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小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 She set her forehead against Duncan's back in anguish; vividly icturing the prince a prisoner to the enemy。 She hardly heard hmean telling the others what Cai said。
 Finn smiled grimly。 〃So; me princeling leans what it is to be
 Alix jerked her head up and glared at him。 〃How can you say iat? Camion is a warrior; a prince! He was a man before ever au took me captive!〃
 Finn lifted a placating hand; grinning at her vehemence。 Meijha; I speak no ill of him。 I mean only he has not fought for las realm before; and it is a hard thing to learn when one is taken irisoner。〃
 〃Fergus is slain;〃 she said in a deadly tone。 〃Mujhara is in fe hands of the Ihlini; And now Carillon is prisoner to this Atvian lord。 It seems more than enough for any man。〃
 〃Aye;〃 Finn said gently。
 She glared at him; expecting more。 But he said nothing。
 Duncan glanced at the waiting warriors。 〃We must go to…the ity。〃
 〃No!〃 Alix cried。
 Cai agreed with Duncan。 Even now the Atvian lord moves his  toward Mujhara。 I/you go there; you will be able to defend ie ancient city。
 〃No;〃 Alix said firmly。 〃We must go to Carillon;〃
 Duncan sighed。 〃Nothing has changed; cheysula。 Mujhara is *'sn。 Shaine waits within the palace。 It is there we must go。〃
 〃But he is a prisoner!〃
 〃You knew that days ago;〃 he said shortly。 〃And you agreed I had the right of it。〃
 〃I did not know he was chained! He deserves our help。〃
 Finn snorted。 〃He wanted nothing to do with us before; meijha。 Why should I believe differently now?〃
 〃By the gods!〃 Alix swore。 〃You would have me believe you desire his death!〃
 〃No;〃 Finn said; unsmiling。 〃It would not serve the prophecy。〃
 That silenced her。 Finn never spoke of the tahlmorra contained within (he prophecy of the Firstborn; and to hear his serious tone made her realize he was not always the disruptive warrior。 Alix scowled at him; disliking the unfamiliarity of his new attitude。
 'Duncan kneed his horse forward。 〃We go on to Mujhara。〃
 〃Be silent; Alix。 You are here because I have allowed it。'*
 She gritted her teeth and spoke through them。 〃If it were you; Duncan; and Carillon could e to your aid; would you be content to let him go elsewhere?〃
 Duncan laughed。 〃The prince does not even know we move to aid the Homanans。 He can hardly miss us。〃
 〃It is not fair;〃 she muttered。 
 〃War rarely is;〃 Duncan agreed; and led the warriors on。
 Alix did not steep。 She lay stiffly under Duncan's sleep…loosened arm; thinking deeply。 The Cheysuli camp was silent save for the settling of the coals and the shifting of a lir。 She had longed to question Cai more closely about Carillon; but could not for fear Duncan would hear。 So she pretended sleep when he would speak softly to her; and smiled grimly when he fell asleep himself。 Then she began to plan。
 If I go to Carillon; they also will have to go。 Duncan would not allow me to remain alone in an enemy camp for long。 She smiled wryly; half…pleased with the thought。 Not bearing this child who may give the Old Blood and its gifts back to the clan。
 She snuggled more deeply under the blanket。 / will go; and then Carillon will have the help he needs。 She scratched at a bug bite on her neck。 And if the others desire it another way; perhaps I will he enough to win Carillon free of Keough and his Atvian demons。
 Storr; lying at Finn's side; stirred and lifted his head。 You should not; iiren。 There is danger。
 She peered through the darkness but could not see the wolfs silver form。 Storr; / must do this。 Carillon would do it for me。
 Your cheysul will not approve。
 Then he may beat me; if he wishes; when he es to find me。
 He would never beat you。 Storr was silent a moment。 Liren; you are stubborn。
 Alix smiled into the darkness。 / am Cheysuli。
 Cai settled his wings more fortably。 Perhaps it will be enough。
 It will be。 she said firmly; and waited for the dawn。
 Chapter Five
 Just before sunrise; when the stillness of the night lay heaviest on her soul; Alix slipped carefully from beneath the blanket。 Dun…can made no movement as she folded the blanket so the chill would not give away her absence。 Cai; perched in the nearest tree; startled her with his resigned tone。
 Still you go; Iiren?
