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小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Would you say that to Carillon; whom you have freed from captivity?〃
 〃fou freed him。〃
 〃But had you not defied me to begin with; I would not have gone to the Atvian encampment at all。 It was Mujhara I was bound for。〃
 Alix sighed; trying to deal with two fears。 〃Do you send me
 back; then? Do you forbid me to go with you to the city; and
 make me wait at the Keepi〃
 He laughed softly。 〃Why can you not be as other women? Why must you put on men's garb+my own; I have seen+and act the part of a warrior?〃
 She scowled。 〃How can I say? I am myself。〃
 He nodded。 〃I have seen that。 It is not entirely unpleasing; in its place。 As for Mujhara; you will have to e with us。 I will not have you take fir…shape again; and I will not have you return to the Keep alone。 I can spare no men to take you。〃 He shrugged; sighing。 〃So you will e。〃
 Alix said nothing for a long moment。 Then she clenched her hands against his ribs。 〃I cannot say if I am pleased or not。 I would not be happy at the Keep; waiting in fear; but neither will I be happy to see you risk yourself for Shaine's city。〃
 He smoothed back her hair。 〃It is not Shaine's city; small one。 Once it was Cheysuli。 We have only to win back what was ours。〃
 She turned her face up to his。 〃Duncan+had the Cheysuli not given up the throne to Homanans+could you have been Mujhar?〃
 He smiled。 〃I am clan…leader; cheysula。 It is enough。〃
 Something turned in her heart。 〃But you have lost so much。。。〃
 His eyes were very clear in the moonlight as he looked into her face。 '*I have lost something; perhaps; but I have found even more。〃
 〃Hush; cheysula。 It is time you let our child rest。〃
 She sighed and felt her left hand clasped firmly in his as he led her back to the tiny camp。
 I am not the proper sort of woman for this man。。。 she
 thought in aching regret;
 Cai; hidden in the darkness; sent her his warm reassurance。
 Liren。。。 you are the only woman/or this man。
 Alix drew closer to Duncan and hoped the hawk was nght。
 〃The Warrior〃
 Chapter One
 〃I will not subject myself to Cheysuli sorcery;〃 Carillon said firmly in the morning。
 He sat upright against his log; hands folded over the scab…barded sword Finn had returned to him。 The Cheysuli warriors faced him silently; yet disapproving even in their silence。
 Alix saw defiant determination in the prince's battered face。
 〃Carillon;〃 she reproved softly。
 His eyes flickered as he looked at her; standing at Duncan's side。 〃Alix; such sorcery is evil。 I cannot deny your own measure of it; but I know you。 You would never seek to bring down Homana's heir。〃
 〃Nor would we;〃 Duncan said flatly。 He sighed。 〃You would not believe it; perhaps; but the Cheysuli never meant to give up their proper place next to the Homanan Mujhars。 Until Hale left; Cheysuli warriors ever served Homanan kings。 We seek no quarrel with you。〃
 Finn stood apart from the others; smiling crookedly in his familiar mocking manner。 〃You seek the quarrel; I think。〃
 Carillon's mouth tightened。 〃I seek only to get to MuJhara and free my city from the Dilini demons。 And Bellam of Solinde。〃 His fingers were bone…white as he clenched them on the sword。
 〃You will not get there without our aid;〃 Finn said curtly。 〃Yet last night you were willing enough to let us use our gifts on the enemy。〃
 〃Using your magic to release your liege lord is one thing;〃 Carillon retorted。 〃Subverting my will with it is entirely another。〃
 Finn laughed scornfully。 〃See how quickly he calls himself our lord! Only months ago you lay in our hands; princeling; and did our bidding。 Could we not have forced sorcery on you then if we wished it? Or is it that you lift yourself higher; now; because Fergus of Homana is slain?〃
 〃Rujho;〃 Duncan said quietly。
 Carillon's eyes were hard as stone as he shook his head。 〃Let
 him speak。 I have learned much of men because of this war; and
 I find there are times a man must consider himself first。 Long
 have I allowed the Mujhar to manipulate me; but no longer。 My
 father is slain by Atvian hands and it is my place to do what he
