent of cheysula; I would never ask for you。〃
 She managed to glare at him。 〃Then why do you ask for me?〃
 〃I have wanted you from the beginning/* he said deliberately。
 〃I will take you however I can get you。〃
 Alix recoiled from him; finally breaking free。 〃I would never
 take you。。。 never By all the gods; Finn。。。 you are my
 half…brother! You stole me! You took my life and destroyed it;
 and now you seek to make a new one I want no part of。 It is
 Duacan I want。。。 notyouV
 His face remained set and closed; but me color drained slowly until he resembled a dead man。 But the intensity in his eyes showed his blood still ran beneath his flesh。
 〃Duncan wants Malina;〃 be said coldly。 〃Not you。 Else he would renounce the old oath he made to her so long ago; and take you as his cheysula。〃 He shrugged dismissively。 〃You will grow out of wanting Duncan; my Homanan rujholla; if only because such desires die if not fed。〃
 〃There is ever hope;〃 she said blankly。
 **There is none;〃 he told her。 〃You turned from Carillon to Duncan。 In time; you will turn from my ruifwUi to me。〃
 〃You cannot make me!〃 she cried。
 〃I will not have to。〃 Finn glanced down at his hands as be idly separated me leaves by colors。 〃I spoke to me shar tahl。 You will be acknowledged at Council; and formally accepted into the clan。 With that acceptance es clan…rights; which any warrior may ask for。〃 He looked at her。 〃Others may ask for you; Alix。 because you are young and healthy and new to me clan。 But I mink you will take me; because+for all that has happened between us+you know me。〃
 〃I will take Duncan;〃 she said firmly; knowing it as a weapon against Finn。 〃Duncan。〃
 Finn's mouth twisted。 〃I also spoke with Duncan about your clan…rights; rujholla。 He is clan…leader。 It is his place to know what clan…rights wifl be asked; and who will do the asking。〃
 She stared at him。 〃I do not understand。〃
 〃A clan…leader can ever deny a warrior me woman he wishes。 Taking a cheysula is a formal thing。 The clan…leader must give his permission。〃
 Alix felt cold and hollow; and very much alone。 〃And Dun…can。。。?〃
 〃He gave me permission; Alix。 He will not interfere。〃
 Duncan! she cried within her soul。
 〃If it is not me; it will be another;〃 Finn said gently。
 Alix looked at him。 For die first tune he spoke softly to her; without the mocking mannerisms she had e to expect。 She summoned up me image of him shapechanging before her; but it no longer frightened her。 She had her own ability; though no one knew of it yet。 Part of him; she knew; must be like Duncan。 If he was harsh and taunting and impulsive; it was because Duacan was not; and Finn must make his own way。
 She moved forward on her knees; sitting before him with leaves spread all around them。 Alix slowly touched his hand; then pulled it into her own。 She saw the startled flicker in his eyes。
 〃Finn;〃 she said softly; 〃Rujho。。。〃 She swallowed and smiled。 〃Take me home。〃
 His hand stiffened and jerked away。 〃Home。。。〃
 〃To the croft;〃 she said。 〃To Torrin。 To the life I know。〃
 His face masked itself。 〃This is your home。 I will take you 〃nowhere。〃
 〃Finn。。。〃 she said softly; 〃I give you a chance to pay back what you took from me。 Take me home。〃
 Finn got to his feet and looked down on her as she knelt in the leaves。 〃I could not let you go;〃 be said clearly。 〃Not now; when you are nearly mine。 You forget; rujholla。。。 I stole you because I wanted you。 I will not give you up so easily。〃
 〃But if Duncan said яю+〃
 〃Duncan said aye;〃 he reminded her。 〃Duncan has said I may have you。〃
 She stared up at him。 〃And if I refuse you? If I stand up in Council and say I will not have you?〃
 The mocking smile was back。 〃Do not forget our third gift; meijha。 What you will not do willingly; you may be forced to do。〃
 〃Please;〃 she said。
 Finn looked down on her pleading face。 〃No;〃 he said。 and left her。
 Alix stood outside the slate…colored pavilion and closed her eyes; summoning her courage。 Finally she scratched at me doorflap and waited。 Duncan called for her to enter。
 She hesitated; then pulled the doorflap aside。 It dropped be…hind her as she stood there; letting her eyes adjust to the dim light。 Duncan was hunched over a low worktable; a slender metal stylus held in one hand as he scraped carefully at gleaming gold。
 〃Aye?〃 he asked; without looking up。
 。Alix wet her lips。 〃Duncan。〃
 The line of his shoulders and arms stiffened。 For a moment he coatinued working on the glom ornament; then he set it aside and dropped his tool down。 It rattled against the gold and wood; roiling across me table。 Alix watched it move; unable to meet his eyes。
 **I have e to you because you are clan…leader;〃 she said carefully。
 〃Sit down; Alix。〃
 She knelt on me other side of me worktabte。 still not looking at nun。 Her heels dug into her thighs as she folded her legs under her。 Finally she brought her head up。
 〃Him came to me。 He said he has spoken to you; mat he will ask for my clan…rights at Council。〃
 He wore his solemn clan…leader face。 〃Aye。〃
 Her breath was unsteady as she drew it in。 〃Duncan。。。 I do not wish for Finn; You know mat。〃
 〃it has been settled;〃 be said remotely。 〃And if you bring dus up again; I cannot be only a clan…leader to you。〃
 Alix smiled at the unspoken warning。 At least he was not totally indifferent to her。 〃I have not e to ask you to reconsider your offer to me;〃 she told him。 〃You have made it plain what you will do; and I am done begging for more。〃
 His eyes flickered。 〃Then what do you seek; Alix?〃
 〃I want you to withdraw your permission to Finn。 I wast nothing to do with him。 We could never make a marriage between us。。。 and I mink it might be me death of one of us if we were forced。 I think it would be his death。。。 not mine。〃
 Duncan smiled briefly; though he banished it quickly enough。
 〃it would not be a tedious match。〃
 〃it will not be a match at all;〃 she said darkly。 〃Duncan; withdraw your permission。〃
 〃On what grounds?〃
 She scowled at him。 〃I do not want him!〃
 He shrugged。 〃Those are not grounds。 That is merely contrari…ness speaking; and women are prone to mat。〃
 Alix stared at him。 〃You cannot want me to take him!〃
 His face twisted。 〃No;〃 he said at last。 〃I do not want you to take him。 But to refuse him because of mat speaks of prejudice; and a clan…leader cannot be so petty。 Alix; me match will be good for me clan。〃
 〃Is mat all you can say?〃 she demanded。 〃Can you only see
 me clan; and not me? By the gods; Duncan; I thought we

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