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小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 He turned on her。 〃Pleased? You beg to go to war and men tell me you have conceived? Do you wish to lose this child?〃
 He glared at her。 〃Then remain here as I have said; and conduct yourself as a clan…leader's cheysula。〃
 Alix; driven into speechlessness by the intensity of his anger; said nothing at all as he turned away from her and left the pavilion。
 She shivered once; convulsively; (hen folded both arms across her still…flat belly and bent forward; hugging herself tightly。
 She let the tears e unchecked and rocked back and forth in silent grief。
 Chapter Three!: When the doorflap was pulled aside Alix sat up hastily and
 wiped the tears away。 She was prepared to meet Duncan with
 dignity; but when she saw Finn staring in at her she lost her
 '〃Duncan is not here;〃 she said shortly。
 s。 Finn studied her a moment。 〃No; I know he is not。 He passed
 me but a moment ago; black of face and very black of mood。〃
 〃He paused。 〃Have you had your first battte; meiyAa?〃
 ; She scowled at him; fighting back die impulse to cry again。
 **It is none of your concern。〃
 〃He is my ruifwili; you my rujholla。 It is ever my concern。〃
 〃Go away!〃 she cried; and burst into tears。
 Finn did not go away。 He watched her in ironic amazement a moment; then stepped inside the pavilion。 Alix turned her back;on him and cried into her hands。
 ; 〃Is it truly so bad?〃 he asked quietly。
 〃You are the last person I would tell;〃 she managed between sobs。
 〃Why? I have ears that near as well as anyone's。〃
 〃But you never listen。〃
 Finn sighed and sat down next to her; carefully avoiding any
 contact。 〃He is my rujho; Alix; but it does not make him
 perfect。 If you wish to tell me how abominable he is being to
 yw; I will listen readily enough。〃
 She snot him a repressive glance。 〃Duncan is never abominable。〃
 His brows lifted; 〃Oh。。。 he can be。 Do you forget I grew up
 with him?〃
 Something in the lightness of his tone broke her down farther;
 'destroying her last reservation。 Most of me tears had gone; but
 she was still upset。
 〃He has never been angry with me before;〃 she whispered。
 Finn's mouth twitched。 〃Did you dunk Duncan beyond it?
 Most of the time he loses himself in the burdens of being
 。 dan…leader to a dwindling race; but he is like any other。 He has
 ever been more solemn than I。 but he has just as much anger and
 'bitterness。 It is only he hides it better。〃
 She thought of die cause of Duncan's anger; bat could not tell Rnn。 It was too new; too private。
 〃It is too hard;〃 she said; pushing away die last of die tears。
 〃Being his cheysula be asked in surprise。 〃Well; there was a way out of dial …。 once。〃 He grinned sardonically。 〃You had only to be meijha to me。〃
 〃1 did not mean diat;〃 she said sharply。 〃I spoke of learning new customs; and conducting myself the way a Cheysirii woman does。〃
 Rnn drought about it。 〃Perhaps diat is true。 I had never thought of it。〃 He shrugged。 〃This is die only life I know。〃
 〃I know two。〃 she told him heavily。 〃The one you stole me from; and this。 There are times I wish you had never seen me。〃
 〃So you could dally with ct*e princeling and grow up to be his light woman?〃
 Alix glared at him。 〃Perhaps。 But you ended any chance of that。〃
 〃You had best not say dial where Duncan can hear it;〃 Finn said tonelessly。
 Alix was startled。 〃Duncan knows how I felt about Carillon。
 How could he not?〃
 Finn dragged at his boot; as if delaying his answer。 Then his mouth twisted。 * 'He still fears you may go back to die princeling。〃
 〃CariUion offers more than we can。〃 His eyes were expression…less。 〃The magnificence of Homana…Mujhar; weahh; die honor in being a prince's light woman; it is more than any Cheysuli can give。〃
 〃I do not take a man for what he gives me;〃 she said firmly。 〃I take him out of love。 Duncan can say it was tahlmorra diat brought us together+perhaps it was+but it is not dial which keeps us together。〃
 Finn seemed suddenly unfortable。 〃Then you will remain widi die clan?〃