 would。〃 Carillon smiled slowly; without humor。 〃You may not like it; shapechanger; but I will be lord of Homana one day。 You had better accustom yourself to it。〃
 Color surged into Finn's face as he stiffened。 The yellow blaze in his eyes gave away the depths of the rage he felt; and Alix grinned delightedly。 She caught his eyes on her and did not hide her reaction; which only angered him further。 Finn turned and walked away from the clustered warriors。
 Duncan; legs spread and arms folded; smiled ironically down on Carillon。 〃My lord prince; you may well be our liege lord。 But it remains: you cannot ride into Mujhara in this fashion。 You would not last the journey。〃
 Carillon placed one hand flat against the ground and pushed himself upright; tensing his body with the effort it took。 Alix stifled the movement she longed to make to help him; knowing to do so would diminish tite impact of his rising。 He stood taller than most of them; though the Cheysuli were a tall race; and his broad shoulders stretched against the leather…and…mail he wore。 Only his eyes gave away the immensity of effort it took for him to remain standing erectly before them。
 〃If I cannot ride into my own city; I have no business attempting to free her from the Ihlini terror。〃
 〃Carillon;〃 she said softly; 〃it will not hurt。 It will only strengthen you。〃
 His eyes burned into hers as he stretched out his left hand。 The stiff sleeve of his fighting leathers and mail drew back on his arm; baring the ridged purple weak still weeping fluid from the shackle…wounds。
 〃I care little if it hurts; Alix。 Have I not learned to deal with pain?〃
 Duncan's hand pressed against her shoulder as if bidding her into silence。 Alix longed to answer Carillon's bitterness but refrained。 As she listened to Duncan she realized nothing she said could change Carillon's mind。 But Duncan's words might。
 〃Homana lies in her death struggle;〃 he said clearly。 〃I believe you realize that。 It is a harsh thing to prehend; when you are prince of a land and must someday ascend the throne; but it is something you must deal with。 The Cheysuli denied the truth of the prophecy once; Carillon; and suffered because of it。 If you deny it; you also will suffer。〃
 〃I am not Cheysuli;〃 Carillon said sharply。 〃A shapechanger prophecy cannot foretell what will bee of a Homanan。 I have no place in it。〃
 〃You cannot know;〃 Duncan said softly。 〃Nor can any man。
 You must allow things their own path if you are to survive。 This
 prophecy has foretold what will bee of you; my lord; even though you be Homanan。 I believe you are the Mujhar it speaks of+the one who wilt end the qu'mahlin and restore our race to peace and our homeland。〃 Duncan sighed as Carillon's face expressed patent disbelief。 〃We cannot turn the flow of die prophecy。 But we can withstand the dark arts of Ihlini interference。〃
 〃You cannot tell me what has happened was meant'。〃 the prince snapped。 〃My father's death?〃
 〃A man must die before his son is fully a man;〃 Duncan said gently。 〃And the throne of Homana must once again fall into Cheysuli hands。〃
 Alix saw bitterness and resentment wash color from Carillon's face。 〃Cheysuli hands?〃 he asked ominously。 〃You say Homana's throne will be in shapechanger hands?〃
 She stepped from Duncan and stood between them; fearing little would be settled over such an emotional score。 Gently she touched Carillon's hand as it clung to the sword。
 *'I have learned once this land was Cheysuli;〃 she said softly。 〃before ever the Homanans came。 It was the Cheysuli who gave the throne to your ancestors。 Duncan does not mean he will deny your right to it。 It is only that you must have it before it goes again to a Cheysuli Mujhar。〃 Alix took a careful breath。 〃Carillon; can we not be one race instead of two?〃
 〃You will rule in Mujhara; my lord;〃 Duncan said calmly; 〃but only if we get you there。〃
 Carillon said nothing。 It was Alix who smiled into his face and insisted gently。 〃I will not let them harm you。 I promise。〃
 His free hand slid up to her face and cupped it gently。 〃Then I leave my fate in your 

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