九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > jr.shapechangers >



小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Without your Ur you cannot shapechange。〃
 〃There are Ihlini here。 I cannot seek;ir…shape anyway。〃
 〃Do as I ask。 Keep yourself safe here; away from fighting。〃
 He sighed and one broad; long…fingered hand slid to cover her stomach。 〃I must name the child; cheysula。〃
 〃Name it。。。 now?〃
 〃Aye。 It is a warrior's custom to name an unborn as he goes into battle。〃 He shrugged。 〃So mat it is gods…blessed; regardless of Qiejehan's fate。〃
 Cold slid through her bones as she grabbed at his hands。
 〃Duncan; I would sooner have you stay with me!〃
 〃I cannot;〃 he said gently。 〃It is not my tahlmorra to turn my back on Homana's need。〃
 〃You will e back for me!〃
 〃Of course; cheysula。 Do you think so poorly of my warrior skills?〃
 〃But I am not a warrior。 I cannot judge。〃
 〃You are warrior enough for me。〃 He silenced any protest with a kiss of such longing and poignancy she could say nothing when he at last released her。 She stared into his face beseechingly; and saw the pride and strength she had ever loved。
 〃He shall be Donal;〃 he said softly。 〃Donal。〃
 Perversely; she scowled at him。 〃And if I bear a girl?〃
 Duncan grinned。 〃I think it will be a boy。〃
 〃I will e for you; when it is done。〃
 Anguish filled her。 〃Cheysuf+〃
 〃It is tahlmorra; small one;〃 he said firmly; and left her in the darkness。
 Chapter Two
 Alix paced through the rubble like a madwoman。 For a long time
 she saw nothing of me place in which Duncan had left her;
 feeling only the turmoil and anger of her spirit; until at last she
 stopped in the middle of the tumbled building and stared into its
 shadowed depths。 The emptiness of the place oppressed her until
 she wanted to run screaming from it。 Then she realized it was not
 the tumbled wreckage that beat at her so much; but the acknowledgment of her own futility。
 She wrapped both arms tightly around herself as if they would lend her warmth and security。 She attuned her senses to her surroundings and heard the skittering of rats in dark ers; and me creaking of weakened timbers。 Slowly she lifted her eyes to the broken roof and stared into the black night sky with its scattered stars。
 I am here。 liren。 Cai said softly。 / am here。
 Her mouth twisted。 / respect you; Cai; but you are not Duncan。
 You are not the father of this child I carry。
 The bird shifted somewhere above。 He has left me to make certain you fare well。 Not to take his place。
 She smiled into the blank open doorway。 Cai。。。 sometimes I forget you are a hawk and think of you almost as a man。
 A tiny pebble fell from the timber over her head。 / am not so different; liren。 Because I have wings and talons does not make me insensitive to a woman's fears。 His tone warmed。 He is a brave warrior; liren。
 〃But they die;〃 she said aloud。 〃Even the bravest die。〃
 The hawk seemed almost to sigh。 / cannot say if he lives or dies this night; liren。 Only that he fights for his beliefs。 Should he die; I wilt be lirless and you without a cheysul。 But he would be content he had done what he could for the prophecy。
 〃Prophecy'〃 she cried aloud; clutching at the abdomen that carried Duncan's child。 〃I think it is more like a curse!〃
 Cai shifted overhead and scattered another handful of pebbles to the floor。 Atix stared blindly at the invisible fall。
 The prophecy is your tahlmorra; the hawk said at last; gently…As it is mine; and my lir's。 Even。 I think; your child's。
 Alix jerked her head up and stared at his shadow…shrouded form。 〃What do you say? Do you tell me you know what will e to all of us? Do you say we are only game pieces the gods move as suits their will?〃
 Liren; he said softly; we were the first。 The gods made lir before they made men。 We know many things。
 She wrenched her hands from her abdomen。 〃Then will you not tell me? Will you not say what road lies before me?〃
 I cannot; liren。 The prophecy unveils itself in the fullness of time。 The lir cannot precipitate it。
 No; he said calmly。
 〃It is not fair!〃 she cried。 〃If he should die; you will tell me
