九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > jr.shapechangers >



小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 Duncan frowned。 〃Finn?〃
 Finn glanced up and smiled at his brother。 His eyes slid to Alix; men away。 〃I wish you well of it; Duncan。 It is a good thing to know the Cheysuli increase; even if only by one。〃
 〃One is enough for now;〃 Alix said firmly。
 ffis grin crept back。 〃Aye; meijha; perhaps it is。 I will be glad enough to be uncle to one。〃
 She watched him; puzzled by his manner。 He was a different man。 She saw his yellow eyes settle broodingly on Duncan; then a strange regretful smile twisted his mouth。 He glanced up and saw her watching him; then gestured expressively with a hand。
 Alix opened her mouth to ask a question; sensing something
 she could not quite understand。 But she said nothing as Duncan stiffened before her。 She felt the sudden tensing of his muscles as he shuddered once; violently。
 He did not answer her。 Instead he jerked the horse to a stop so unruly it slid Alix along smooth hindquarters until she clutched helplessly at Duncan; trying to stay horseback。 It was futile。 She landed awkwardly on her feet; hanging onto the stirrup to steady herself。
 The horse side…stepped nervously。 The reins were slack in
 Duncan's hands as he bent over the pommel and shuddered
 Alix stumbled back as the horse moved against her; nearly stepping on her。 She grabbed Duncan's leggings and tugged; trying to gain his attention。
 Finn; on the other side; wrenched his mount to a halt and
 reached out。 〃Ruifw
 Duncan pushed himself upright and slid awkwardly off the
 horse。 He hung onto me stirrup helplessly; unaware of Alix's
 presence。 He set his forehead against the saddle and sucked in air
 like a drowning man。
 〃Duncan。。。〃 she whispered; putting a hesitant hand on his
 rigid arm。 〃Duncan!〃
 Finn dismounted rapidly and moved around the riderless horse to Duncan's side。 He gently pushed Alix out of me way; ignoring her protests; and took Duncan's arm。
 〃What is it?〃 he asked。
 Duncan turned his head; gazing blankly at Finn。 His eyes were
 dilated and oddly confused。 〃Cat。。。〃 He gasped hoarsely;
 shuddering again。
 Finn steered him away from me fretting horse to a tree stump; pushing him down on it as Duncan swayed on his feet。 There he knelt in the leaves and looked into his brother's face。
 〃Slain?〃 he whispered。
 Alix; still standing by the horse; understood the implications of me question instantly。 She fell to her knees next to Finn。
 。 〃Duncan。。。 no!〃
 。 His face was strained and pale。 His head dropped until he stared sighdessly at tile ground; hands hanging limply against his thighs。
 Alix touched his cold hand softly。 〃Duncan; say you are well。〃
 Finn set his hand on her shoulder; silencing her without a word。 Then he grasped Duncan's tensing forearm。
 〃Ruifw; is he slain?〃
 Duncan raised his head and stared at them。 His eyes were strange; dangerously feral in a hollowed face。 Tautness moved through his body like a serpent; knotting sinews into rigidity。 But color began to flow slowly back into his face。
 〃No;〃 he said at last。 He swallowed against another shudder。 〃He is+injured。 And far from this place。〃 He shoved a shaking hand through his black hair。 〃His lir…pattem is so weak I can barely touch him。〃
 Alix sent out her own call; trying to discover the hawk; but nothing answered。 She had spent time woridug on screening out the other fir so she could think in peace; perhaps it worked against her now。
 Finn glanced over his shoulder at the gathered warriors。 〃We camp here until morning。〃 He turned back and looked at Alix out of a face suddenly old and weary。 His smile held little reassurance; though he sought to soothe her。 〃Cai is not slain。 Duncan will be well。〃
 She swallowed and felt some of me horrible fear slide out of her bones。 But much of it remained; and when Finn pulled Duncan to his feet she nearly cried to see his spirit so diminished。
 This is what it is to have a lir; she thought miserably。 This is the price of the old gods' magic。。。
 Duncan was made to lie down; wrapped in blankets before a hastily laid fire。 But he came out of his shock long enough to stare frowningly at his brother。
