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小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 His free hand slid up to her face and cupped it gently。 〃Then I leave my fate in your hands。〃
 〃No;〃 she said softly。 〃Your fate is your own。 Tahtmorra。〃
 The Cheysuli went into Mujhara under cover of darkness。 Carillon; submitting to the summoning of earth magic that renewed his strength and sent vigor sweeping through his bones; rode the Atvian mount stolen for him。 Alix sat behind Duncan once more and stared in dismay at the city。
 It lay in shambles。 The glittering magnificence had shattered beneath the continued onslaught of Ihlini sorcery。 Walts lay tumbled; oddly charred as if unholy fire had leached life from stone blocks once raised by Cheysuli hands so many centuries before。 Many of the dwellings had been destroyed pletely;
 others showed no signs of life within。 Crumbling casements stared blindly at the streets as if the eyes had been plucked from them by unseen hands。
 Alix shivered and held more tightly to Duncan。 Here and there someone moved out of the shadows to avoid them; as if they feared Ihlini retribution; and Alix longed to tell them differently。 But she could not find her voice。
 Mujhara。。。 she mourned within her heart。
 She looked at Carillon and saw him sitting erect in the saddle; Cheysuli sword fastened to his leather belt。 His face; as he looked on the city; was perfectly blank。 His eyes were not。
 Duncan halted his horse and waited until the warriors gathered around him in a narrow alley。 Their silence was eloquent。
 〃We are too late to keep the city from me Ihlini;〃 he said。 〃It is Homana…Mujhar we must look to。 If the palace falls; so falls the realm。〃
 Carillon shifted in his saddle。 〃The palace has stood against strong foes for centuries; shapechanger。 It will not fall to dark sorcery。〃
 Duncan slowly lifted his hand and indicated the charred; still…smoking ruins of a tall dwelling near them。 〃There is the smell of death in the air; my lord。 Does it matter so much if it is achieved at the hands of sorcerers; or mere men?〃
 Carillon scowled。 〃What do you say?〃
 〃That if you continue to believe in the infallibility of Shame and the palace in which he hides himself; you are foolish indeed。〃 He smiled bitterly。 〃Carillon; once my own race was arrogant enough to believe we would ever hold the regard of Homanans。 See how that faith has turned to…folly? Tynstar is powerful indeed。 If Homana…Mujhar can be taken+and any castle can be+the Ihlini will do it。〃
 The prince's blue eyes were bleak。 〃I do not deny the demon his arts; nor his strength。 I have only to see what he has done already。 But it is a hard thing to realize the strength of a land resides in a single Mujhar。〃 His mouth thinned。 〃I am not so much like my uncle; I think。 But I will do what I can to keep this land free of Bellam's grasp。〃
 Finn's dun…colored horse stomped against the ash…covered cobbles; raising fine gray dust。 The warrior astride the animal set his hand to the hilt of his knife。
 〃We acplish little here; rujho。 Let us go on to Homana…Mujhar。〃
 Alix felt Duncan's subtle sigh。 Then he straightened and nodded。 〃What we do now may well settle the future of the Cheysuli。〃 He stared levelly at Carillon。 〃Can you truly cling to the belief that we mean me Mujhar's blood only ill; my lord?〃
 Carillon slid the sword free of its sheath。 The moonlight and
 dying flames from the burning buildings glinted off the blade and set the ruby to glowing like a crimson eye。
 〃I have said you will know what I believe when I am Mujhar; shapechanger。 Shaine still lives。〃 His grim face softened slightly。 〃But your aid is wele this night。〃
 Finn laughed curtly。 〃That is something; I suppose; from you。 Well; princeling; shall you show us how a fine Homanan lord fights to save his land?〃
 〃I will fight how I can; shapechanger。 As you will see。〃
 Duncan gathered the reins of his mount。 〃We go separately;〃 he said quietly。 〃Cheysuli…fashion; when the odds are so high。 When we have reached Homana…Mujhar; we will see to the Mujhar's welfare。〃
 Alix watched as the warriors melted into the darkness。 After a moment only she and Duncan remained with Carillon。
