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小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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his knife to strike…Carillon leaped; grabbing the raised arm。 Finn spun to dislodge him but a garbled sound broke from the Mujhar's throat and stopped them both。
 Shaine fell slowly forward to his knees。 His eyes remained locked on Alix; but his face was no longer that of a sane man。 It twitched; discolored; and he pitched loosely onto the stones。
 Alix was frozen in horror。 She saw Finn standing over the Mujhar; still clasping his knife。
 Silence reigned。 No one moved; as if made immobile by the sudden collapse of Shaine。 Then Finn turned a strangely impassive face to Carillon。
 〃Is he slain; princeling? Is the Mujhar dead at last?〃
 Carillon knelt by Shaine's side。 Carefully he turned the body over and they all saw the twisted travesty of a face。 Alix gulped back a sour taste in her throat。
 After a moment Carillon lowered the body and rose; facing Finn bitterly。 〃You have acplished your goal; shapechanger;〃 he said flatly。 〃The Mujhar is slain。〃
 Alix began to tremble。 She saw an expression in Finn's face that frightened her。 It was a mixture of conflicting emotions:
 pleasure; relief; satisfaction and something very strange。 It turned her cold。
 For a long moment Finn looked down upon the body stretched by the firepit。 Then he turned and stared at the throne a very long time。 Finally he looked back at Carillon and stretched out a restraining hand as me prince moved away。
 〃No;〃 he said。
 Carillon frowned at him。 〃I go only to tell the guardsmen their lord is slain。〃
 〃The old lord is slain;〃 Finn said clearly。
 〃Because of you!〃 the prince snapped。
 Finn looked down at me knife in his hand as if surprised to see it。 For a moment he seemed bewildered。 Then he glanced back at Duncan。
 Alix felt the intensity of their locked gazes and looked from one to the other; shaken… But she did not interfere。
 Finn smiled。 Something in his face had surrendered。 When he looked again at Carillon he seemed resigned。 Swiftly he flipped the knife in his hand and slid the point beneath the underflesh of his forearm。 Alix winced as blood welled quickly around the blade; staining it。
 〃Is this expiation for a dead Mujhar?〃 Carillon asked harshly。
 Finn did not answer。 He dropped to one knee; head bowed。 〃It is Cheysuli custom; my lord; that me Mujhar is ever attended by a liege man。〃 A deep breath lifted his shoulders briefly。
 〃Fifty years ago Hale of the Cheysuli swore a blood…oath to take
 Shaine the Mujhar as his liege lord until death。〃 His eyes moved
 to Carillon's face as he held out the knife; hilt first。 〃If you will
 have it。。。 if you will accept it; my lord Carillon。。。 I offer you the same service。〃
 Carillon; staring at me kneeling warrior in absolute astonishment; slowly opened his mouth。
 〃You are the Mujhar。 The Mujhar must have a Cheysuli liege
 man。〃 Finn smiled without his customary irony。 〃It is tradition;
 my lord。**
 〃Cheysuli tradition。〃
 Finn remained unmoving。 〃Will you accept my service?〃
 Carillon threw out both hands; flinging water across the dais。 〃By the gods; Finn; we have never met without railing at one another like jackdaws!〃
 Finn's mouth twisted。 〃It is unsettling for a Cheysuli to recognize his own tahlmorra when he wants no part of h。 What else would you expect me to do?〃 He waited; then sighed。 〃Do you accept me; or do you refuse me the sort of honor my jehan ever respected?〃
 Carillon stared down at him。 〃Well。。。 I cannot have you bleeding all over the floor。 Although once I said I would see the color of your blood。〃
 Finn nodded。 〃If you see much more; I will have nothing left to spare in your service。〃
 Carillon smiled and held out his hand。 The hilt was placed in it; and he accepted the knife without ment。 Then he drew his own; slid Finn's blade home in his sheath; and gave the Cheysuli his own untarnished knife。
 〃A blood…oath is binding;〃 he said quietly。 〃Even / know mat。〃
 Finn rose; shrugging。 〃It is only binding until it is broken; my lord。 But that has only been done once before。〃 He smiled crookedly。 〃And you have seen the result。〃