 〃We should go on; rujho。 We do not reach Mujhara like this。〃
 Finn smiled and shook his head。 〃I know what you feel。 When Storr nearly died of an arrow wound; I was close to death myself with me shock of it。 You have never had to deal with it。 so keep silent until you are better。 I am second…leader; after you。〃
 Duncan pulled the blankets more closely around his shoulders; worn to the bone。 〃You have never led men; Finn;〃 he said crossly。 〃How can I know you will not get us into trouble?〃
 Alix smiled faintly; relieved to hear the brotherly banter。 Finn;
 standing over his elder like an avenging demon with a newly won soul; grinned and crossed his anus over his chest。
 〃You will simply have to find out。 nyho。 It may be/am better suited; even; than you。〃
 Duncan scowled blackly at him a moment; then closed his eyes and sank against die ground。 Alix watched him fade into sleep as she knelt beside him。 She gripped his war bow in her hands。
 〃He will be well?〃 she asked softly。
 〃He is full of Cai's pain;〃 Finn told her。 〃When a Ur is
 injured; me Cbeysu feels all of it in the first moments。 It will
 pass。〃 He sighed。 〃He only needs rest〃
 〃And Cai;〃 she said softly。
 Finn's face tightened。 〃Aye。 And Cai。〃
 Duncan recovered rapidly; though his attention seemed else…where most of the time; seeking Cai。 Alix remonstrated with him to rest longer than a single night; but Duncan declared himself fit enough and ready to go on to Mujhara。 Finn; after grumbling about his brother's foolishness; gave in and agreed。 So Alix climbed aboard die horse once again and hung onto Duncan more firmly than usual; making certain he was well。
 They were two days out of the city when Cai appeared in me sky; winging slowly toward mem。 She felt Duncan's instant tension and smoothed a hand across his back; as if to quiet a fretful child。 Duncan halted the horse and waited。
 Lir; me bird sent; sounding pleased; / was not certain haw far you rode from me。
 Alix smiled in relief at me hawk's healthy tone。 But Duncan sat stiffly on his horse。 He reached out his left arm and let me hawk alight。 Talons closed; gripping tightly; and Alix saw a trickle of blood thread its way across me vulnerable flesh。 Dun…can seemed not to notice。
 The bird settled himself。 / am sorry; Ur; that I troubled you。 I can better now。
 Finn guided his horse to Duncan's and waited mutely; watching Duncan's face。 Alix realized once more how special her gift was。 The others must wait for Duncan to pass on Cai's speech; but she could hear the hawk's warm tone easily。
 Duncan draped the reins over the pommel and put his free band to Cai's head; stroking the shining feathers gently。
 〃I would not lose you;〃 he murmured。
 Nor I; you。 The bird's eyes sharpened。 / bring news; Ur。 The
 war goes booty for Homana。 The Mujhar's armies are near
 destroyed; scattered by the Solindish troops。 What men did not
 were taken by Keough of Atvia; who rules the field。 It was
 vian archers who loosed arrows at me for sport; and nearly
 ought me down。 But the wing was hardly touched; and I am
 vug again。 Cai lifted from Duncan's arm and circled the forest
 taring。 Then he perched himself on a low branch。 You see? ' Relief loosened the constraints of Duncan's muscles。 Alix felt him relax for the first time since Cai had been injured。 But she also felt his concern for the army's welfare as Cai continued。
 /(is bad; lir。 Of the thousands Shaine sent。 only hundreds main alive。 Most are captives of the Atvian lord。 Like Carillon。
 Alix stiffened so quickly her fingers dug into Duncan's back。
 'What of Carillon?〃
 Cai hesitated。 He is well enough; for a man kept chained night and day and plaqued by Atvian and Solindish soldiers who wish no ridicule him。
 〃He is not hurt?〃 she asked breathlessly。
 Liren; I did not see him well。 But he was in a tumbril; heavily hained so he could not move。 No man; even uninjured; can wr such close bonds for long without suffering。
 She set her forehead against Duncan's back in anguish; vividl

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