 Finn kneed his horse out of the shadows。 〃Duncan; I hope this is what you have wanted so long;〃 he said obscurely。
 Alix frowned at him。 〃What do you say?〃
 Finn stared at his brother。 〃He has ever warned the clan against unrestrained retribution for the qu'mahlin。 It has ever been Duncan; swaying the Council; who kept us in the forests of Ellas; when we would strike against Shaine's patrols and any other serving the Mujhar。〃 Something glinted wickedly in his eyes。 〃You do not know; meijha; what it is to fight a Cheysuli in all extremity。 We might have slain many more who sought to slay us; had Duncan allowed it。〃
 〃The prophecy does not speak of utter annihilation; Finn;〃 Duncan retorted… 〃It speaks of a final peace between warring lands and races。 Should it not begin with our own realm?〃
 〃Shaine would sooner see us dead。〃
 〃Shaine will see us; rujho; but we will not be dead。〃 Duncan kneed his horse forward。 〃Do you e with us?〃
 〃No。〃 Finn gathered his reins。 〃I fight alone; Duncan; as ever。〃 His eyes flickered over Alix。 〃You are a foolish woman; meijha。 You should be at the Keep; with the others who wait。〃
 〃I could not bear it;〃 she said quietly。
 Finn stared harshly at her a moment longer; then wheeled his horse and rode into the shadows。 A silver wolf loped silently at his side。
 Alix wrapped her arms around Duncan and pressed herself against his back as they rode through the streets。 〃Duncan; 1 am afraid。〃
 〃There is no dishonor in fear。 It is only when you fail to do what you must that the dishonor es。〃
 She sighed and put her forehead against his shoulder。 〃Do not
 speak to me as a clan…leader; Duncan。 I am in no mood to listen。〃
 Carillon; riding abreast; grinned at her。 〃Have you ever been in the mood to listen? No。 Else you would not be here; and afraid。〃
 She shot him a dark glance and refrained from saying anything for fear it would not be seemly。
 They rode through streets unfamiliar to her; and even Duncan at last gave way to Carillon; who knew the city better than any。 The people who passed them went cloaked and hooded; saying nothing。 Carillon rode silently but Alix saw the tension in his body and realized what the knowledge of what had happened did to him。
 Duncan pulled his horse to a halt at a large recessed stable opening of a deserted dwelling… Alix waited; unprehending; as he slipped from the saddle and turned to help her down。 When she stood on the cobbles she stared into his face and opened her mouth to speak。
 Duncan put gentle fingers across her lips。 〃I would have you remain here; cheysula; out of harm's way。 That you have e so far with me is risk enough。 I will not have you e farther into the enemy's trap。〃
 She pried his fingers away。 〃Do you leave me here?〃
 〃Aye。 The street is empty; the buildings deserted。 I think you will be safe here; if you do as I say。〃
 Alix glanced briefly past him and saw Carillon's silhouette against the shine of moonlight。 He had halted his horse near the end of the street; giving them privacy。
 〃Then I will be waiting again; unknowing;〃 she protested。
 〃It will be no different than at the Keep。〃
 His hands clasped her belted waist possessively。 〃Alix; I understand what you fear。 In your place; I could not do it。 But I cannot have you by my side as I go into war。 It would divide my concentration; and that is deadly to any warrior。〃
 〃By myself?〃 she whispered。
 〃I will leave Cai。 I would not have you go unattended。〃 He smoothed back her tousled hair。 〃Cheysula; say you will do as I ask。〃
 〃Duncan; how am I to deal with this? You leave me in the middle of a fallen city and say I must not worry。 That is the cruelest torture I could know。〃
 He glanced over his shoulder and saw Carillon returning。 He sighed and left his horse in the street; taking Alix into the building half…destroyed by Ihlini sorcery。 Before she could protest; Duncan lifted her and set her on a tumbled wall。
 〃You will stay here; with Cai。〃
 〃Without your Ur you cannot shapechange。〃
 〃There are Ihlini here。 I cannot seek;ir…shape anyway。〃
 〃Do as I ask。 Keep yourse

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