 Carillon nodded silently。 Then he moved past Finn as one dazed and walked to me huge silver doors。 There he paused and looked briefly at Alix; then to Duncan。
 〃Have you known he would do this? Him?〃
 Alix; who wanted to ask mat question for herself; waited expectantly。
 Duncan grinned。 〃Finn does as he chooses。 I cannot explain the madness that es on him at times。〃
 Carillon shook his head and glanced back at the Cheysuli warrior who stood silently with his wolf。
 Alix; also staring at Finn; felt a strange bubble of laughter burst in her soul。 She grinned at Carillon。
 〃I think you have your revenge; my lord。 How better to
 overe a Cheysuli than to appeal to his eternal tahhrwrra
 Carillon grinned back。 Then he lost it as he heard the first shouts from without the Great Hall。 His face turned harsh。
 〃The Ihlini;〃 he said。 〃My uncle has destroyed the wards。〃
 〃Then it is time we left this place; my lord Mujhar;〃 Duncan said quietly。
 Carillon glanced back at Shaine's body。 Then he turned on his heel and departed the Great Hall。
 Chapter Four
 Almost instantly they were surrounded by Solindish and Atvian troops who shouted triumphantly as they made their way past slain Homanan servitors and guardsmen to begin their destruction of the fallen palace。
 Alix bit her bottom lip as Duncan thrust her against a wall that blocked an Atvian soldier's cursing attack。 She slid back against the wall in horror; seeing only the blood…lust in his eyes and the sudden savagery in Duncan's。
 Carillon's sword clanged against another as a Solindish man sought to bring him down。 The prince fought well; though badly outweighed and oulreached。 He fell to one knee; gasping as he tried to bring up his broadsword; but Finn was there before him。 Alix saw the royal knife; that now belonged to a Cheysuli sink home in a Solindish throat; and bit back an outcry as the man fell at Carillon's feet。
 The prince pushed himself upright and turned; staring fixedly at Finn。 〃Is this what it is to have a liege man?〃
 Finn; retrieving his new knife; grinned… 〃I am newly…e to me service; my lord; but I know it is my task to keep you alive。〃 He paused significantly。 〃When you foolishly engage someone stronger man you。〃
 Carillon scowled at him; but Alix saw gratitude and dawning realization in his blue eyes。 She nearly smiled to herself; pleased beyond measure that they could be in accordance after so much discord; but Duncan grabbed her arm and dragged her down me corridor。
 〃Shaine has done his work well;〃 he said roughly。 〃We have little time to win free of this place。〃
 〃Winree/〃 Carillon called breathlessly from behind。 〃This place is Homanan! I will not have it fall into enemy hands。〃
 Duncan turned to say something more; saw the approaching enemy soldiers and shouted something to Finn。 The younger Cheysuli turned back; shoulder…to…shoulder with the prince; and beat back four soldiers。 Duncan grabbed Alix's shoulder and shoved her through a tapestried doorway。
 She stumbled into a small ceremonial chamber; protesting inarticulately at Duncan's roughness。 He remained at the doorway; holding the tapestry aside as he peered out to search for the enemy。 Alix turned from him and surveyed the chamber。
 It was deserted but oddly forting; like the eye of a bad storm。 Braziers warmed the room against the chill of mortared stone; and fine rugs and arrases bedecked the floors and walls。
 She fingered the back of an ornate wooden chair and won…dered at its fineness。 Then she heard Duncan expel a sudden breath and whipped around; crying out as the Atvian plunged through the door tapestry with an iron spear。
 The flanged head slid easily into the back of the chair and shattered it; spraying her with splinters。 She stared speechlessly at the bearded Atvian who clawed at his belt…knife。
 Duncan lunged for the man。 〃Alix! Find a place to hide yourself+I cannot spare the time to watch out for you!〃
 She retreated instantly; staring as Duncan engaged the man。
 Finally she wrenched her eyes away and sought a place。
 An indigo curtain shrouding a huge casement billowed and she ran for the wide be

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