 it is his tahlmorra and I should not grieve。 Yet if he lives; and
 returns to me to see his child when it is born; you will say that is
 meant also! Cai; you speak to me in tangled words and snaried threads… I cannot say I like this tapestry you weave!〃
 The hawk was silent a long moment。 It is not my tapestry; he said at last; but that of the gods。 They have said what will e。 It is up to the shar tahls to show you what has gone before; and what may follow。
 〃It is not fair;〃 she repeated。
 No。 he agreed; nor ever shall be。
 Alix stared blindly into the darkness and cursed her soul for its unquiet depths。 After a moment she went to the wall Duncan had perched her on and climbed up to seat herself on it gingerly。
 Repeating the action did no good。 Duncan was not there; and she felt only the emptiness of her heart。
 〃Cai;〃 she said at last; hearing the whisper of an echo in the
 shattered dwelling; 〃I am not meant to wait so patiently; or so
 You are never silent; Uren。
 She did not smile。 〃I will not remain here。〃
 He wished it。
 〃I wish to be with him。〃
 Silence crept into the ruin。 Then Cai shifted on the beam and sent a brief shower of debris raining down on her。
 Uren; he has said what he wants from you。
 〃I will work myself into a frenzy;〃 she said calmly; 〃and that will do the child no good at all。〃
 Yet if you go; you risk both of you。
 She closed her eyes。 〃Duncan does what he must; and expects me not to question it。 But I do; Cai。 I must。 There is something+ different+in myself。 I cannot sit calmly by and wait for him to return to me。。。 if he can。〃
 Alix opened her eyes; decision made。 〃1 must do what 1 must; bird。 Perhaps it is my own tahlmorra。〃
 The great hawk lifted and flew from the timber to the broken wall before her。 She saw his dark eyes glinting in the moonlight。
 Uren; it is not for me to gainsay you。 I have said what I can。
 ; Alix smiled。 〃Cai; you are truly a blessing of the old gods。〃
 The hawk fixed her with a bright eye。 So is the child you carry。
 She slid off the shattered wall and straightened her creased leathers。 〃Cai; I will carry this child to full term。 It is a part of my own tahlmorra。〃
 He sounded oddly amused。 You have only just e to us; Uren; yet you speak as a learned one who has the magic of the shar tahls。
 I Alix walked from the dwelling into the cobbled street and stared down the empty alley。 〃Perhaps I have a measure of that
 ; magic; Cai。 Now; do you e?〃
 The great hawk mantled and took to the air。 / e; Uren。Alix moved softly; mimicking Duncan's stealth。 She was very
 aware of the knife in her boot; wishing she had better but knowing she would be incapable of using it against another
 anyway。 She was no warrior。
 Cai winged overhead silently; saying nothing to her as she walked carefully through the empty streets and alleyways。 The
 night sky was clear save for stars; but she felt a heaviness in her bones as if the buildings of the Mujhar's city leaned in on her。
 And she smelted the stench of death; unable to escape its cloying touch。
 Occasionally she passed a tumbled wall still smoldering; still caressed by odd purple fire。 She swallowed heavily as she re…
  called Tynstar and his odd method of departing her presence。 A shiver of foreboding coursed through her body as she stepped
 carefully through the broken fragments of a dwelling; and her right hand dropped instinctively to shield her unborn child。
 Alix froze suddenly as a shadow streaked across the street before her; hissing malevolently。 Instinctively she pressed her…
 self against the nearest wall; hoping the bricks might provide protection。 Then she saw it was only a cat; fur raised and ears
 flattened as it fled the night terrors。 For a moment she held herself against the wall; eyes closed… tightly as she tried to still
 her lurching heart。 Cai; drifting over her; sent a burst of his own confidence。
 Alix pushed away and moved on; releasing a breath that rasped through her dry throat。 After a moment she paused;
 bending; and took me knife from her boot。 The feel of it in her hand

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