 〃Duncan would not let me go; nor; I think; would you。〃 Alix held his eyes。 〃I have no real wish to go back。。。 BOW。 My place is with Duncan。〃
 〃Even though it be hard to learn our ways?〃
 Alix sighed resignedly。 〃I will learn。。。 eventually。〃
 Finn lifted her hand; encircling her wrist widi his fingers as he had done so long before。 〃Does what you feel for him pall; Alix; or he dies in dlis war we face。。。 you may e to me。〃
 He silenced her before she could protest。 〃No。 I do not mean it
 out of my own desire for you; tfiough diat is unchanged。〃 He
 shrugged; dismissing (L 〃I mean for you to e to me in
 safety; should you ever need it〃
 He released her wrist。 〃I am not always so harsh; ruifwila。
 But you never gave me die chance to show you otherwise。〃
 He left before she could say anything more。 Alix; staring after him; wondered if perhaps she had done him an injustice in her thoughts。
 Duncan said little to her in the morning as they parted。 Though be had e back to die pavilion much less angry and sorry he had frightened her; he was still determined she would do nothing to endanger die child or herself。 Aloud she agreed widi him; admitting her foolishness; inwardly she calmly considered when would be die best time to assume far…shape and go by herself。
 But when Duncan bid her farewell she clung to him 10 helpless anguish; silent; and made no reference to her secret plans。
 Alix found; to her anguish; CheysuH women did not say good…bye in me privacy of die pavilion。 Instead a cheysula or mei jha stood outside; before die tent; bidding her warrior safe journey in die open。 The custom; Duncan said; came from a wish to make parting easier on the warriors。 It was difficult to leave a sobbing woman widi any degree of confidence。
 She stared fiercely after diem as they rode out of die stone Keep。 The winged iir flew ahead; scouting; die four…footed beasts paced beside die horses。 Alix…saw Cai swoop above the treetops; Storr lope easily beside Finn; and die others go silently with their iir。
 And I will be them all; she thought in grim satisfaction。
 She was calm in her decision; acknowledging die difficulties…She had been a wolf only twice; and then widi disastrous results; but that was hardly her fault。 She would do better。 Yet she was concerned widi die knowledge she would have to go as a bird; an unknown shape; for a wolf would move too slowly for her to catch up to die party of warriors。
  wish Cai were here to teach metofty。^vs drought uneasily。 it must be frightening to seek the car for the first time; trusting your life to fragile wings。
 But she knew she would go。
 Alix prepared rapidly; wanting to leave no later dian afternoon。
 She drew a pair of Duncan's worn leggings and soft jerkin from
 a chest; cutting both garments to her smaller size。 The jerkin she
 put on over me top half of die gown she had worn at Homana…
 Mujhar; using it as a rough shin to cover her arms and bide her
 figure。 A leather strap served as a belt; and she pulled on her
 wolfskin boots; cross…gartercd to the knees。 Grimly she looked down at herself。
 look no more a warrior than some Cheysuli boy playing at it。
 Well; it will fuze to do。 I cannot go to war wearing skirts;
 She sat down on the spotted pelt by tile fire cairn and stared sightlessly into die coals。
 How to make oneself a bird。。。?
 Carefully Alix detached her mind from her surroundings; dismissing me familiarity of soft pelts and colored tapestries and the mundane tools of daily life。 The coals blurred before her eyes into a collage of rose and gray; transfixing her mind。
 She thought of treetops and fields and clouds。 She thought of a falcon; swift and light; of feathers and talons and hooked beak;
 bright eyes and hollow bones and die marvelous freedom of flight。
 When die broke out of the pavilion and air rushed gloriously through her outstretched wings she knew she had succeeded; and rejoiced。
 At first she wheeled in exultation; dipping and circling; playing among (he currents。 Below her lay the Keep; spreading to shelter the last of Homana's ancient race。 The pavilion was a speck of sla

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