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小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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eady fever…flushed and warm when she set her hand against it。
 〃We go nowhere; yet;〃 she said softly。
 〃We must;〃 he answered; carefully unwrapping his injured wrist。 The flesh was scored with teeth marks。 The bleeding had stopped; but the wound was open and seeping。
 〃We have no choice;〃 Alix whispered。 〃Perhaps in the morning; when you are better。〃
 Light from me small fire Caim built before me tent flickered over his jaw。 She saw me stubborn set to the prominent bones。 〃Alix; I will not remain in a shapechanger camp。 They are demons。〃
 〃They are also our captors;〃 she agreed wryly。 〃Do you think to escape memo so easily? You could hardly get half a league with this wolf…wound。〃
 〃You could。 You could reach your father's croft。 He could ride to Mujhara for help。〃
 〃Alone。。。〃 she whispered。 〃And so far。〃
 He rubbed his unwounded forearm across his brow。 〃I do not
 wish to send you into the darkness alone; no matter how far the
 distance is。 But I have no choice; Alix。 I would go myself;
 willingly; as I think you know。〃 He lifted his bloody arm。 〃I do
 recognize my own limitations。〃 His smile came swiftly; and left
 as quickly。 〃I have faith in you; my girl; more so than in any
 man who might be with me in this Ч 〃
 Pain squeezed her heart so that it nearly burst。 In the brief weeks she had known him he had bee everything to her; a hero she could worship from the depths of her romantic soul and a man she could dream of in the long nights。 To have him look at her so warmly and with such trust nearly undid her convictions about not allowing him to see her vulnerability。
 〃You must;〃 he said gently。 〃We cannot remain here。 My uncle; when he leans of this; will send mounted troops immediately to destroy this nest of demons。 Alix; you must go。〃
 〃Go where?〃 demanded Finn from the tent's doorflap。
 Alix twitched in surprise at his stealth; but Carillon glared at the Cheysuli。 Somehow Finn seemed more substantial; a thing of the darkness; illuminated by me firelight dancing off the gold on his arms and in his ear。 Alix forced herself to look away from his yellow eyes and stared instead at the earring half…hidden in thick black hair。 It; tike the armbands he wore above the elbows; bore a skillful figure of a wolf。
 For his lir。。。 she realized blankly; and wondered anew at the strangeness of his race。
 The Cheysuli smiled mockingly and moved to stand over them。 His steps were perfectly silent and hardly left a mark in the dirt。
 He is like the shadows themselves。。。
 〃My prince;〃 he said vibrantly; 〃you must doubtless believe this insubstantial girl could make her way through a hostile forest without aid of any sort。 Were she Cheysuli; she could; for we are creatures of the forests instead of cities; but she is not。 And I have gone to far too much trouble to lose either of you so quickly。〃
 〃You have no right to keep us; shapechanger;〃 Carillon said。
 〃We have every right; princeling! Your uncle has done what
 he could to slay every Cheysuli in Homana land we made! He
 has e closer than even he knows; for it is true out numbers
 are sadly reduced。 From thousands we are hundreds。 But it has
 been fortunate; lately; that Shaine is more concerned with the
 war Bellam of Solinde wishes to levy against Homana。 He needs
 must steep himself in battle plans again; and forget us for a time。〃
 〃So;〃 Carillon said on a sighing breath; 〃you will ransom me back to the Mujhar?〃
 Finn stroked his smooth jaw; considering; grinning at them both; 〃That is not for me to say。 It is a Cheysuli Clan Council decision。 But I will let you know how we view your disposition。〃
 Alix straightened。 〃And what of me?〃
 He stared sightlessly at her a long moment。 Then he dropped to one knee and lifted her braid against his lips in a seductive manner。 〃You; meijha; will remain with us… The CheysuU place much value on a woman; for we have need of them to breed more of us。〃 He ignored her gasp of shock and outrage。 〃Unlike the Homanans; who may keep a woman for only a night; we keep her forever。〃