 She straightened the twisted jerkin and tightened her belt。 / go。
 Carillon is deserving of it。
 You carry a child。
 Her mouth twisted。 / do。 And I will keep it safe。
 The hawk's tone saddened。 / cannot gainsay you; Iiren。
 She looked at him sharply; peering at his huddled form。 Do you tell your lir of this?
 He will have to know。
 But not yet; she pleaded。 First; let me go。 Then you may tell him。
 It is not my place to keep things from my lir。
 Cai; I will go。 Even if Duncan wakens and seeks to gainsay me; I will go。 Do you see?
 The great bird seemed to sigh。 / see; Iiren。 Then go。 if you must。
 Alix Smiled fondly in his direction; then blurred herself and went unto the skies as a falcon。
 The Journey took time; and Alix tired as she soared over the forests。 But she ignored the tension in her wings and kept on;。determined to reach Carillon。 When at last she broke free of the trees into bare plains; she was near exhaustion。 Already it was twilight; and she feared she would not reach the armies until after dark。
 Suddenly the Atvian host was below her。 Alix circled and drifted over the army; seeking knowledge of the true state of affairs。 She saw strange bearded men in red…painted leather…and…mail; wearing keyholed helms that hid their faces。 There were archers; she saw; and soldiers bearing heavy broadswords。 Among the red…mailed men were Solindish troops in chain mail and breastplates。
 She kept one keen eye on the archers; fearing they would shoot at her as they had Cai。 But most of the troops seemed more concerned with food; for they squatted around fires with bowls and mugs in their hands。 No one paid a lone falcon any mind。
 Alix dared closer; drifting in an idle pattern toward a blue field pavilion。 Carefully she settled on the ridgepole; seeking the proper place for a prince held captive。
 Her body trembled。 She mantled once; settled her feathers and tried to recoup her lost strength。 Alix was afraid the exhaustion in her hollow bird…bones might sap her ability to hold fir…shape; and she could not risk discovery。
 If I am caught; I will be named witch; she thought uneasily。
 Shapechanger witch。
 She waited until some of her strength returned。 Then she lifted from the ridgepole and drifted over the sprawling encampment。
 Alix saw no sign of Carillon。 She found the Homanan prisoners; harshly tied and guarded by Atvian men; but Carillon was not among them。 She closed her mind to the cries and moans of the wounded; for if she listened their pain would bee hers; and she would fail。
 She dipped closer when she saw the post set before a scarlet pavilion。 For a moment she feared the figure lashed to it was Carillon; but she saw it was a boy。 His body was slumped against the post; arms and legs tied securely on the other side。 His forehead was pressed against the rough wood and his eyes were closed。 The soiled tunic he wore was in shreds; hanging from his back。 She saw; with a quickening of revulsion; he had been flogged。
 His eyes were shut tight in a pale; grimy face; and his black hair hung limply to his shoulders。 She could not tell if he was alive or dead。
 Alix flew on; passing over a two…wheeled tumbril near me picket…line of horses。 A glance down showed her the figure slumped in it; and the familiar tawny…dark hair。
 She sucked in her breath and turned back; driving toward the tumbril。 Carillon sat against me front of the cart; legs stretched to hang from the opening。 The setting sun glinted off the iron banding his legs and hands。
 Like the boy; his eyes were closed。 And; like him; he showed no signs of life。 Alix flew closer。
 He moved… She heard the clash of iron as he shifted his arms; settling the chain links against his chest。 His eyes opened; half…lidded; staring out at the tumbril blankly。 His face was badly bruised and smeared with blood。 But he lived。
 Alix felt the fear abate and anger rise in its place。 She nearly shrieked her rage aloud but refrained as she realiz

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