九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > jr.shapechangers >



小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃You are safe'〃
 She smiled and slid a quick sideways glance at Duncan。
 〃Aye; I am。〃
 Carillon blinked in surprise as he saw the Cheysuli warrior。 Then a wariness came into his face。 〃What have you e for; shapechanger?〃
 Duncan regarded Carillon solemnly。 〃I lost something; my lord… I came to recover it。〃 He spread his hands。 〃But while I am here; I may as well see to your welfare。 My foolish cheysula has forced me to do her bidding。〃
 Carillon nearly smiled。 Alix saw the struggle in his face as he tried to keep his emotional distance from the Cheysuli… But his relief and good nature won out。
 〃She is a foolish woman。 I told her so when first she appeared; but she would have none of it。〃 He shrugged。 〃Women are willful creatures。〃
 Duncan lost his solemnity and grinned。 〃Aye; especially this one。 I think it is the royalty in her。〃
 Carillon laughed。 Alix; disgruntled by the amusement in them
 both at her expense; glared at Duncan;
 〃Have you brought the keys for nothing; Duncan? See to your prince!〃
 Duncan banished his smile but not the glint in his eyes。 He bent and unlocked the leg shackles。 Then he unlocked the heavy bands around his wrists。
 The iron fell away。 Alix hissed as she saw the raw wounds ringing Carillon's wrists; as if he still wore the shackles。 Care…fully he stretched out his hands and tried to work them。
 Duncan stopped him。 〃Do not。 If you will suffer it; 1 can take away the pain when we are free of this place。〃 His eyes were very watchful。 〃Will you suffer it?〃
 Carillon sighed。 〃It seems 1 must。 Alix has chastised me for my unremitting distrust of your race。 Perhaps it is time  listened toner。〃
 A glow came into Duncan's eyes。 〃If she has caused you to reconsider the feelings most Homanans hold for us; then her foolishness has some merit。〃
 〃Duncan!〃 she cried in frustration。
 His brows lifted as he turned to her。 〃Well; it was foolishness。 First you left me Keep; where 1 ordered you to remain; then you joined us when I would have you go back; and now you have e into an enemy camp。 What else am I to think of your behavior?〃
 Alix took a deep bream and glared at him; hands on hips。
 〃My behavior is mine to do。 It has nothing to do with you。 Because I have wed you according to your barbaric shapechanger custom and carry your halfling child does not mean you have the ordering of me。〃
 〃Alix!〃 Carillon cried… He looked first at Duncan; then at her。 After a moment he looked back at Duncan。 〃Does she always speak this way?〃
 〃When it seats her。 I have not found her a diplomatic cheysu。〃
 Alix scowled at him。
 Carillon shook his head slowly。 〃No; I think not。 I had not
 known of her sharp tongue。〃 He grinned suddenly。 〃Well; that
 is not entirely true。 I recall her words when I destroyed her garden。〃
 Alix shoved her hair back from her face。 〃I begin to wish I had not e。〃
 Carillon frowned at her。 〃Who cut off your hair?〃
 Carillon; astonished; looked at the warrior… 〃Why?〃
 Duncan's mouth twisted。 〃She required a lesson。〃 He dropped the keys and stretched out his hand。 〃e; my lord; it is time we took you from this place。〃
 Carillon heaved himself from the tumbril with Duncan's help。 His face went white and he gasped in pain as his muscles screamed their agony。 He remained on his feet only because Duncan held him there。
 〃Give me a sword;〃 Carillon said between clenched teeth。 〃I must have a sword。 I owe a death to someone。〃
 〃I have none。〃 Duncan's eyes were opaque and blank。 〃The last sword the Cheysuli held was Hale's。 You; my lord; have lost it for us。〃
 Carillon blanched beneath the quiet reproach。 〃I had little to do with it! Thome disarmed me; and took it。〃 His pale face twisted。 〃I will slay that man。 I have been chained tike a beast and treated as mon filth。 They have made me watch as they ordered my men slain; and Thome has laughed at it all。〃 He took a slow breath。 〃But the worst has nothing to do with me。 It was the boy。 Because of him; and the rest; Thome will die by my hand。〃
 Alix moved closer。 〃The boy。 Carillon。 I saw him closely。 Is he Cheysuli?〃