 Alix。 recoiled from him; jerking her braid free of his hand。 Fear drove into her chest so quickly she could hardly breathe; and she felt a trembling begin in her bones。
 He could do this; she realized。 He could。 He is a demon。。。
 〃Let me go;〃 she pleaded。 〃Do not keep me with you。〃
 His black brows lifted。 〃Do you sicken of my pany so soon; meijha? YOU will injure me with such words。〃
 〃Alix is none of yours;〃 Carillon said coldly。 〃If you seek to ransom me; you will do the same for her。 And if her father cannot meet your price; the Mujhar will pay it from his own coffers。〃
 Finn did not bother to look at Carillon。 He stared penetratingly at Alix。 〃She is a prize of war; princeling。 My own personal war against the Mujhar。 And I would never take gold from a man who could order his men to slay an entire race。〃
 〃I am no prize!〃 Alix cried。 〃I am a woman! Not a brood mare to be judged by her ability to bear young or bring gold… You will not treat me so!〃
 Finn caught one of her hands and held it; browned fingers encircling her wrist gently… She tried to pull away; but he exerted just enough force to keep her hand imprisoned。
 〃I treat you how I choose;〃 he told her。 〃But I would have you know mei jhas are honored among the Cheysuli。 That a woman has no cheysul husband and yet takes a man as mate does not make her a whore。 Tell me; is that not a better life than the light women of Mujhara receive?〃
 Her hand jerked in his grasp。 〃Let me go!〃
 〃You are not the first woman won in such a fashion;〃 he said solemnly; 〃and doubtless you will not be the last。 But for now; you are mine to do with as I will。〃
 Carillon reached out to grab Finn's arm; cursing him angrily; but the pain of his wrist prevented him。 His face went horribly white and he stopped moving instantly; cradling the wounded arm。 His breath hissed between his teeth。
 Finn released Alix。 〃If you will allow it; I will heal the wound。〃
 〃Aye;〃 the Cheysuli said quietly。 〃It is a gift of the old gods。
 We have healing arts at our beck。〃
 Alix rubbed at the place he had held on her arm。 〃What do you say; shapechanger?〃
 〃Cheysuli;〃 he corrected。 〃I can summon the earth magic。〃
 〃Sorcery!〃 Carillon exclaimed。
 Finn shrugged。 〃Aye; but it is a gift; for all that。 And used only for good。〃
 〃I will not suffer your touch。〃
 Finn moved and caught Carillon's wounded arm in a firm grasp。 The prince winced away; prepared to make a furious protest; but said nothing as astonishment crept across his face。
 〃Carillon?〃 Alix whispered。
 〃The pain。。。〃 he said dazedly。
 〃The earth magic eases pain;〃 Finn said matter…of…factly; kneeling before me pale prince。 〃But it can also do much more。〃
 Alix stared open…mouthed as me Cheysuli held the lacerated arm。 His yellow eyes had gone oddly piercing; yet detached; and she realized her escape lay open before her… He had somehow gone beyond them both。
 She moved as if to go; coiling her legs to push herself upright; but the expression on Carillon's face prevented her。 She saw amazement; confusion and revulsion; and the beginnings of a protest。 But she also saw acknowledgment of the truth in Finn's words; and before she could voice a question; afraid of the sorcery the shapechanger used。 Finn released Carillon's wrist。
 〃It is done; princeling。 It will heal cleanly; painlessly; though you will have scars to show for your foolishness。〃
 〃Foolishness!〃 Carillon exclaimed。
 Finn smiled grimly 〃It is ever foolishness for a man to threaten a Cheysuli before his h'r。〃 Finn nodded his head at the silver wolf who lay silently by the tent。 〃Storr will let no man harm me; even at the cost of his own life。〃 He frowned suddenly; eyes somber。 〃Though that has its price。〃
 〃Then one day I will slay you both;〃 Carillon said clearly。
 Alix felt the sudden flare of tension between the two; though
 she could not put name to it。 And when Finn smiled ironically she felt chilled; recoiling from his twisted mouth。
 〃You may try; princeling; but I do not think you will acplish it。 We are meant for something other than death at one another's hands; we two。〃
 〃What do you s

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