 Carillon sighed。 〃I thought so。 He had the color for it。 But he said no; when I asked him。 He was afraid。 I think; if anything; he is a bastard got on some Cheysuli woman。 He said he was raised Homanan by a man and a woman not his parents。〃 He looked back at Duncan。 ' 'If I cannot have a sword; shapechanger; then lend me a knife。〃
 Duncan's eyes narrowed。 〃I have a name; princeling。 You would do well to use it。 I have mitted my clan to your survival; and that of Homana。 You and I have; I think; gone beyond being opponents of any sort。 There is more than that between us; now。 My lord。〃 Duncan studied him dispassionately。 ' 'If you would earn the respect of the Cheysuli+which you must have to keep Homana intact+you would do well to save your hatred for the Bilini。〃
 Alix feared they might e to blows。 Carillon glared angrily
 at Duncan; as if he would slay him; and Duncan exhibited no intention of retracting his sharp words。
 Finally she put a hand on each of their arms。 〃e; my warriors。 We should leave this place。〃 When Duncan made no signs of moving she deliberately pressed her nails into his bare arm。 〃Cheysul; so you forget I carry your son? Get me free of this place。〃
 That drove both of mem into motion。 Carillon wavered on his feet; recovered; and made as if to walk。 Duncan caught his arm and led him away from the tumbril。 But his other hand was on Alix's wrist; and she felt herself dragged after him。
 Satisfied she had achieved her goal; she smiled to herself and went along amicably。
 Chapter Seven
 Duncan stole an Atvian horse and helped Carillon mount。 The prince's face was stretched taut with pain and the struggle to keep it unspoken; but Alix sensed every screaming fiber of Carillon's mistreated body。 Silently she watched him pose himself in the saddle; gathering reins with swollen; discolored hands。
 Duncan turned to her。 〃Ride behind him; cheysula。〃
 Carillon glared at him。 〃I have no need of a woman to keep me in the saddle; shapechanger。〃
 〃This woman has accounted for your rescue; princeling;〃 Duncan returned。 〃And as for your ability to keep yourself in the saddle; that is for you to do。 It is Alix I am concerned about; and the health of our child。〃
 Carillon; about to say something more; snapped his mouth shut。
 Alix shook her head。 〃I go with you; Duncan。〃
 〃The others leave this place in;w…shape;〃 he said calmly。 〃I will walk; leading this horse。 Whether you realize it yet; you are doubtless weary。 Ride; Alix。〃
 Duncan's words awoke all the trembling in her limbs and the
 prehension of what she had acplished。 Alix felt her
 bones turn to water。 Though she longed to protest she withheld it
 as she saw the understanding in Duncan's eyes。 Silently she let
 him lift her onto the horse; and carefully clasped her fingers into tire leather of Carillon's belt。
 〃Where do we go?〃 he asked。
 〃Not far。 Perhaps two leagues from here。〃 Duncan took the horse's bridle and led it out。 〃e; we will see to your welfare when we are free of this place。〃
 Duncan took them from the open plains into me depths of the shadowed forests; moving so silently Alix heard only the horse's steps muffled against the bedding of the forest floor。 Occasion…ally she saw flitting shapes of animals slipping by and realized me far and their warriors gave the clan…leader and his charges protection。 She felt very safe。
 At last Duncan turned the horse into a tiny clearing invisible to the untrained eye。 Alix pushed free of the horse and dropped to me ground; ignoring Duncan's disapproving ment。 She stepped out of the way and watched as he helped Carillon dismount。
 〃I will be well enough;'〃Carillon said curtly。
 Duncan did not remove his steadying arm。 〃It is no disgrace to require help after so much time spent in close confinement。*' He met Carillon's eyes。 〃Or is it only Cheysuli aid you spurn?〃
 Alix sighed wearily and pushed hair from her face。 〃Must you ever go at one another with no basis other than pride and arrogance?〃 she asked。 〃Can neither of you forget your race and simply conduct yourselves as men?〃
 Carillon stared at her。 After a mo

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